Permanent Board Meeting | November 6, 2021

21-95: Opening Worship

Friends opened with a period of worship.

21-96: Roll Call

The recording clerk called the roll:

Present: Leslie Manning, Permanent Board Clerk (PB Clerk), Susan Davies, Permanent Board Recording Clerk (PB Recording Clerk), Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Chris Gant, Joyce Taylor Gibson, Beth Hansen, Ian Harrington, Frances Lightsom, Ed Mair, Jean McCandless, Christopher McCandless, Gina Nortonsmith, Carole Rein, John Reuthe, Aaron Sakulich, Martha Schwope, Sara Smith, Will Taber, Bill Walkauskas, Diane Weinholtz, Donn Weinholtz, Morgan Wilson, Kathleen Wooten, Tom Vargo, Mary Zwirner;

Regrets: Peter Bishop, Darcy Drayton, Chris Gant, Anna Raddochia, Elizabeth Reuthe (Secretary’s Supervisor), Jeremiah Dickinson (Ministry and Counsel Clerk), Bob O’Connor, Elizabeth Szatkowski, Kim Allen, Martin Zwirner Forsythe,

Ex-Officio: Scot Drysdale (Finance Clerk), Robert Murray (Treasurer), Nia Thomas (Acting Secretary for Programs and Administration), Sarah Gant (Acting Secretary for Governance and Pastoral Care), Bruce Neumann (Presiding Clerk), Rebecca Leuchak (Sessions Clerk, Rising Clerk)

Visitors: Polly Attwood, Katie Bond, Melody Brazo, Clarence Burley, Gail Charpentier, Marion Dalton, Elizabeth Hacala, Mey Hasbrook, Anna Hopkins Buller, Janet Hough, Anna Lindo, LouAnne MacDonald, Reb MacKenzie, Elviem Shelton, Jackie Stillwell, Susan Vargo, Diana White, Honor Woodrow, John Wojtowicz, Kathy Olsen, Robb Spivey

21-97: Approval of September 26, 2021 Minutes

Friends approved the minutes of September 26, trusting the PB Clerk and PB Recording Clerk to make the recommended minor needed changes.

21-98: Permanent Board Clerk’s Welcome

Leslie Manning, Permanent Board Clerk (PB Clerk), opened the meeting by inviting comments from Polly Attwood, Clerk of the Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness (NPwg) Working Group. The practice of “noticing patterns” is a tool, not a destination, or a judgment. Members of the NPwg are in attendance, as part of the Yearly Meeting, to identify, name and interrupt patterns of Empire. This is a joyful practice. We, in the Yearly Meeting, are in the world of these oppressive patterns, but we do not have to be of them. Some Friends may find this practice unsettling as familiar patterns are disrupted. We ask that you continue to choose to show up, and to be present, as this practice is exercised.

21-99: Presiding Clerk's Report (Call for Questions) (report appended) The Yearly Meeting (YM) Presiding Clerk did not present an oral report. The written report to Permanent Board is appended to these minutes. The Permanent Board Clerk called for questions on the written report; none were raised.

21-100: Acting Secretaries Report (Call for Questions) (report appended) The PB Clerk requested that Friends hold in the Light Nia Thomas (Acting Secretary for Programs and Administration) and Sarah Gant (Acting Secretary for Governance and Pastoral Care) as they undertake their interim work during Noah Merrill’s sabbatical. The Acting Secretaries invited Friends to apply for the open position of Yearly Meeting “Children and Families Ministries Coordinator.” A link to the job description is posted on the YM web site and in their written report, appended to these minutes.

21-101: Anna Hopkins Buller, Friends Camp Director, was invited to report on the 2021 Camp year. Anna expressed gratitude for the Yearly Meeting support that enabled Camp to be open during the COVID pandemic. The 2021 Camp Session was very successful. Camp had a very important impact on children who had been isolated from each other during the school year due to the pandemic. The support from YM was essential to the successful summer session. Camp is now registering campers for the 2022 Camp season.

Friends expressed gratitude for Anna’s leadership and hard work and offered congratulations on her recent marriage.

21-102: Treasurer's Report and Proposal for Grant Guidelines (first reading) Robert Murray, Yearly Meeting Treasurer, reported that as the 2021 fiscal year ends, preliminary numbers indicate that the Operating Budget “broke even” and reserves look good. This is good news for a Treasurer. The budget over the next two years will not be helped by the U.S. government loans the YM received this year.

21-103: Proposed Grant-Making Guidelines, for Review by Permanent Board (first reading; proposal appended)

The Treasurer reported that the Grant-Making Guidelines were developed with the assistance of the clerks of the Racial, Social and Economic Justice and Legacy Gift committees. Much of the text is adapted from the work of those committees. The Treasurer noted the benefits of a very involved sub-committee to support people applying for grants and to help with grant applications. He cautioned against placing most of the burden on a clerk or other individual, with a relatively uninformed committee providing approval at the end of the process. Scot Drysdale, Finance Committee Clerk, stated that the Finance Committee has read the draft Guidelines and recommends approval.

PB Members suggested adding a clear statement about confidentiality and a clear statement to express that awards shall not be considered or granted based on gender, race, orientation, etc. The PB Clerk expressed gratitude and celebration for the news that the budget “broke even.”

21-104: Anti-Racism Report and Discussion (report appended)

Leslie Manning, PB clerk summarized the current question brought forward from the work of the ad-hoc antiracism work group. In July 2021 PB approved, in concept, the recommendation of the workgroup for a Yearly Meeting consultation to bring in voices that have been missing in racial dialogue and healing in the Yearly Meeting thus far (e.g., Black, Indigenous, andd People of Color (BIPOC), youth, Friends Camp, Decolonizing Quakers, BlackQuaker Project). The purpose of the consultation is to assist the Yearly Meeting in determining how to engage in the transformation needed at every level of the institution, and to live faithfully into becoming an antiracist faith community. The workgroup advises that the Yearly Meeting will likely require professional facilitation expertise from beyond the Yearly Meeting. The suggested cost estimate to secure such expertise is $12,000 to $15,000.

