Permanent Board minutes | September 27, 2014

14-79 Opening Worship: Friends from Permanent Board and Ministry and Counsel gathered together for worship at the North Fairfield Meeting House. During opening worship we heard memorial minutes for Benjamin Cates and Peter Haviland.

14-80 Roll Call: The Recording Clerk called the roll:

Present: Virginia Bainbridge, Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Jacqui Clark, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Christopher Gant, Sarah Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Ian Harrington, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Allan Kohrman, Jean McCandless, Bruce Neumann, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Carolyn Stone, Philip Stone, Elizabeth Szatkowski, Bill Walkauskas, Fritz Weiss, Rosemary Zimmermann.

Regrets: Aimee Belanger, Justice Erikson, Galen Hamann, Jan Hoffman, Leanna Kantt, Rebecca Leuchak, Rocky Malin, Elias Sánchez-Eppler, Karen Sánchez- Eppler, Patricia Shotwell, Becky Steele, Donn Weinholtz, Hannah Zwirner.

Ex-officio: Noah Baker Merrill (Putney, Yearly Meeting Secretary), Robert Murray (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Personnel), Jacqueline Stillwell (Monadnock, Presiding Clerk). Shearman Taber (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Finance)

Visitors: Mary Frances Angelini (Framingham, Clerk of Archives), Jonah McKenna-Moss (Beacon Hill, YAF Clerk), Christopher McCandless, Nat Shed (Vassalboro, Friends Camp Director), Michael Trombley (North Fairfield, Pastor).

14-81 Minutes: We considered minutes from both the Aug 2 and Aug 7 meetings at Castleton College. Both were approved with minor changes.

14-82 The Year’s work: Reviewing some of the specific work of the coming year, the Clerk exhorted to us to live into our role as a board, holding the vision for the YM, drawing it out, and supporting it. Reprising the YM Secretary's metaphor during Sessions, our primary work is in anchoring the stakes which allow the fruit to ripen.

​​​​​​​14-83 Memorial Minutes: The Clerk raised a general concern about how the memorial minute process has been going, including questions about how they are written, how they are selected by Quarters for forwarding to PB, our own criteria for forwarding to Sessions, editing, and presentation at Sessions. She read from a minute on Memorial Meeting Guidelines (see attached) approved by Permanent Board in 2008. It offers two basic criteria for forwarding: “Did this Friend add to the light beyond their meeting to the Yearly Meeting?” and “Is this the rare memorial minute that adds to our understanding of living in the light, even though this Friend’s sphere did not extend beyond their meeting to the Yearly Meeting?” Friends offered a few thoughts, including printing all minutes forwarded by Sessions, but allowing the clerk's table to select which ones will be read; and considering all minutes forwarded to us as a group, rather than individually. The clerk intends to update the document and the clerks table will consider how minutes are presented at Sessions. We will revisit this later this year. Friends approved forwarding Minutes for both Ben Cates and Pete Havilland.

​​​​​​​14-84 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Noah told us of the perspective he gained when, visiting the archives, he saw the minute of separation of the Wilburite and Gurneyite Yearly Meetings. We now know a different ending to that painful event: what will Friends understand about our time, in another 100 years?

Regarding the closure of the Friends’ Home, we understand that the (MA) State Dept. of Unemployment has agreed to give a written record of our case being closed. The check for the outstanding amount (PB Minute 14-50) has been sent, and we are waiting on the promised statement.

The database is on track for both budget and schedule. While there is work to be done transferring data, the design work is almost complete.

Noah presented (in large format) the draft 2015 staff work plan. The staff, who see their work as liberating and supporting the work of Friends, will meet in retreat in October to finalize this work plan. The plans will be posted and available for comment.

While the final accounting for YM sessions is not yet complete, it appears that income will cover costs, with a modest surplus. Noah told us that there had been strong support for the pay-as-led option.

In response to a question about how the staff feels about impending reapportionment of staff hours (see PB minute 14-94 below), Noah made it clear that reducing Jeff Hipp’s status from full-time to .6 was at Jeff’s request. That said, he acknowledged that it has been a difficult year for staff, with many feeling overworked. He is hopeful that the organizational changes together with a well- articulated work plan will result in a greater feeling of spaciousness.

