Permanent Board minutes | February 21, 2015

15-01 Opening Worship: Permanent Board met in worship with NEYM Ministry and Counsel, whose meeting had been rescheduled because of snow the previous week.

15-02 Roll Call: The Recording Clerk called the roll:

Present: Virginia Bainbridge, Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Jacqui Clark, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Christopher Gant, Sarah Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Galen Hamann, Ian Harrington, Jan Hoffman, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Leanna Kantt, Allan Kohrman, Rebecca Leuchak, Jean McCandless, Bruce Neumann, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Carolyn Stone, Philip Stone, Bill Walkauskas, Donn Weinholtz, Fritz Weiss, Rosemary Zimmermann.

Regrets: Aimee Belanger, Justice Erikson, Rocky Malin, Elias Sánchez-Eppler, Karen Sánchez-Eppler, Patricia Shotwell, Becky Steele, Elizabeth Szatkowski.

Ex-officio: Noah Baker Merrill (Putney, Yearly Meeting Secretary), Robert Murray (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Personnel), Jacqueline Stillwell (Monadnock, Presiding Clerk). Shearman Taber (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Finance).

Visitors: Edward Baker (Westerly, YM Sec Supervisor), Anne deMacy (Providence), Mike Hirtle (Providence), Christopher McCandless (Burlington), Stephen Schwartz (Providence), Kathleen Wooten (Amesbury) Elizabeth Zimmerman (Providence).

15-03 Minutes: We considered and approved the minutes from our November, 2014 meeting.

15-04 Internal nominating: Donn Weinholtz brought the name of Sarah Gant (Beacon Hill) as Permanent Board Clerk, to succeed Holly Baldwin in August, 2015.

Friends approved, observing that Sarah is grounded, organized, articulate, and funny! Donn also brought the name of Jacqui Clark for Personnel Committee, class of 2017. Friends approved. Internal nominating also suggested a name for Recording Clerk, but as concerns were raised about their ability to align a previous commitment with a majority of PB meetings, that name was held over for further consideration.

15-05 Report Format: Bruce presented a template for reports to PB, which he and the clerk had drafted in response to receiving a number of reports which lacked basic information or clarity of purpose. A few suggestions were made. The template will be posted on the PB website, not as a formal guide, but as a reminder of essential qualities of a report.

15-06 Monthly Meeting Relationship: The clerk spoke about our commitment to visit meetings with the hope of building more robust relationships between PB/NEYM and Monthly Meetings. We have heard that this work is harder than expected, in part because many Monthly Meetings have their own schedules set well in advance, and can't readily make space to accommodate an intentional conversation led by a PB member. We also heard that Deana Chase, who had been clerking the ad-hoc group overseeing this project, has resigned. Holly asked for a volunteer to join this work, but none were led. The ad-hoc group, which includes Dulaney Bennet and Carol Savery-Frederick of Finance Committee, Bruce Neumann, Sarah Smith and Holly Baldwin of PB, together with Noah Baker Merrill and Kathleen Wooten, will meet by conference call and consider how to move forward in light of what we have learned. We hope they will be able to appoint a new clerk from within.

15-07 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Noah spoke of a growing awareness of the dynamic tension present between being conservative and being progressive, between waiting for God to sort things out, and “doing it ourselves” (attached).

FGC representatives: Noah shared a rising concern that we could be doing more to ensure that our FGC representatives are working more actively both in representing NEYM concerns in FGC governance and in reporting to our yearly meeting.

Priorities Process: Noah presented the current thinking regarding priorities for next year’s budget, pointing out that the document will also go to Ministry and Counsel and Coordinating and Advisory (C&A), before being given to finance as a tool for discernment in preparing the 2016 budget. Comments focused mostly on supporting staff as a fundamental priority, one member of personnel committee reminding us that currently staff have to buy their own computers for NEYM work.

Release of Bloudy Tenent: Following up on our previous authorization (PB Min 14-97) for Noah and the Archives Committee to explore auction or sale of NEYM’s copy of Roger Williams’ The Bloudy Tenant, Noah reported that they have chosen to engage Sotheby’s to auction the book. Friends approved Noah signing an agreement with Sotheby’s, and transporting the book to their New York office.