The PB Clerk posed the question: “What does it take for us to become an anti-racist faith community?”

During questions and discussion a Friend expressed discomfort having the term “racism” as part of the description. Other Friends offered different ways of framing the work:

  • “Perceiving No Stranger”
  • “DeColonizing Race”
  • “Embracing the voices we have not taken time to listen to”

Yet other Friends named that “race” is really at the core of much of the “othering” that is inflicted, and racism is firmly institutionalized throughout our nation's history.

Nia Thomas, Acting Secretary for Programs, questioned whether programming capacity actually exists for the spring of 2022 and stated that the timeline should be extended. Several Friends expressed the hope that the consultation would be open to anyone who wishes to attend, though the practical wisdom of that was not clear. This raised the possibility of a nexus with the theme and speakers for Sessions 2022.

The full scope of the work before the Yearly Meeting is unknown. Defining the work, and doing the work will likely need to occur in different phases. Following extended discussion the Permanent Board was in unity that:

  • The planning and implementation process should move forward;
  • Permanent Board is in agreement with need to hire professional expertise from beyond the YM;
  • The PB Clerk, Leslie Manning, and the Clerk of Nominating, Jackie Stillwell will appoint a small group having the needed expertise and experience, and together they will refine and articulate a more specific charge, and priorities for next steps, and bring back to PB for approval in January 2022;
  • The PB Clerk will research the potential funding mechanisms needed to support the cost of professional facilitation, and will bring options back to PB for approval in January 2022.

21-105: Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness wg (oral report)

Polly Attwood, Clerk of the Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness wg (NPwg) reported that the working group met in a half-day Zoom retreat on October 30th. Polly reviewed the workgroup charge, and shared how the workgroup engages with each other in the practice of noticing patterns. Polly also shared examples of where racial dialogue is actively taking place throughout the Yearly Meeting, and where additional opportunities are available. Links can be found on the Yearly Meeting website. The workgroup will bring a full report to the December PB meeting.

21-106: PB Clerk's oral report and request for name change for Rustin Fund

Leslie Manning, PB Clerk, announced plans for upcoming meetings: December 11, 2021; January 29, 2022; April 2, 2022; and June 4, 2022. An additional tentative date for a meeting on July 16, 2022 will be added if needed.

  • Hybrid Meetings: The decision to do hybrid, (blended, “in person” and electronic, i.e., “Zoom”) meetings will be made in consultation with YM staff and public health consultants. Going forward, the next PB meeting, on 12/11/2021, will be held on Zoom. Beginning in January 2022 PB aspires to hold hybrid meetings. The initiation of hybrid meetings may be implemented for the January 29th meeting if locations having the needed technology can be found.
  • Allocation and distribution of Fund for Sufferings: Leslie Manning, PB Clerk reported that in the past, recipients of the Yearly Meeting fund for sufferings have been selected in recognition of actions of conscience, Current guidelines allow for the funds to be given to individuals who are not Friends, and whose work is beyond NEYM. THe PB Clerk asked for suggestions of those who could benefit from these funds.
  • Freedmen’s Funds: At the request of the YM Treasurer and the Clerk of Racial Social and Economic Justice, the clerk asked for approval to form a small workgroup to recommend distribution of these funds, currently assigned to RSEJ. They are asked to report back in time to make their recommendations to Sessions.

Friends approved the PB Clerk to appoint a working group to recommend changes to the distribution system of the Freedman’s Fund.

  • Announcement: The Vassalboro Quarterly Meeting will today approve the laying down of North Fairfield Monthly Meeting (NFMM), North Fairfield, Maine. In 2017 a small group of Friends was appointed by PB to oversee laying down the Meeting (2017 Quarterly and Yearly Meeting minutes are appended). The North Fairfield Historical Society would like to acquire the property, and agrees to maintain it, and the adjacent Friends Cemetery, as a tribute to Quaker heritage in Fairfield. The working group recommends transferral of the property to the North Fairfield Historical Society. Next steps will be to enter formal discussions to transfer the property to the Historical Society. Proceeds from sale of additional assets (old benches, Victorian chandelier) will be used to maintain the property.
  • Name change of Bayard Rustin Fund to Bodine-Rustin Fund

    PB Clerk Leslie Manning asked Friends to approve changing the name of the Bayard Rustin Fund to the Bodine-Rustin Fund. For background Thomas Bodine’s Memorial Minute is included in the Advance Documents for this PB meeting. All Yearly Meeting representatives to the Friends United Meeting agreed with the name change. FRIENDS APPROVED

21-107: Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee Report

Jackie Stillwell, Clerk of the Nominating Committee (YM-NC), reminded the Permanent Board that YM-NC is experimenting with a change in practice. In order for members of the Permanent Board to reflect on nominations and respond to the Nominating Committee with affirmations or concerns, names will be brought for a first reading, and then for a second reading for final approval. In bringing names forward YM-NC describes the needs of the work and what gifts and abilities the nominee brings to meet those needs.

YM-NC brought the names of two individuals for second reading and request for approval. Jackie reported that Friends have offered enthusiastic support for these two nominations. No concerns were heard.

Second reading, for approval:

  • For Friends General Conference representative: Carolyn Hilles-Pilant, Beacon Hill, class of 2024. Friends Approved
  • Finance committee recording clerk:  Kathleen Wooten, Fresh Pond, class of 2024. Friends Approved

YM-NC brought no names forward for a first reading.

21-108: Closing Worship

Friends closed with a period of worship.