Permanent Board Minutes | January 29, 2022

PB 22-1: Opening Worship

Friends opened with a period of worship.

PB 22-2: Clerk’s Welcome

The PB Clerk opened, requesting a period of silent worship in remembrance and prayer for Friends who have died, and for Friends who have lost loved ones. The PB clerk also requested prayers for herself as she responds to the call to present the Bible Half-Hour plenary at Friends General Conference 2022.

PB 22-3: Roll Call

The recording clerk called the roll:

Present: Leslie Manning, PB Clerk; Susan Davies, PB Recording Clerk; Kimberly Allen; Peter Bishop, Deana Chase, Darcy Drayton, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Martin Zwirner Forsythe, Chris Gant, Beth Hansen, Ian Harrington, Frances Lightsom, Ed Mair, Jean McCandless, Christopher McCandless, Gina Nortonsmith, Carole Rein, Martha Schwope, Sara Smith, Will Taber, Bill Walkauskas, Diane Weinholtz , Donn Weinholtz, Morgan Wilson, Kathleen Wooten, Mary Zwirner;

Ex-Officio: Jeremiah Dickinson (Ministry and Counsel Interim Clerk), Scot Drysdale (Finance Clerk), Sarah Gant (Acting Secretary for Governance and Pastoral Care), Rebecca Leuchak (Sessions Clerk, Rising Presiding Clerk), Robert Murray (Treasurer), Bruce Neumann (Presiding Clerk), Nia Thomas (Acting Secretary for Programs and Administration)

Regrets: Travis Belcher, Bob O’Connor, Joyce Taylor Gibson, Anna Raddochia, Elizabeth Szatkowski, John Reuthe, Elizabeth Reuthe (Secretary’s Supervisor), Aaron Sakulich, Tom Vargo (Resigned)

Visitors: Anna Hopkins, Polly Attwood, Melody Brazo, Kristina Keefe-Perry, Janet Hough, Becky Jones, Kevin Lee, Honor Woodrow, John Wojtowicz, Mey Hasbrook, Lisa Graustein, Diana White, Marian Dalton, Robb Spivey, LVM Shelton, Katie Bond, Bob Eaton, Phebe McCosker, Anna Lindo, Clarence Burley, LouAnne McDonald.

PB 22-4: Approval of December 11, 2021, PB Minutes

The minutes from the December 2021 meeting were distributed in advance documents for review. Friends raised the concern that draft minute 21-122 PB Clerks announcements and closing comments, included the specific comments of one person, rather than a record of “the sense of the body,” and that the person’s comments appeared in a section labeled “General Announcements.” Friends who participated in the Noticing Patterns-Permanent Board Debrief meeting, (see Appended Reports for PB 22-4 and PB 22-5) held on January 8th, noted that the comments were sufficiently noteworthy to have generated nearly two hours of conversation at the Debrief meeting (see Minute PB 22-5). Other Friends clarified that minutes do in fact sometimes include an individual’s specific concern, in the case where a Friend is standing aside from a decision of the Body, yet these comments were not offered in relation to any decision of the Body, and no discussion followed the comments. The Recording Clerk stated that, after consideration, the comment was included in the minutes to elicit PB’s reflection on what happened. One person spoke on December 11th to express unity with the comment; no one present spoke to counter the individual’s comment. There was not an objective basis to report a different sense of the Body. The decision to include the comment in the minutes was made after consultation among the PB-RC, the PB Clerk, and the two acting General Secretaries. Other Friends noted that in today’s meeting, while PB has thoroughly discussed the minutes pertaining to the Friend’s comment, it has not talked about the Friend’s comment itself, nor the lack of a verbal response from PB following the comment, stating it was important to include the carefully worded minute regarding the comment. This was followed by the observation that at times the customary protocols of PB meetings constrain Friends willingness to interject.

Friends approved the December 11, 2021, minutes with the following changes:

  • Move the Friend’s comments from the “General Announcements” section of Draft Minute 21- 122 to a “Closing comments” section prior to Closing Worship
  • Ensure that these minutes, of January 29th, 2022, record a minute of exercise of the Permanent Board regarding the Friend’s comments and PB’s response to it.

PB 22-5: Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness working group (NPwg) oral report of January 8, 2022, Debrief of December 11 PB Meeting (Appended Reports for PB 22-4 and PB 22-5) The PB clerk introduced the NPwg report with the reminder that the NPwg is under the care of Permanent Board, and the work of PB and the ministry of NPwg are integral to one another. While the work of PB is enhanced by the practical experience and problem-solving skills of PB members, this work is not head work. The practice of “noticing” challenges many of us to go beyond our preferred way of addressing problems. It requires us to move from the head to the heart, and to become members one of another, in this faith community.