14-85 Presiding Clerk Report: Jackie reported on some of the issues that Coordinating and Advisory is considering:

  • Given a desire to have more involvement in the YM by the generation of families with children, C&A has been considering several issues around the arranging of childcare for YM events, including who should have oversight.
  • C&A has scheduled a clerking workshop in November, presented by David and Nancy Haines.
  • C&A has been considering nominations to Strucutral Review Committee. They brought the name of Angela Hopkins (Northampton). Friends approved. We heard that Janet Hough would like to step down as clerk. In addition to seeking a new clerk, they continue to look for a few more members; in particular, they are looking for representation from the following communities: Friends of color, pastoral meetings, parents of young children, LBGTQ Friends. 
  • They are exploring an idea for a “Collaboration Day,” a time when MM clerks, treasurers and Education facilitators could come together and share.
  • C&A has a yearning that Friends in New England could articulate a long term vision for the YM, as distinct from a financial plan. They hope to bring something for our consideration at our next meeting.

Jackie also reported that Sessions Committee is considering “Covenant Community” as our theme for next year’s sessions.

​​​​​​​14-86 Treasurer’s Report: Ben Guaraldi reported that, while we are close to the end of the fiscal year, he is expecting some further income from MM’s and is unable to predict the final balance.

He is exploring the possibility of MM’s making direct transfers to the YM, similar to the Give Monthly program for individual giving.

Regarding the closure of the NEFH, Ben reported that legal and accounting expenses exceeded the combined resources of the Hanson-Hill fund and the Friends Home bank account, by $6,691. He requested authorization for drawing $6,691 from the proceeds from the sale of the Home to pay the balance of expenses. Friends approved.

Friends also approved drawing any further legal and accounting expenses related to the Friends Home from these proceeds.

14-86 Finance Committee: Shearman Taber reported that travel expenses are again exceeding the budget by more than the clerk of Finance is authorized to allow. The Finance Committee intends to study the rise in travel expenses this year. One Friend encouraged exploring leasing a car as a way to save. Friends approved authorizing the Treasurer to approve travel expenses up to $5600 beyond the $28,800 budgeted.

The PB clerk thanked the Committee and its clerks for holding the concern of our financial well-being during this difficult financial time.

​​​​​​​14-88 Development Committee: Sara Smith, clerk reminded us that, even if you don’t have a lot to give, sometimes it is enough. We heard that individual giving stands at about $133K. The Committee is excited about the new Salesforce Database from which it is easier to get reports.

​​​​​​​14-89 Long-term Financial Planning: Ben Guaraldi reported for the group appointed at our Aug 7 meeting (PB Minute 14-74). The group was charged with considering how to prepare and maintain a five-year financial plan for the YM. The group recommends an ad-hoc committee, reporting to PB, consisting of 2 representatives from PB, 2 from Finance Committee, one each from Development and Personnel, as well as the Treasurer, the YM Secretary and, when available, the clerk of PB. This new ad-hoc committee would be charged with preparing a 5-year plan by February, in advance of Committee Day and the Feb. 21 PB meeting. The Committee would be expected to share the progress of their work widely. Friends approved the formation of this Ad-hoc Committee, recognizing that in beginning this work we are making a shift in the way we think about the YM and its future, incorporating a greater sense of vision.

Continuing discussion, Friends expressed both concern about adding to the work of already committed Friends, and a recognition that this is important work which needs to be connected to the work of the involved committees. The Clerk proposed reviewing the composition and workload of this group at the end of its first year.

The Clerk offered a chance for PB to offer input for the new committee. We heard suggestions for numerical measurements of a non-financial nature, for a clear description of how we will get to the point of paying back reserves, and for support for outreach.

The Clerk further suggested that we raise up names for the PB members of this committee, allowing C&A to discern from this group. Friends raised up the names of Elias Sanchez-Eppler, Shearman Taber, Becky Steele, Sandy Isaacs, Christopher Gant, Jacqui Clark, Virginia Bainbridge, Sarah Gant, and Jeremiah Dickinson. Friends approved forwarding these names, and allowing C&A to make final appointments.

​​​​​​​14-90 Memorial Minute for John Kellam: reconvening after lunch, again with Ministry and Counsel, we settled into worship and heard two minutes from Providence meeting: a memorial minute for John Kellam and “A minute Acknowledging Our Failures and Committing ourselves to Truth” (attached). Because the minute names that John engaged in abuse within his family, the Clerk had requested that Ministry and Counsel join us, to discern whether and how to forward this minute to Sessions.

