Funds Supporting Ministry

Below are listed funds restricted to or giving preference to Friends, which award grants to individuals or Friends organizations. If you are aware of other funds that should be listed here, please contact the Yearly Meeting office.

New England Yearly Meeting Legacy Gift Funds

The purpose of the Legacy Gift Funds is to support the ministries of New England Yearly Meeting Friends, both within and beyond our region.

Click here for more information

The Bodine-Rustin Fund for Support and Action

The Bodine-Rustin Fund makes grants to support LGBTQIA+ organizations in East Africa, Central and South America, India, the Caribbean, and North America. Click here for more details and a proposal form.

New England Yearly Meeting Fund for Sufferings

The Fund for Sufferings is available to support Friends who suffer as a result of their faithful witness, and is intended to respond to urgent needs precipitated by witness. Click here to learn more and find out how to apply.

New England Yearly Meeting Mosher Book & Tract Fund

Distributions from this fund are to be used for the purpose of "printing and circulating books and tracts inculcating and developing the principles of the Christian religion as preached and promulgated by the early Friends." Grant size ranges from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Funds are awarded once a year by approval of the Permanent Board. Click here for guidelines or download the file at the bottom of the page.

New England Yearly Meeting Growing Edges of Youth Ministry Fund

Thanks to a generous donation, New England Quakers are able to offer funds to support experiments happening "at the growing edges" of youth ministry, which we believe includes ministry to and with parents and families as well as emerging adults (ages. 

Learn more here.

Obadiah Brown’s Benevolent Fund

Primarily focused on New England Friends and Friends’ organizations, grants shall be made for Quaker purposes. OBBF favors discrete projects. OBBF encourages applications from Friends engaged in a wide range of ministries. Grants to organizations are not for regular expenses usually included in operating budgets. Does not support educational institutions for general operating funds, although in particular circumstances it may support Friends attending Friends institutions. Grants are generally limited to one-time applications for each project. Grant size is modest. Applicants are encouraged to find matching funds elsewhere and other collaborative funding strategies., and grants must be for a Quaker purpose. Deadlines: 15th of January, April and September. The guidelines for applying are available for download.

The OBBF committee announced Special Focus grants in July 2021! Get more details here.


Ralph Gentile, Clerk OBBF, 108 Pine Street, Andover, MA 01810-1722

Potential applicants and others with questions can telephone the clerk at 508-265-0189 or contact him at his email.

Applications may be submitted electronically or via post. Electronic submissions should  be sent to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].  

Note: If you submit a proposal, please make sure we acknowledge its receipt.

Friends Meeting House Fund

The Friends Meeting House Fund (FMHF) is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation set up by FGC to provide a way for Quaker meetings to borrow money to help build, buy or renovate their meeting houses. FMHF has also established the Green Meeting House Fund, which provides grants to Quaker meetings for energy-saving improvements to their meeting houses.

The Lyman Fund

Members of the Religious Society of Friends are given preference, but applications may be made by any person with financial need who seeks to follow their deepest inward spiritual leading. The Lyman Fund does not grant to persons dwelling outside the USA.

For initial inquiries, contact:

Tracy Booth
Email: [email protected]
Cellphone: (202) 262-2563

Deadlines: Applications and letters of reference must be received by March 15 for the spring and September 15 for the fall grant cycle. The board meets in April and October for funding decisions.

The guidelines and application requirements are posted below on this page.

Salem Quarterly Meeting

Salem Quarter is blessed with funds available to support emerging and established ministry. Currently, Salem Quarter's funding guidelines lean strongly toward making grants that arise from, and supported by, the meetings of the quarter and nourish and encourage a vital spiritual condition in those meetings, and strong bonds between them. The application form is available in File Downloads, below.

The Elizabeth Ann Bogert Fund

The Elizabeth Ann Bogert Memorial Fund was established to support the study and practice of Christian mysticism, primarily focused on New England Friends and Friends’ organizations. As a general guideline, the Bogert Fund understands the mystical element in Christianity to be that aspect of its belief and practices that relates to an immediate and direct sense of the presence of the Divine. Grants up to a maximum of $1,000 are made to individuals, groups, or institutions. Inquiries may be sent by e-mail to request an application form. Deadline: Annual deadline is March 1st; grants typically awarded in July.


Kathleen McVey
Princeton Theological Seminary
272 Mercer St
Princeton, NJ 08540
Email: [email protected]

Shoemaker Fund

Focuses on grants to organizations investing specifically in the growth and development of the Society of Friends. The fund provides major support for new and collaborative initiatives developed by organizations that provide leadership, innovation and resources which address this strategic goal. 

Anne L. Edmunds, Administrative Assistant
Thomas H. and Mary Williams Shoemaker Fund
c/o Greene Street Friends School
5511 Greene Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144-2805
Phone: (215) 545-7099

Young Adult Friends Development Fund

For events and projects that benefit and strengthen the network of Young Adult Friends around the world according to the objectives and requirements. Preference for engaging in partnerships and for working across theological and cultural differences and across Sections. Details on the FWCC World website.

Quaker Earthcare Witness Mini-Grants

QEW has grants available for Quaker projects that have the a primary purpose of benefiting the environment and/or promoting environmental awareness and education among Friends and the larger spirit-led world. QEW especially encourages projects that directly address climate change and those that will involve young people. Friends' organizations in any country are eligible to apply for these annual awards, up to a maximum of $500. Details on the Quaker Earthcare website.

Quaker Institute for the Future Youth Grants

The Quaker Institute for the Future is offering grants to young people who would like to use Quaker processes to explore a call of conscience or spiritual leading to undertake some project of activism and/or research. The grants provide $500 to support a project over a couple months during which they will take part in several clearness meetings to support the explorations as well as a workshop presentation at the end to share the results of the work with some appropriate community of Quakers or others. QIF is also looking for Quaker groups interested in nominating young people and/or serving as co-sponsors.  Click here for more information contact Gray Cox at: [email protected].  

Lydia Fellowships

Offered through the Massachusetts Council of Churches, Lydia Fellowships support pastors serving in part-time ministry positions. Learn more here.

Friends Historical Association

The Friends Historical Association is pleased to offer funding to support contributions to the field of Quaker history. There are three grant opportunities: project support, publication subventions, and research funds. Details about each opportunity and application instruction are provided here.

Bayard Rustin Residency

This residency will provide up to one year of room and board to a person who demonstrates a strong project that addresses ending Systemic Racism and who has a necessity to be in New York City for up to one year. They will reside at the Penington Friends House located in New York City’s Lower East Side of Manhattan. Find more information here.

File Downloads

Lyman Fund application
Mosher Book & Tract Fund guidelines
COVID19 Congregational Relief Fund application

This is a fillable form in PDF

Salem Quarter grant application due May 12