Polly Attwood and Melody Brazo reported orally for NPwg on the January 8th NPwg debrief of the December 11, 2021, PB meeting. A general description of the PB Debrief Practice is in the Appendix. Polly and Melody noted the faithfulness of PB in together holding this noticing patterns of oppression and faithfulness practice and engaging with it, strengthened by faith in the Living Spirit, in each other, and in ourselves. Twenty-four Friends shared and prayed from their hearts on January 8, 2022, reflecting on their experience of the close of the December 11, 2021, PB meeting.

The constraints on speaking time at the debrief meeting, requested by the facilitators to invite equity of voice, challenged some Friends. Friends also noted their discomfort with the particular silence experienced at the close of the December 11 PB meeting and reflected on the implications of silences in general. They wondered whether the silence denoted reticence due to unsettled or resistant feelings, or if it might have been an indication of deepening reflection and prayers for guidance. They asked, “How do we learn to stay with each other in order to listen with humility and honesty, and engage lovingly in places where we disagree, with the hope of understanding what Friends are saying?” Many Friends agreed that they would rather see a response of resistance than of apathy.

Polly and Melody concluded by noting that the work of Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness is one part of a process of deeper change work for the beloved community God is calling into being.

Many people have never experienced any spaces where equity and justice are prevailing norms, therefore loss of the familiar may be the overwhelming feeling. The effect of a culture of domination of some groups over others is to blunt everyone’s imaginations so we cannot see what could be. Through this practice we are trying to heal from that damage. A committee can support, enlighten, and love you to pieces, but no committee can do a person’s, a group’s, or a YM’s spiritual work by itself. The process requires both individual and corporate engagement, and an on-going commitment to actions that co- create a community, and an organization, where people do not feel they are dismissed because of who they are. We are an imperfect group of humans. NPwg trusts that everybody who is showing up is doing so with the best of intentions. The more Friends understand the noticing practice as one part of a set of resources and tools needed to live into a larger vision of change, the more the YM collectively and individually will deepen into, listen, and embody the transformation God is calling us into.

In response to the report, Friends noted that a reluctance to speak may be because they are still sorting things out, or they may be expecting the clerk to interrupt troubling behaviors, though Friends affirmed that the work of noticing belongs to everyone. Desire for comportment with usual practices of corporate discernment may also constrain Friends from interrupting troubling patterns. Some Friends admitted to confusion about how to recognize “bad” patterns of Empire, asking if that means we should discourage such commonly valued behaviors as competence, objectivity, meritocracy? Clearer explanations are needed to clarify what are the patterns of Empire we are seeking to change. A Friend wondered whether we are perhaps groping for stand-ins to talk about things like “sin”? The comment expressed on December 11 was deeply wounding to some Friends. The injury is so real when oppressive behaviors are inflicted that for some people it is not possible to respond. Many Friends lifted up their thanks and gratitude for the work of NPwg and expressed regret at missed opportunities to celebrate good work that helps all of us.

PB 22-6: Friends Camp Committee Financial Handbook

Robb Spivey reported as Friends Camp (FC) Treasurer, explaining that 2 years ago FC had its first ever financial review by an accounting firm. The firm noted a deficiency in the lack of a financial handbook. FC has modeled their resulting FC Financial Handbook on the existing YM Operating Division Financial Handbook. The FC Financial Handbook submitted for approval at this PB meeting was approved by the FC committee on January 22, 2022, and the FC Treasurer is now requesting approval by PB. The document includes both policy and procedural guidance. Matters of procedure can be approved by FC at any time. Matters of policy must be approved by FC, YM, and PB. Understanding that this is a living document that is likely to change, Friends expressed gratitude for the Committee’s diligence, and its excellent work.

Friends approved the Friends Camp Financial Handbook, with the request that the FC Committee consider the following changes:

  • Clarify in the document what guidance is “policy” and what is “procedure”
  • Clarify duration of document retention and document destruction requirements, in consultation with the YM Operating Division Financial Handbook committee

PB 22-7: NEYM Finance Committee Minute (proposed amendments to the NEYM Financial Handbook are appended)

The PB clerk called for questions, or anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the proposal. None were offered.

Friends approved the amendments

PB 22-8: Ministry Transition Team Report (report appended)

Jeremiah Dickinson reported that the Ministry Transition Team (MT Team) has been charged with seeking new understandings of how to care for spiritual life and ministry in NEYM. The appended report describes 3 YM-wide gatherings designed to reflect on ministry and spiritual life in the YM. The MT Team is now examining ministry and counsel’s many familiar, former areas of focus in New England Yearly Meeting, aspiring to be open to new possibilities for how to offer spiritual care, beyond traditional conceptions of M&C’s roles. The MT Team seeks to engage monthly meetings and individuals in this endeavor, as they consider how to create a shared vision for the spiritual nurture of the YM going forward.

