Stewarding Your Meeting's Finances

Budgeting, financial record-keeping, encouraging donations—Quaker meetings of all sizes can use support in managing their finances. We can help with proof of tax exemption, socially responsible investing, receiving funds, training, and consultation. Scroll down for additional resources and downloads.

...that to turn all the treasures we possess into the channel of universal love becomes the business of our lives

John Woolman, Quaker minister, merchant, and abolitionist

Stewardship of Buildings

Meetings with historic meetinghouses (on or eligible for the National Register) in need of restoration may be eligible for a capital improvement grant and fundraising support services from the Fund for Sacred Places, a collaboration between the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Lily Endowment, and Partners for Sacred Places.  While the Fund is a national-scope program with only 12 to 15 awards per year, small regional congregations have received grants. 

File Downloads

Checking Your Meeting's Financial Records

Brief four-page guide to reviewing a Meeting's financial records to ensure they are in "good order," prepared by Kathy Olsen, Assistant Treasurer

Treasurers Guide for Religious Organizations (PhYM)

Correct financial and legal practice for treasurers; from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting but still relevant for New England meetings

Still Have Questions? Didn't Find What You're Looking For?

Contact Frederick Martin, Accounts Manager, by email or at 508-754-6760 to begin a conversation.