Permanent Board minutes | August 11, 2016

Note: These minutes have not been corrected.

16-52 Opening Worship: Permanent Board Friends gathered in worship at Castleton University, Castleton, Vermont, after the close of NEYM’s 2016 Annual Sessions.

16-53 Roll Call: The Recording Clerk called the roll:

Present: Sarah Gant, clerk; Becky Steele, recording clerk; Kimberly Allen, Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Justice Erikson, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Christopher Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Ian Harrington, Tom Jackson, Christopher McCandless, Jean McCandless, Anna Radocchia, Carole Rein, Elias Sanchez-Eppler, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Philip Stone, Elizabeth Szatkowski, Bill Walkauskas, Rosemary Zimmerman.

Ex Officio: Edward Baker (Supervisor, YM Secretary), Noah Baker Merrill (YM Secretary), Shearman Taber (Treasurer), Fritz Weiss (Presiding Clerk).

Regrets: Galen Hamann, Leana Kantt, Rebecca Leuchak, Donn Weinholtz.

Guests: Rachel Walker Cogbill (Plainfield), Jim Grace (Beacon Hill), Leslie Manning (Durham), Allison Randall (Keene), Sarah Spencer (Beacon Hill), , Mary Zwirner (Beacon Hill)

16-54 Presiding Clerk: The Presiding Clerk noted that part of the miracle that was the week of Sessions was how NEYM found the discipline as a body to move forward on many issues. He also expressed his happiness at being released from being responsible for that discipline during the present PB meeting.

The Presiding Clerk highlighted two areas in particular where NEYM actions committed to during Sessions may require Permanent Board’s attention:

  1. Working groups: NEYM committed to take two concrete actions on climate change. One of those commitments was assigned to a working group, not a committee. PB will need to think about that. We should also consider the working group planning the Living Faith gatherings.
  2. Examine and address white supremacy in NEYM. This is work that we as a YM need to do.

16-55 YM Secretary: Highlights of Sessions: Building on last year’s metaphor of stakes and tomatoes, we have continuing work to do in nurturing the fruits that are growing:

  1. A communications strategy as Jeff Hipp transitions.
  2. Development work especially cultivating major gifts.
  3. Friends Camp capital fundraising.
  4. Governance, especially examining NEYM’s bylaws, conflict of interest policy, and clarifying who are the legally responsible officers of the YM.
  5. Group tax exemption so that all of our MMs can use one exemption number if they wish.
  6. Review of YM purposes and procedures. Putting “financial” back into Long Term Financial planning.
  7. Property issues.
  8. Review of NEYM’s policy related to the Immigration Reform and Control Act.

16-56 Recording Clerks: The YM Recording Clerks will work with the Presiding Clerk to prepare minutes to come to PB for approval in September. Draft minutes will be circulated as advance documents for the 24 September PB meeting, and PB members should review those carefully before the September meeting.

PB approved of the creation of a working group to consider the role of our YM minutes, as well as our processes for preparing, reviewing and approving them. One PB Friend expressed joy at feeling NEYM let go of clinging to structures, practices, ways of doing business that impede us from moving forward. She noted that it feels uncomfortable for us, but it’s good to move forward even in discomfort. We may be eldered that we went too far and will have to change, but that is part of boldly moving forward.

16-57 Nominating -- Friends Camp Nominating Committee. PB approved the following committee members: Tom Antonik (Portland), Dierdre McClure (not a Friend, connected to Friends School of Portland), Robb Spivey (Durham) and Lise Wagner (Portland). Friends also approved Robb Spivey as Friends Camp Assistant Treasurer.

16-58 Internal Nominating -- Personnel: Bob Murray will stay on as Clerk until the September meeting; a new clerk will need to appointed then. Dwight Lopes approved as committee member.

16-59 Nominating: PB approved the following: Holly Baldwin to serve on PB until 2017 (due to a typo, she was not on the slate approved at Sessions), and Suzanna Schell to continue on the Legacy Gift Committee until 2017.

16-60 Finance Committee. Friends approved adding the Treasurer as an ex-officio member of the Development Committee. (All other functions as ex-officio member of other committees remain.)

16-61 Friends thanked departing members and welcomed new members Kimberly Allen, Rebecca Leuchak, and Christopher McCandless. Fritz Weiss was approved to serve as Kimberly Allen’s mentor.

16-62 Closing Worship: No further business appearing, Friends closed with worship, anticipating the next meeting on 24 September 2016 in Hartford, CT..

Sarah Gant, Clerk

Becky Steele, Recording Clerk