PB 22-8: Breakout Session for small group discussions about ministry transition

PB 22-9: Nominating Committee Report (report appended)

Honor Woodrow reported for the Nominating Committee, beginning with a recent development, included as an addendum to the PB advance documents. Due to the immediacy of the work of planning Sessions 2022 the Nominating Committee requested:

For approval:

  • Phil Veatch, Fresh Pond MM, for Sessions Clerk, to start immediately, filling out the end of Rebecca Leuchak’s term as Sessions Clerk, and continuing for a full term. Friends expressed deep appreciation to Rebecca Leuchak for her steadfast attention to Sessions work. She is now released from that work as she transitions to rising Presiding Clerk.

Friends approved

Second reading (first reading in Advance Documents):

  • For Legacy Gift Committee: Lori Martin, New Haven Friends Meeting, class of 2023

Friends Approved

For clarification:

  • For Puente de Amigos: Maxine Schmidt, Northampton Meeting for class of 2022, was approved in 2021 but the committee had too many members at that time. Asking PB to re-affirm Maxine Schmidt’s approval.

Friends Approved

  • For Permanent Board: Bill Waukaskas is continuing for 1 more year, in his 2nd term, Class of 2022

Friends Approved

  • For Youth Ministries Committee: Jessica Eller, Portland Friends Meeting, Class of 2024;

Friends Approved

Leslie Manning clarified that, as PB Clerk, she and the Presiding Clerk are responsible for naming the Naming Committee which will present names for the Nominating Committee. She asked for prayers for that work. She also requested prayers for former PB member Tom Vargo, stating that he has stepped down from Permanent Board and he has stated, in his resignation letter, that he is unlikely to accept further opportunities for service in NEYM.

PB 22-10: Presiding Clerk's Report

Bruce Neumann, Presiding Clerk, opened his report by saying after two years of pandemic, we need more joy, more moments of grace, and the joy of connection to the divine. We cannot predict or control when it happens, but by being open and expectant we increase the likelihood of the experience. He shared several updates:

Letter of Apology – The committee is moving carefully with this work. The Presiding Clerk noted that putting the apology in the envelope feels like a sacred act. The Right Relationship resource group is gathering gifts to bring to their meetings with the tribes and a retreat is planned for the group of emissaries prior to meeting with the tribes.

Letter to FUM Board – The Presiding Clerk has sent a letter to the FUM Board requesting a change to the language in the personnel policy, and receipt has been acknowledged by the clerk of the FUM Board. The current language and policy have been the source of much pain in New England for many years. In his response the clerk of the Board stated he intended to call a meeting of the executive committee to consider how to respond.

PB 22-11: Yearly Meeting Acting Secretaries’ Report to Permanent Board

Nia Thomas, Acting Secretary for Programs and Administration, provided updates on health and safety considerations for YM-sponsored in-person events, and shared a preliminary proposal to increase youth and family participation: for all children and youth to participate in Sessions free-of-charge this year. Nia next reported on a draft Forms of Service Map and invited feedback on the tool. The Forms of Service Map outlines each form of service within NEYM (Standing Committee, Working Group, etc.), why it exists, how members are called to service and naming how long they serve, what the group's foundational documents are (Purpose Procedure and Composition or Charge, etc.) and who it reports to, when and how. Yearly Meeting Secretary Noah Merrill will return from sabbatical in two weeks and Nia asked for Friends to allow him the time to address urgent and important concerns.

Sarah Gant, Acting Secretary for Governance and Pastoral Care, next expressed gratitude for holding Noah Merrill while he stepped back for rest and spiritual refreshment. Sarah stated it will take many hands to rebuild from the separation caused by the pandemic. Sarah invited everyone to bring positive, creative energy to that healing.

The PB clerk expressed sincere appreciation to Nia and Sarah during Noah’s sabbatical. She noted they are models of faithfulness, compassion and clarity of purpose and we are deeply moved and appreciative that they were both clear to share their gifts in this way.

22-12: Update to Permanent Board on the Anti-Racism Consultation Work Group under our care The PB Clerk reported that the following Friends have been named to serve on the planning group for the anti-racism consultation: Melody Brazo, Fresh Pond FM, LVM Shelton, Plainfield FM, Becky Jones, Northampton FM, Kristina Keefe-Perry, Fresh Pond FM and Three Rivers Worship Group, Morgan Wilson, Framingham FM, and the PB Clerk, ex officio Durham FM. The PB Clerk was authorized by the Permanent Board to name Friends to this working group. The PB Clerk asked for PB to accept these names and to endorse the work of this group going forward.

Friends accepted the names and endorsed the work.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​22-13: Travel Minutes from Salem Quarter

The PB received a travel minute for Mary Hopkins to attend Cuba Yearly Meeting, 2022.

Will Taber, of Salem Quarter, celebrated Mary Hopkins’ dedication to the concern for Cuban Friends.

Friends approved Mary Hopkins’ travel minute

22-14: Closing Worship