Permanent Board Minutes | November 5, 2022

PB 22-77: Opening Worship

Friends opened with a period of worship.

PB 22-78: Clerk’s Welcome

The Clerk reminded Friends that the Noticing Patterns wg (NPwg) is under the care of Permanent Board and she urged the Permanent Board's attention to reminders about how we can engage in the practice during PB meetings and elsewhere, as presented by members of the NPwg

PB 22-79: Roll Call (list updated as of 9/1/22)

The recording clerk called the roll: Bold = present in the room.

Leslie Manning, PB Clerk; Susan Davies, PB Recording Clerk; Kimberly Allen; Tom Brenner; Christopher Gant; Beth Hansen; Ian Harrington; Roger Jasaitis; Carolyne Lamar Jordan; Meg Klepack, Frances Lightsom;  Ed Mair; Christopher McCandless; Jean McCandless; Bob O’Connor; John Reuthe; Aaron Sakulich, Martha Schwope; Liesa Stamm; Willa Taber; Eleanor Warnock; Diane Weinholtz; Donn Weinholtz; Morgan Wilson; Kathleen Wooten

Ex-Officio: Scott Drysdale (Finance Clerk); Rebecca Leuchak (Presiding Clerk), Noah Merrill (YM Secretary); Robert Murray (Treasurer); Elizabeth Reuthe (Secretary’s Supervisor); Bruce Neuman (Past YM Presiding Clerk); Sarah Gant, (NEYM Meeting Accompaniment)

Regrets:  Peter Bishop; Darcy Drayton; Martin Forsythe; Joyce Gibson; Anna Radocchia; Newell Isbell Shinn; Carole Rein; Mary Zwirner

Visitors: David Coletta, Audiovisual Host, Mey Hasbrook, LouAnn MacDonald, Honor Woodrow, Maille Wooten, Jackie Stillwell, Deana Chase, Em McManamy, LVM Shelton, Don Campbell, John Wojtowicz, Lisa Graustein, Susannah Schell, Marian Dalton, Rob Spivey, Carl Williams, Pamela Therrien, Rob Watt, Sarah Smith

PB 22-80: Noticing Patterns moment—Lisa Graustein, representing the Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness work group, encouraged Friends to use the sentence stems to voice what they notice during the PB meeting. Noticing might include observations of faithfulness, or moments of harm or oppression.

PB 22-81: Leslie Manning, PB Clerk reviewed the agenda. Friends offered no additions.

PB 22-82: Approval of Minutes for September 17, 2022, PB Meeting and October 19, 2022, Called PB Meeting

The minutes from the PB meetings of September 17, 2022 and the Called PB meeting of October 19, 2022 were distributed in advance documents for review. Friends offered no changes or questions.

Friends Approved both sets of minutes.

PB 22-83: Final Approval of 2022 NEYM Sessions Minutes (Edited 2022 NEYM Minutes appended)

Bruce Neuman, Past NEYM Presiding Clerk, clerked this item of the PB agenda for final approval of remaining minutes from the 2022 Sessions. Discernment and approval of most of the unapproved minutes, post-Sessions, occurred at the September 17, 2022, PB meeting. Bruce Neuman requested that Friends approve the remaining minutes as described in the appended excerpt of remaining 2022 NEYM Sessions Minutes. The appended document presents non-controversial minutes for approval under a Unity Agenda; Minute 509 was discussed but not approved at the last PB meeting; and Minute 904 was not part of PB’s original consideration but was suggested to be added.

Friends Approved all Unity Agenda minutes

NEYM Minute 509: Laying down of the Committee on Racial Social and Economic Justice (RSEJ). Bruce Neuman explained that the committee is not currently populated and ambiguous conclusions remained after Sessions about next steps to continue the work. Minute 509 lifts up the long history and work of RSEJ and acknowledges the pain felt by long-time committee members at the laying down of the committee.

Friends Approved

NEYM Minute 904: Minute of noticing a pattern of oppression

Friends approved

PB 22-84: YM Treasurer’s Report

Robert Murray, YM Treasurer, reported on the YM status for the close of the fiscal year. He will post an update to the YM website in December and will hear questions in February.

Preliminary numbers indicate that expenses significantly exceeded revenue. This was not unexpected for a report prior to the end of the fiscal year, after which numbers are expected to be better.  More detail will be available in February.