15-08 Grants: Noah presented several grants for our consideration, following the policy of requesting PB approval for Grants over $1000.

Grant for Outreach development: Noah asked for PB approval for an application Beth Collea would like to submit to the Obadiah Brown Benevolent Fund to support the evolution of establishing supports for MM outreach. Friends approved.

Joint grant with NYYM: Noah asked for pre-approval for submitting a joint grant proposal, with NYYM, to the Shoemaker fund. While the details have not been finalized, Noah and the General Secretary of NYYM hope for funding for multi-year staff positions to support “continuing to develop best practices insupporting vibrant meetings.” Noah points out that the collaboration is based in part on sharing knowledge and experience between the YM’s. Friends approved.

Grant from Friends Foundation for the Aging: Noah reported that this foundation approved a grant to the Aging committee, based only on a letter of intent to file a proposal. The grant of $8K is intended to support exploration and development of a program, similar to the ARCH program in NYYM, to support MM’s in tending to their aging members. Friends asked whether there would be impact on staff time in administering the additional budget. Friends approved accepting the grant, if the administrative impact seems acceptable.

15-09 Mattapoisett Meeting: Noah read a letter from Mattapoisett Meeting requesting a few members of PB to help with discernment of an issue with their meetinghouse. Facing some expensive repairs, they have received an offer of a grant from the town, contingent on signing the property over to the town if and when the meeting should be laid down. Rebecca Leuchak, Ginny Bainbridge, and Shearman Taber offered to be involved. Friends approved these names to travel and assist with discernment in Mattapoisett.​​​​​​​

15-10 Public Statements: Observing that we have no policy in place, Noah asked for input regarding the possibility of establishing a policy or mechanism to allow the YM Secretary and/or the Presiding Clerk to make public statements in time- sensitive cases where a Quaker voice might be sought and heard. Noah pointed out that there have been several times already in his tenure when he has been approached about signing on to a statement or about speaking for the YM. The advance documents for this meeting include NYYM’s policy for reference. One friend, a long-time member of Peace and Social Concerns, observed that there are many wasted opportunities for Friends to speak collectively and publicly. Friends were in unity with moving forward to create a mechanism. Ian Harrington, Sarah Gant, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Rosemary Zimmerman, and Galen Hamann offered to work with Noah to create a draft policy about public statements. Ian will convene this group.

15-11 Board of Managers of Pooled Funds: Holly provided an update (see PB minute 14-108) on discussions with BOM about their divestment policy. Holly and Katherine Fisher (member of Young Adults Friends Climate Working Group) met with BOM in December. They approved updating their policy to align with their practice of not investing in fossil fuels, but as of the last BOM meeting, they have not settled on new language. They intend to work with Katherine on some specific wording. We expect to hear more in the future.

​​​​​​​15-12 Minute from Earthcare Ministries: We considered a statement prepared jointly by several Quaker bodies in anticipation of the 2014 UN Climate summit (attached). Earthcare forwarded the statement with the request that we consider signing on behalf of NEYM. While some Friends voiced the opinion that this is an opportunity for our voice to be heard in the world (see 15-10 above), others felt the larger value is in the seasoning of a minute through monthly and quarterly meetings. We found that we were not in unity with signing the statement, but approved forwarding the statement, along with Earthcare’s letter introducing the statement, to Monthly Meetings. Holly will convey our sympathy for the statement, with our desire that the movement comes from Monthly Meetings.

​​​​​​​15-13 Treasurer’s Report: Ben reminded Friends that he will be resigning as of Sessions 2015, and we are still searching for his replacement. He reported that the books have been closed on fiscal year 2014, with a deficit of $14,250, compared to the budgeted deficit of $49K. Factors include increased income, and raising more in Sessions fees. Friends retroactively approved overspending of the Sessions budget and an overage of publications.

