Sessions Visioning
Ready to participate in a Listening Session?
In order to prepare to participate with your monthly meeting, quarterly meeting or other group in a Listening Session, please read the Sessions Visioning Guide for Listening Groups posted in the downloads section below. This packet contains background information, discussion prompts, and guidelines for facilitators and notetakers.
If you have any questions about the packet or the process, please email Program Director Nia Thomas.
Why Sessions Visioning?
Recent years have brought many changes, both internal and external, to the context and circumstances surrounding NEYM Annual Sessions. These include increasing costs, diminished capacity to pay on the part of many Friends and families, reduced and shifting patterns of attendance, increased demand for supportive services and capacities, reductions in volunteer availability, and growing awareness of the need to focus and prioritize limited attention and resources.
In light of all of these changes, the Yearly Meeting’s model of programming, logistics, services, and funding for the event of Annual Sessions is in need of review and reimagining.
Starting in the fall of 2024, we will embark on a months-long process to engage many Friends across New England in meaningful consultation and discernment regarding future offerings of NEYM’s Annual Sessions. For more details on this process, see the full proposal and slide presentation in the downloads section below.
For this broad and deep consultation and discernment to be possible, we will need many Friends serving as facilitators, notetakers, conversation partners (engaging with focus groups) and more. Are you led to help? Fill out this interest form or email Program Director Nia Thomas to begin a conversation.
Submit Listening Group Notes
Please use this form to submit the notes from your Listening Group by April 1st. Email Nia if you have any questions.
Visioning and Distillation Day
If you are a representative from your Listening Group participating in Visioning and Distillation Day, please register here to attend. Reimbursement for off-site child care or family care is available. Details here.
Opportunities for Parents
Attending Sessions as a family is different than attending as an adult individual. As we discern possible changes to Annual Sessions, we especially hope to hear from parents of infants, children, and teens. Join us for a conversation on March 4th or March 30th.
File Downloads
Background information for all participants to review as well as guidance for facilitators and notetakers. The charts on Page 10 now are labeled.
This handout can be used in Listening Groups as a printer-friendly alternative to printing copies of the entire packet (participants are still encourage to read the entire packet as able).
The plan for the Sessions Visioning process affirmed at Sessions 2024
A shorter summary of the Visioning plan, summarized using visuals