Permanent Board minutes | September 19, 2020

​​​​​​20-76: Opening Worship

Friends opened with a period of worship. We were invited to share joys and sorrows. A Friend noted that Quakers are good at holding one another up; during these challenging times we hope that gift will continue.

Leslie Manning, Clerk, welcomed Friends to the first meeting of the Permanent Board since Sessions 2020. We welcomed Beth Hansen, Diane Weinholtz, Donn Weinholtz, and Morgan Wilson to the Permanent Board. We also welcomed Scot Drysdale who serves ex-officio on the Permanent Board as clerk of the Finance Committee.

20-77: Roll Call

The recording clerk called the roll:

Present: Leslie Manning, Clerk; Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Recording Clerk; Travis Belcher, Peter Bishop, Martin Zwirner Forsythe, Chris Gant, Beth Hansen, Ian Harrington, Rebecca Leuchak, Ed Mair, Christopher McCandless, Jean McCandless, Gina Nortonsmith, Anna Raddochia, Carole Rein, John Reuthe, Martha Schwope, Sara Smith, Will Taber, Bill Walkauskas, Diane Weinholtz, Donn Weinholtz, Morgan Wilson, Tom Vargo, Mary Zwirner

Ex-Officio: Scot Drysdale (Finance Clerk); Noah Merrill (Secretary); Bob Murray (Treasurer); Bruce Neumann (Presiding Clerk); Elizabeth Reuthe (Secretary’s Supervisor)

Visitors: Clarence Burley, Marian Dalton, Nan Davies, Susan Davies, Sarah Gant, Janet Hough, Allan Kohrman, LouAnne McDonald, Jackie Stillwell, Carolyn Stone, Nia Thomas, Honor Woodrow, Kathleen Wooten, Rod Zwirner

Regrets: Darcy Drayton, Deana Chase, Kim Harvey Garcia, Elizabeth Szatkowski

20-78: July Permanent Board Minutes for Approval

The minutes from our July meeting were distributed to Friends for review. The minutes of appreciation written for Allan Kohrman, Shearman Taber, and Honor Woodrow were read aloud.

Friends had the opportunity to ask questions. Friends approved the minutes from the July meeting.

20-79: Sessions 2020 Minutes for Approval

Approval of some minutes from Sessions was postponed until this meeting to save time at Sessions for programming. Peter Bishop and Marian Dalton, Sessions recording clerks, presented outstanding minutes from Sessions for Friends’ approval.

Friends struggled with Minute 2020-18, concerning Thursday morning’s meeting about the Call to Action that would accompany the Letter of Apology to Native Peoples. We were caught between a desire not to erase insensitive and racist statements made in our meetings and a concern that the minute did not include the response to the sentiments that troubled Friends. When we attempt to make our minutes a verbatim record of the meeting but don’t include all voices it has the effect of valuing some voices over others.

Our minutes are intended to capture the sense of the meeting, but not every message given. This minute will go back to the Sessions Clerks’ Table for re-writing.

Friends noted that in Minute 2020-30 the word “Black” needs to be capitalized in a few places.

The minutes, excepting Minute 2020-18 which will come back to our October meeting, were approved.

20-80: Presiding Clerk’s Report

Bruce Neumann, Presiding Clerk, spoke to his written report which is appended. Since the close of Sessions, Bruce has met with relevant parties to follow up on the action items and minutes that Sessions approved for further work.

Friends expressed gratitude for Bruce’s faithful work to assemble our annual Sessions with specific attention to the needs of our community during this time of virtual gatherings.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​20-81: Sessions Committee Clerk’s Report

Rebecca Leuchak, clerk of the Sessions Committee, reported to Friends about our virtual week together in August. Rebecca expressed deep gratitude for everyone who worked to make Sessions happen and their faith that we would manage a gathering in a new and different world; “community is possible on Zoom,” and everything worked better than we thought it would.

Rebecca pointed out a number of pieces of the week that we should be particularly proud of: our youth programs were well-received and the program coordinators worked tirelessly to make them happen; our technology team worked hard behind the scenes to make tech issues few and minor; and we had a substantial number of newcomers, approximately 15% of the gathered Friends.

There were challenges: Friends mourned the informal gatherings that are part of Sessions when we are in person, and we missed workshops. Though the home groups were appreciated by many attendees, others experienced microaggressions both from attendees and leaders. This underscores the need for more widespread conversations and training about the way that racism permeates our culture and our gatherings.

Many Friends noted that Sessions felt more dominated by spirit than business and process. We wonder what made it more possible to have a spirit-led week. How might we recreate that when we are in person? We appreciate Bruce’s decision to focus on the activism of Friends and the social justice issues that are at the forefront of most of our minds.

Friends wondered if there is a way to continue virtual gatherings throughout the year. While we hope to be able to gather in person next year, it would be great to offer a virtual option.