PB 22-85: Presiding Clerk's Report (Report appended)

Rebecca Leuchak, YM Presiding Clerk, reported on her role as YM Clerk, and on her role as clerk of Coordinating and Advisory committee (C&A). 

  • Rebecca reported on a concern about a proposed upgrade and expansion of athletic fields at Moses Brown School (MBS). YM owns the land but rents it to MBS. MBS owns the buildings. The Providence Friends Meeting (PFM) property adjoins the MBS, within a residential neighborhood. The neighborhood perceives MBS as a “Quaker organization” due to its long and close relationship to NEYM and PFM. The neighborhood is opposed to the expansion and asserts there is a need for a public meeting to air their concerns.

A PB member proposed that the PB write a letter to encourage the MBS Board to hold the desired public meeting to hear the neighbors’ concerns, and to maintain positive community relationships. The PB Clerk asked for Friends approval for her to write such a letter, in consultation with other PFM Friends local to the concern, and in consultation with Christopher McCandless, Past NEYM Presiding Clerk, who has a long-standing relationship with MBS.

Friends Approved

PB 22-86: YM Coordinating and Advisory Recommendation on Right Relationship Resource Group (report and C&A proposal attached)

Rebecca Leuchak, YM Presiding Clerk presented the C&A proposal for three administrative structures to continue the work of the Right Relationship Resource Group (see report)

From C&A Report to PB for 11/5/22: The three current needs for our Yearly Meeting are:

  • A Right Relationship Resource Group to support and learn from local meetings in their work of building relationships with Indigenous groups. Under care of PB, which will appoint members. Ongoing work with periodic need to review charge.
  • A Quaker Indian Boarding School (QIBS) working group to define, develop, and recommend to the Permanent Board the Boarding School Scope of Work and
  • An Advisory Group, with topical knowledge, who can support the Presiding Clerk in seasoning communications and relations with Indigenous Groups,

         Many Friends expressed disquiet about the wisdom of dividing the work into three functional groups, cautioning against the risk of delay, miscommunication, and fragmentation of work that needs to be offered as a heart-centered and integrated whole. After lengthy airing of concerns over the three-group proposal, a Friend requested that the different aspects of the overall proposed structure be considered for approval separately.

PB 22-86.1: The PB Clerk asked if Friends were ready to approve continuation of the Right Relationship Resource Group (RRRG) function, as a liaison with monthly meetings.

Friends Approved

PB 22-86.2: The PB Clerk then asked if Friends were ready to approve the Scope of Work regarding research on the Quaker Indian Boarding School issue.

Friends Approved

In response to expressed concerns over the third proposed “Advisory Group with topical knowledge who can support the Presiding Clerk in seasoning communications and relations with Indigenous Groups,” the YM Presiding Clerk stated that the plan includes active coordination and communication among the other two groups. After a full discussion, it was the PB Clerk’s sense that PB was not in unity on establishment of the Advisory Group and the third recommendation was not approved. She noted that the Presiding Clerk had listened carefully to the concerns that were offered and stated she would take them into consideration as she consulted further about responses to the Letter of Apology and other Indigenous matters. 

The PB Clerk stated that with the QIBS Research Group now approved, a more detailed plan to conduct the research, including needed resources and a budget, will be brought for approval at the February 2023 PB meeting. The research group will be under the care of PB and will be connected to the RRRG. The PB clerk nominated the following Friends for service:

PB 22-86.3: The Scope of the Work QIBS Research Group:

  • Betsy Cazden from Archives
  • Andrew Grant from Right Relationship Resource Group
  • Janet Hough, independent researcher

Friends approved these names.

PB 22-86.4: The PB Clerk then nominated to the Right Relationship Resource Group, three additional Friends to serve, with the existing members. 

Existing RRRG members: Susannah Schell, Kim West, Sarah Smith Don Campbell, Andrew Grant.

New nominations for Right Relationship Resource Group:

  • Gordon Bugbee (Beacon Hill)
  • Minga Claggett-Borne (Cambridge)
  • Emily Neumann (Fresh Pond)

Friends approved these names.

PB 22-87: Noticing Patterns Moment on the preceding business

One Friend expressed concern that the discernment felt rushed.

Another Friend expressed anger over withdrawal of a nominated Friend’s name.

