Permanent Board minutes | October 19, 2022

PB 22-71: Opening Worship

Friends opened with a period of worship.

PB 22-72: Clerk’s Welcome

The PB Clerk explained that the purpose of this called meeting of the Permanent Board was to hear a second reading of nominations to the Theme and Speakers Team for annual sessions 2023 because this committee needs to begin its work immediately. A quorum of 11 PB members is necessary to finalize these approvals.

PB 22-73: Roll Call

The recording clerk called the roll:

Leslie Manning, PB Clerk; Susan Davies, PB Recording Clerk; Beth Hansen, Carole Rein, Carolyne Lamar Jordan, Christopher Gant, Darcy Drayton, Ed Mair, Ian Harrington, Jean McCandless, Kathleen Wooten, Liesa Stamm, Kimberly Allen, Martin Zwirner Forsythe, Morgan Wilson, Newell Isbell Shinn, Roger Vincent Jasaitis, Tom Brenner, Willa Taber

Ex-Officio: Rebecca Leuchak (Presiding Clerk), Noah Merrill (YM Secretary)

Regrets: Aaron Sakulich, Christopher McCandless, Eleanor Warnock, Mary Zwirner

Visitors: Marian Dalton; Jackie Stillwell, (Clerk of YM Nominating Committee), Janet Hough, Phil Veatch

PB 22-74: With 21 members present the PB clerk declared we can proceed with discernment and approval of the nominations.

PB 22-75: Names for Approval to the Theme and Speakers Team for Annual Sessions 2023 (Report appended)

Jackie Stillwell, Clerk of the YM Nominating Committee, brought forward two names for second reading and approval:

PB 22-75a—for the Theme & Speakers Team, Mey Hasbrook, (Durham Meeting) to begin immediately

Friends Approved

PB 22-75b—for the Theme & Speakers Team, Eleanor Godway, (Hartford Meeting) to begin immediately

Friends Approved

PB 22-76: First Reading of nominations to the Theme and Speakers Team for annual sessions 2023 (Report appended)

PB 22-76a—for the Theme & Speakers Team, Erik Cleven, (Souhegan Preparative Meeting) to begin immediately

PB 22-76b—for the Theme & Speakers Team, Carl Williams, (Plainfield Meeting) to begin immediately.

If Friends have any concerns or affirmations concerning these names, they should be brought to the clerk of Nominating prior to the November 5, 2022, meeting of PB.