The Bodine-Rustin Fund for Support and Action

The Legacy Gift Committee solicits proposals from NEYM Friends for worthy projects and organizations to support with funds from The Bodine-Rustin Fund for Support and Action. 

The Bodine-Rustin Fund has been established by NEYM to support LGBTQIA+ organizations in East Africa, Central and South America, India, the Caribbean, and North America.  

Out of concern for individuals and monthly meetings who, as a matter of conscience, cannot contribute to the financial support of FUM, NEYM will allow monthly meetings to direct some portion of their contribution to the Yearly Meeting that would otherwise have gone to FUM, to go instead to this new fund. These funds will be distributed annually to organizations working for the well-being of LGBTQIA+ people, including Friends. Individuals and meetings can make gifts to this fund.  

The proposals will be reviewed by a subcommittee of Legacy Gift Committee, including an NEYM representative to the Friends United Meeting (FUM) board; the subcommittee will research proposed groups, projects, and initiatives in order to make recommendations to Permanent Board for distribution of these funds. 

Proposals may be submitted on a rolling basis until January 15, 2024. We expect to have a total of about $5,000 to distribute this year. A form for submitting proposals can be downloaded below. 

File Downloads

Bodine-Rustin Fund proposal form