Permanent Board minutes | August 6, 2016

Note: These minutes have not been corrected.

16-40 Opening Worship: Permanent Board Friends gathered in worship at Castleton University, Castleton, Vermont, before NEYM’s Annual Sessions. The PB Clerk noted that in the liturgical calendar, August 6 is the day of the transfiguration of Christ. She invoked the image of a radiant Christ, the turning point when God and human nature, the eternal and temporal, meet.

16-41 Roll Call: The Recording Clerk called the roll:

Present: Sarah Gant, clerk; Becky Steele, recording clerk; Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Christopher Gant, Galen Hamann, Ian Harrington, Sandy Isaacs, Leanna Kantt, Allan Kohrman, Jean McCandless, Anna Radocchia, Carole Rein, Elias Sanchez-Eppler, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Carolyn Stone, Elizabeth Szatkowski, Bill Walkauskas, Rosemary Zimmerman.

Ex Officio: Noah Baker Merrill (YM Secretary), Bob Murray (Clerk of Personnel Committee), Edward Baker (Supervisor, YM Secretary), Shearman Taber (Treasurer), Fritz Weiss (Presiding Clerk).

Regrets: Justice Erikson, Philip Stone, Donn Weinholtz.

Guests: Leslie Manning (Durham), Jackie Stillwell (Monadnock), Ann Pomeroy (New Paltz), Mary Zwirner (Beacon Hill).

16-42 Minutes: The minutes from our May 21, 2016 meeting were considered and approved with minor changes.

16-43 Presiding Clerk report: The clerk referred us to his written report (attached) and added:

The PB Clerk will be presenting a good deal of material to Sessions this year regarding actions PB has taken throughout the year. The Presiding Clerk asked PB to support the PB Clerk as she reports on the actions PB has taken.

16-44 YM Secretary report:

  • Sessions: Overall, registrations are projected to be slightly ahead of last year’s. Noting that approximately 10% will be first-time attenders, the Secretary encouraged everyone to offer hospitality, both spiritual and practical.
  • Personnel issues:
  1. The communications director will be resigning at the end of September. The Secretary and the Personnel Committee will review how NEYM handles communications in preparing to conduct a search for that position. During the transition, Sara Hubner will be participating in Salesforce training and may be able to handle some of the issues Jeff Hipp has been handling.
  2. New Federal overtime regulations will take effect December 1, 2016, which may affect staff compensation. For positions involving periodic times of long hours, such as youth retreat coordinators, it may be more cost-effective to raise salaries over the exempt limits, rather than pay overtime. Personnel Committee will develop procedures for handling overtime, and PB should be prepared to address possible budget overruns resulting from compliance.
  • Other Upcoming Matters: The YM Secretary alerted PB to some issues that PB might be asked to handle in the upcoming year:
  1. Property concerns -- for example, related to a cemetery in Richmond, NH, currently under the care of Worcester Meeting, and property in Uxbridge, MA, currently owned by the non-profit Quaker Meeting House Association, which is facing challenges that possibly could result in the transfer of the property to NEYM.
  2. Unaffiliated worship groups -- Five have formed in New England this year. NEYM has reached out to them. It might be useful for PB to give guidance as to the relationship between NEYM and these worship groups, and how NEYM could offer support as may be helpful. Friends expressed joy at the growing life of the spirit in New England.

16-45 Treasurer:

The financial statement (attached) shows a deficit of approximately $47,000 more than last year. However, our financial state is about the same as last year, due to the timing of certain payments and the receipt of some grant and foundation funding not yet reflected in the books.

The Treasurer noted that in 2015, a severe deficit was averted through $129,000 in contributions during the month of September. This year, giving is also vital, both by individuals and by monthly meetings.

To reflect an accounting shift in the way NEYM accounts for the cost of publications, the Treasurer requested authorization to exceed line item 6600 for publications. PB approved authorizing the Treasurer to spend $10,802.78 in FY 16 under the Publications line item (#6600) (44% over the budgeted $7,500).

16-46 Personnel Committee:

  • Friends Camp Director Job Description: Friends approved the job description for the Friends Camp Director.
  • Membership: The Committee clerk thanked current members, new members, and noted that the committee could use additional members.
  • Friends expressed gratitude to Bob Murray, Clerk of Personnel, for his faithful service during his term as clerk.

16-47 Youth Ministries Committee:

Carolyn Stone, who has agreed to serve as the liaison between PB and the Youth Ministries Committee, presented a child safety policy drafted by the committee. Friends approved the policy, subject to review by legal counsel, and with some changes raised from gathered Friends. Recognizing the importance of having good procedures to protect the youth we serve, Friends thanked the Committee (as well as others who have worked on child safety issues in preceding years) for their thoughtful work.

16-48 Quaker Youth Education Committee:

At the direction of the Coordinating & Advisory Committee, the YM Secretary forwarded a recommendation that NEYM lay down the formal structure of the existing Quaker Youth Education Committee, affirming its replacement with the more informal network model (attached) that currently supports an exciting and vital youth education program. Friends approved. The PB Clerk and the Presiding Clerk will confer about addressing this issue at Sessions.

16-49 Travel Minutes and Reports from Traveling Friends: Friends received the following:

  • Betsy Cazden presented a report on her travels.
  • Ann Dodd-Collins is laying down her travel ministry.
  • Julian Grant’s travel minute was approved.

16-50 Informational Reports:

  • Acton Monthly Meeting -- still under ongoing discussion at to its laying-down. At their June meeting for business, Acton Friends approved disbursing the meeting’s funds, including $20,000 to NEYM to support youth programs.
  • Rufus Jones’s birthplace in South China, Maine, was up for sale. The South China public library will buy the building and its contents, and is planning a fundraising campaign to convert it into the new public library. Haverford College is engaged in the process, and is planning to send staff to Maine to assess the contents of property.
  • Hannah Zwirner Forsythe presented posters and flyers for the upcoming “Living Faith” gathering on November 5 at the Friends School of Portland

16-51 Closing Worship: No further business appearing, Friends closed with worship, anticipating their next meeting after the end of Sessions at Castleton, Vermont on August 11.

Sarah Gant, Clerk

Becky Steele, Recording Clerk