How We Do Things
This page provides visual aids and other resources describing on New England Yearly Meeting approaches our shared work.
Scroll down to find more resources in the downloads section below, including guidelines for written reports to the Permanent Board and the Forms of Service map.

How the various organizational groups of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends relate to each other

How New England Quakers decide what our funding priorities will be for the annual budget

Envisioning, creating, and coordinating integrated communications on behalf of New England Quakers
File Downloads
A diagram of the process for consultation and discernment to prepare funding priorities to inform the Yearly Meeting's annual budget planning process.
A chart illustrating the various local congregations, committees, and working groups through which, with partnership and support from the Yearly Meeting staff, New England Quakers discern, organize, and express their service and witness in the world.
A graphic guide with step-by-step questions for preparing integrated communications on behalf of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends.
Use this to create your report or proposal for corporate discernment
A visual aid for understanding the different forms used for collaborative service such as standing committees, working groups, and teams.