​​​​​​​20-82: FY2021 Budget Approval

Bob Murray, Treasurer and former clerk of the Finance Committee (FC), presented the FY2021 budget for final approval. The budget and commentary are appended.

Following a listening session on the budget, FC chose not to make any changes to the budget. However, they stress that the FY2021 budget should be viewed as a spending plan. The year ahead has many unknowns and FC does not pretend to know how events of the year will affect our finances. Any changes that need to be made will come to the Permanent Board for approval. The concern about monthly meeting (MM) contributions continues as MMs also experience the economic effects of the pandemic. Hopefully MMs that do have the resources will consider contributing more, as able.

Friends had the opportunity to ask questions and voice any concerns. Some Friends had concerns about how the FY2022 budget would be constructed given that we typically hear input at Sessions. We are reminded of the approved ongoing priorities funding process.

Friends approved the FY2021 budget.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​20-83: Update on FY2020

Noah Merrill, Yearly Meeting Secretary, updated Friends on the current fiscal year. It is always hard to do this in the final weeks of September because we receive so many of our donations in the last days and weeks of the fiscal year.

We have not heard of any intended significant changes from monthly meetings in their donations to the Yearly Meeting. We have seen some increased giving from individuals. We are grateful for the contributions and we acknowledge the privilege that many of us have to continue to give and to increase our contributions.

Our actuals for FY2020 will look different than our budget. There will be a large difference because Sessions did not run in person. We did at least as well at covering the costs of Sessions as we typically do when we are in person. We covered all direct costs and a substantial portion of the staff costs.

We appear to be within $15,000 of our individual giving goal for the FY2020 budget. We have not yet seen major financial impacts from the pandemic. But we do not know how different things will look in the next year.

Continued financial support of Friends Camp will be necessary. We are currently in the process of applying for forgiveness of the paycheck protection program (PPP) loan. Given the guidelines in the legislation for the PPP and the guidance from our bank we don’t anticipate difficulty having the loan forgiven but do have the resources to cover that expense from reserves.

Reserves are still at the level that the Finance Committee says are necessary.

​​​​​​​20-84 Secretary’s Report

​​​​​​​Noah Merrill, Yearly Meeting Secretary, shared the priorities for his attention in the coming year. Noah’s Areas of Focus document is appended. It is a draft that requires continued reflection with Elizabeth Reuthe, Supervisor of the Yearly Meeting Secretary, and with Coordinating and Advisory. The work described in the Areas of Focus belongs to many people but is intended to communicate the shared work that will be at the forefront of Noah’s mind throughout the year.

Our work as the Permanent Board (PB) is to prayerfully organize and coordinate the work of the Yearly Meeting (YM). This has required new, scary, and bold action this year. But we have seen over the past years that when PB has been willing to faithfully make bold decisions that the YM is led into new and better places. Our work is essential. Noah reiterated a commitment to helping PB stay aware of the life and challenges of the wider body. Much will be shifting underfoot and one of Noah’s foci for the year is to ensure that PB has sufficient information about the goings on throughout the YM to properly fulfill our role.

Lastly, Noah shared an update that the YM has finally been issued our group exemption number which allows MMs to more easily prove that they are tax exempt.

​​​​​​​20-85: Repurposing of the Personnel Committee

Elizabeth Reuthe, Secretary’s Supervisor, presented the report proposing a repurposing of the Personnel Committee into a Personnel Resource Group. This report, including background information on the repurposing and a proposed Purposes, Procedures, and Composition for the group, is appended.

Friends were asked to approve laying down the Personnel Committee. Friends approved.

Friends were asked if they were clear to create a Personnel Resource Group to be constituted by Internal Nominating. Friends approved.

Friends were asked to approve the Purpose, Procedures, and Composition of the Personnel Resource Group. Friends approved.

​​​​​​​20-86: Internal Nominating

Internal Nominating brought the names of Elizabeth Szatkowski and Nat Shed to populate the newly formed Personnel Resource Group. They will serve for terms of three years.

Friends approved.

​​​​​​​20-87: Friends Camp Nominating

John Reuthe, clerk of Friends Camp Nominating Committee, brought the nomination of Sarah LeFleur to the Friends Camp Committee.

Friends approved.

​​​​​​​20-88: Nominating Committee

Jackie Stillwell, clerk of Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee, brought two nominations to the Permanent Board.

Minga Claggett-Borne for Friends Peace Teams

Anna Raddochia reappointed to the Permanent Board, Class of 2025 Friends approved.

​​​​​​​20-89: Reparations Working Group to Right Relationship Resource Group

As the Reparations Working Group feels their work is complete, Friends were asked to approve laying down that group. Friends approved.

A recommendation to form a Right Relationship Resource Group is appended. This group would help shepherd the work of sharing with monthly meetings the approved Letter of Apology to Native Peoples and the accompanying Call to Action. Friends approved the creation of this group.

​​​​​​​20-90: Closing

​​​​​​​Friends closed with a period of worship. We will meet again over Zoom on October 31st.