​​​​​​​15-14 Long-term Financial Planning: Chris Gant, clerk of this committee, shared that while they are charged with a longer-term view of how NEYM might balance income and expenses, they have found it difficult to proceed without clearly discerned goals of the yearly meeting. Their sense is that long-term financial planning should be in support of organizational planning. They are requesting a change in their charge to include considering the vision and goals of the Yearly Meeting. They expect that working with Structural Review and Legacy Gift Committees, together with the reports from previous bodies who have considered the structure and condition of the YM, will inform this work. We understand that the product of this work will be a first iteration of what will likely be a longer discernment.

15-15 Presiding Clerk Report: Jackie reported for C&A that the need for long-term goals for the YM has come up in several situations, most notably from LTFPC (minute 15-14). C&A convened a meeting with the clerks of Structural review, Legacy Gift, and LTFPC, to develop a clearer sense of how these committees might share insight and consult on areas where their work coincides and overlaps. If discerning goals or vision does not “belong” with Financial Planning or Structural review, we acknowledge that this is where the need for a vision has come up most clearly. For C&A, Jackie presented a recommendation that we approve the following revised charge for LTFPC:

Grounded in the past discernment of the Yearly Meeting, and in collaboration with Structural Review and Legacy Gift Committees, the LTFPC will draft a vision of, and articulate specific priorities for, the work that we as a Yearly Meeting are called to do. The Committee will present the past discernment, the vision, and a long-term financial plan to enable the Yearly Meeting to accomplish that vision as well as bring our income and expenditures into balance.

C&A also requests that Structural Review appoint one of its members to LTFPC

Friends pointed out that this work at identifying goals should be on-going work, indeed we can only expect the work of LRFPC to bring a preliminary vision, upon which they will make a first attempt at projecting a balance of income and expenses. Friends approved both C&A recommendations

Sessions: We heard that Peterson Toscano will be giving the Bible Half Hours, and that the Coffeehouse will be our Tuesday evening entertainment, instead of its usual late-night time. Afternoon Opportunities will continue, signups will be available in the spring. Because of a large event in the town of Castleton on Saturday, Friends will be encouraged to arrive on Friday night, leaving more time on Saturday for worship, fellowship, and play.

Memorial Minutes: Jackie presented the current thinking about presenting Memorial Minutes at sessions, developed thorough reflections by PB, M&C, Sessions, and the clerks table.

  • All memorial minutes forwarded by PB will be printed in a booklet, with photos if possible
  • A Memorial Meeting will be set aside, for which M&C would have oversight
  • The printed memorial minutes will be made available to the clerks table, so that excepts may be read, in the same manner as some Epistles are read.
  • Minutes should receive minimal editing by PB, to ensure correctness and state YM participation if they were involved at the YM level.

Jackie also mentioned that Sessions Committee is considering devoting a portion of Sunday morning worship to memorial minutes.

15-16 Memorial Minute for John Kellam: Carolyn Stone reported for the group appointed in September to consider “how the minute might be presented [at Sessions] and what supports might be put in place for those who might be distressed” (PB Min 14-90). The group was in unity that the minute be shared at Sessions. They recommend that if it is read on the floor, there should be warnings, perhaps with a preamble explaining why we are sharing it, given that some people may have visceral responses. They also advise that there not be open worship afterwards, out of concern that responses might be reactionary, not grounded ministry. They would ask M&C to have a roster of Friends ready to help individuals with a difficult response. A few Friends voiced the opinion that we may be doing too much to protect survivors: if you face hard truth, transformation is possible.

Holly read the following Minute approved earlier in the day by Ministry and Counsel, offering their sense that John Kellam's Minute (attached) should be shared at the same time as other Memorial Minutes, and that the Minute should be accompanied by the Providence Minute Acknowledging Our failures and Committing Ourselves to Truth (attached).

M&C Minute 2015-02-06 Planning for Sessions 2016—Consideration of John Kellam’s Memorial Minute

We are clear that the minute be shared at the same time as the rest of the memorial minutes, and that the minute be accompanied by the minute from Providence Meeting, to help give context. We see that while most memorial minutes are a witness to the life of a particular Friend, these minutes offer us the opportunity to share in the witness of a Meeting as well.