Another Friend expressed disquiet, observing their perception of the difference in the nature of the disputes as between the heart of the concern versus practical disputes about structure.  The Friend asserted that we often choose to talk about structure as a stand-in for deeper disputes. This seems to be evidence of lack of trust. It is easier to talk about something like structure, that we can control. But we cannot actually trust structure to keep us safe and prevent harm. This brings the worry that we can’t trust people—but more important, can we trust God? We need to really listen for that place of clarity about what is the heart of the unity we are seeking.

PB 22-88: PB clerk’s moment

After lunch the PB Clerk invited Friends to indicate in chat the names of the aboriginal Peoples on whose lands they each live and recounted current events and some of the history of attempts to rectify cultural violence against the children of Native Americans.

PB 22-89: YM Secretary's Report (Secretary’s report and Draft Friends Camp Governance Review process are appended)

Noah Merrill, YM Secretary, lifted up a new role and title for Nia Thomas, affirming the ways in which Nia has expressed her gifts and knowledge in service to NEYM. Nia’s new title is Program Director giving her inclusive responsibility for shepherding the YM’s programmatic work.

PB expressed thanks and appreciation for Nia’s work.

Noah further informed PB of ongoing and evolving work as detailed in his appended report. Items include a progress report from the Anti-Racism Consultation Working Group (ARC WG) and an update and explanation of some financial outcomes of the last fiscal year, including financial implications of shifting contexts and dynamics of Sessions.

On behalf of Coordinating and Advisory Committee, Noah also informed PB about C&A’s recommendations on how to proceed with a needed review of Friends Camp Governance practices, including a request for PB approval of the charge for the first phase of the Governance Review work. C&A intends to forward the draft review process to the Finance Committee for review.  A summary of the recommended FC governance review process is appended.

PB affirmed the Draft FC Governance Review document and approved Phase 1 of the process.

Noah also informed PB about his assistance to the Weare (NH) Monthly Meeting as they evaluate whether and how to effect a transfer of ownership from the monthly meeting to the Yearly Meeting, of the historic South Pittsfield Meetinghouse. Weare Monthly Meeting is in discernment about formally minuting such a request. The South Pittsfield Meetinghouse is no longer a part of the life and ministry of Weare MM.

Friends affirmed PB’s willingness to receive and respond to Weare MM’s request for assistance in this property matter and affirmed Noah’s work with the Weare MM.

PB 22-90: Report from Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness work group, Small Groups, and Reflection, (NPWG report appended)

Polly Attwood reported for NPWG, expressing thanks to PB for its support of the workgroup, and for PB’s willingness to engage in the practice of noticing patterns. Polly then called attention to two queries posed in the NPWG report:

  • Noticing Patterns is charged, in part, with lifting up moments of harm. How do we expand the capacity of all of us to notice & interrupt harm we do to each other?
  • Once noticed, how do we build the capacity to tend to and heal harm within our community?

Following a brief presentation by Lisa Graustein of a model for holistic change in organizations, PB members and visitors assembled in small breakout groups to reflect on the queries and the vision presented in the model.

PB 22-91: YM Nominating Committee Report

Jackie Stillwell, clerk of the YM Nominating Committee, brought two names for a Second Reading and approval: 

  • Erik Cleven, Souhegan Preparative Meeting, to Theme & Speakers Team, to begin immediately

Friends Approved

  • Carl Williams, Plainfield Meeting, to Theme & Speakers Team to begin immediately

Friends Approved

Jackie Stillwell then informed PB of names proposed for the Naming Committee, which do not need PB approval. The Naming Committee names Friends to serve on the YM Nominating Committee. The following names are brought forward: Beth Hansen, Jeremiah Dickenson, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Ed Mair. 

PB 22-92: Letters of Introduction to Cuba Yearly Meeting (appended)

The PB Clerk noted that several Friends have undergone a clearness process within their monthly meetings, and with Puente de Amigos Committee, for clearness to travel to Cuba Yearly Meeting (CYM) on February 23, 2023: Kim Bolshaw (Durham MM), Sue Calhoun (Portland FM), Hannah Colbert (Portland FM), and Frederick Weiss (Portland FM). Their letters of introduction can be found in the appendices.

PB Clerk asked for approval of PB for these Friends to visit CYM in 2023.

Friends Approved

Prior to closing worship, the PB clerk invited a time for noticing our words and behaviors during this PB meeting.

PB 22-93: The meeting closed with a period of worship at 3:00 p.m.