Friends approved sending both John Kellam’s Memorial Minute and the accompanying minute from Providence Meeting to Sessions. Friends also approved forwarding the report from this Permanent Board ad-hoc group to Sessions Committee and Ministry and Counsel, who will have oversight of the Memorial Meeting. Jean McCandless and Carolyn Stone offered some oversight to the interaction of PB, M&C, and Sessions Committee in carrying out these decisions, and to make sure other recommendations in the ad-hoc group’s report (attached) are included in discussions.

15-17 Personnel Committee: Bob Murray informed us that the Personnel Committee will be undertaking a review of the Personnel Policy Manual, hoping to ensure that the Manual is consistent with who we are and what we are doing. In particular they expect to consider open-ended staff appointments, where the current practice is year by year. Anyone with thoughts on this subject is encouraged to speak with Bob or other members of Personnel Committee.

​​​​​​​15-18 Request from Camp Committee: We have received a request from the Camp Committee for assistance in forming a search committee for a new camp director, as Nat Shed expects to step down in the fall of 2016. Donn Weinholtz (Internal nominating), Bob Murray (Personnel), and Holly Baldwin (PB Clerk), will work together to find suitable and willing individuals. They welcome offers and ideas. A proposed Search Committee will come to PB for approval.

15-19 Finance Committee: Shearman Taber brought a proposed policy regarding Check Signers:

Four individuals should be authorized as signers of checks for the Yearly Meeting. The signers shall include:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • Treasurer
  • Yearly Meeting Secretary
  • Assistant Treasurer,
  • and the most appropriate person or persons of the following:
    • The Presiding Clerk of the Yearly Meeting,
    • The Clerk of Permanent Board,
    • A recent Treasurer of the Yearly Meeting,
    • In extreme circumstances, the holder of a position normally appointed by the Yearly Meeting in Sessions who has familiarity with its finances and is an active member of a monthly meeting which is part of New England Yearly Meeting.

Finance Committee will nominate check signers for the Yearly Meeting's authorization. Check signers' authorizations must be renewed annually.

One of the functions of a signer is to verify that an expense is within the limits of the budget. To that end a signer should be familiar with the general spending patterns of the Yearly Meeting, and verify any unusual expense prior to signing a check.

In order to maintain ongoing oversight of the accounts of the Yearly Meeting, the primary individual responsible for writing the checks and entering them into the accounts shall not be an authorized signer of the checks. We recognize that in extreme circumstances a signer may also be writing a check. In such an event, the Clerk of Finance Committee and all other check signers must be notified as soon as possible.

Anyone responsible for bookkeeping (including the Accounts Manager) and anyone with the individual authority to allow budgetary overages (specifically the Clerk of the Finance Committee) cannot be an account signer.

Friends approved this policy.

​​​​​​​15-20 Finance Committee: Shearman also presented a policy regarding Bank Transfers:

Bank transfers and other electronic transfers of funds must be authorized in writing by authorized check signers. Written documentation of authorization for transfers, including authorization by two check signers for transfers of over

$5,000, will be maintained to correspond with the policy for checks. Recurring transfers, such as payroll and health insurance, may continue once they are authorized until the end of the fiscal year.

Friends also approved this policy.

15-21 Travel minutes: The Clerk presented, for our consideration, a travel minute for Len Cadwallader, for travel among Latin American Friends. Friends approved the Clerk endorsing this minute. The Clerk also presented a minute for Reb McKenzie, for travel encouraging Earthcare Stewardship. Friends approved the clerk endorsing this minute.

15-22 Memorial Minutes: Friends settled into worship and heard memorial minutes for Hal Burnham and Richard Wood. On consideration, Friends approved forwarding both Memorial Minutes to Sessions.

15-23 Closing worship: Friends closed in worship, purposing to meet again May 9, 2015, at Storrs Friends Meeting.

Holly Baldwin, clerk

​​​​​​​Bruce Neumann, recording clerk