Noting that all too often abuse is kept quiet, some Friends voiced satisfaction that, in this case, the abuse is being uncovered. Several Friends who knew John, spoke of the difficulty in understanding this aspect of his life and behavior, when the aspect of John that they knew was kind, generous, and sensitive. One friend pointed out that understanding the whole person opens the possibility of redemption. Others Several Friends voiced concern for how survivors of abuse in attendance at Sessions might react on hearing this minute. We were encouraged to think about the roots of evil in ourselves.

While sensing general approval of forwarding the minute, the clerk considered that we should reflect further on how the minute will be brought forward at Sessions before final approval of forwarding. She asked for Friends who were willing to engage in further discussion on how the minute might be presented and what supports might be put in place: for those who might be distressed, and for those that the reading might awaken old wounds. Carolyn Stone (PB), Allison Randall (M&C), Katherine Fisher (M&C), Diane DiCranian (M&C), Nat Shed (Vassalboro), and Jeremiah Dickinson (PB) offered to be part of this discussion.

The group is encouraged to engage with Providence Meeting as part of the process, and to bring a recommendation to our February meeting, at which time M&C and PB will meet together again.

14-91 Intervisitation: Beth Gorton (Ministry and Counsel) spoke about the Quaker Passports which the intervisitation subcommittee of M&C has produced. The passport is a small book with a page for every Meeting and Worship Group in New England. M&C hopes that the books will make visitation more visible and encourage Friends to travel more. Meetings are encouraged to create a stamp, to stamp their page in visitor’s books. Beth pointed out that PB and M&C should be visiting regularly, helping to make the YM more visible.

​​​​​​​14-92 Relationships with Monthly Meetings: Deana Chase reported for the ad-hoc group, which has been considering how we might nurture more integral relationships with the Monthly Meetings. The group, originally composed of Deana, Sara Smith, and Bruce Neumann, has expanded to include Noah Baker Merrill, Kathleen Wooten and Dulaney Bennett (Finance Committee). She pointed out that these intended visits are distinct from other intervisitation, in that Friends should plan in advance with members of the meeting to be visited, and be sure there is an opportunity to engage in discussion with the meeting. Bruce pointed out that these visits are, in fact, PB’s response to our financial condition. While we will not be specifically asking for money, the intention is to nurture the relationships which may in turn engender greater participation and perhaps contributions. Deana continued, explaining that Kathleen Wooten, in a portion of her staff time, will be coordinating and tracking visits. Volunteers can expect advice on what meeting to visit, suggestion of traveling partner, and materials to support the visit. Deana passed around a sign-up sheet with an initial list of Meetings, prioritized by Noah and Kathleen.

​​​​​​​14-93 Student Loan: The Clerk reviewed the state of both the legacy student loan program, and the proposal by the Ad-hoc Student Aid Revisioning committee. It appears that we need some clarification on the role of Conservator (PB Minute 13- 117), tasked with overseeing on-going repayment of existing loans. Also, fine- tuning of the original Student Aid Proposal (PB minute 14-18) appears to have stalled. The Clerk asked for a few Friends to take up both pieces of work, hoping for a report or proposal at our November or February meeting. Ian Harrington as convenor, with Allan Kohrman, and Rebecca Leuchak offered to take this on.

Friends approved.

​​​​​​​14-94 Personnel Committee: For the Personnel Committee, Bob Murray presented a proposed restructuring of staff responsibilities and time commitments, noting that this presentation is for information and comment. Our current structure allows the YM Secretary, with approval of Personnel committee, to make these changes. The changes were prompted by Jeff Hipp’s request to step back to 0.6 FTE (full-time-equivalent) time, in conjunction with the approval, in our FY ‘15 budget, of a .5 FTE increase in administrative time. The proposal sets Jeff Hipp’s time at 0.6 FTE, with a title of Coordinator of Technology fro Ministry. Sara Hubner’s title will become Office manager, at0.8 FTE, and Kathleen Wooten’s new title will be Events Coordinator, with an increase to 0.5 FTE. We understand that there may be a modest savings in staff costs despite the increase in overall time.

​​​​​​​14-95 Internal Nominating: Susan Davies spoke about the work of Internal Nominating this year. They will be looking for a new PB Clerk and  perhaps a Recording Clerk. Based on Holly’s reflections on the workload for PB clerk they will be considering ways to make that position easier. Susan presented three names for our consideration:

  • Christopher Gant (Beacon Hill), Personnel, class of 2017
  • Donn Weinholz (Hartford) Internal Nominating, class of 2018
  • Sarah Sue Pennell (Cambridge), Internal Nominating, class of 2018 Friends approved these nominations

​​​​​​​14-96 Archives Committee: Mary Frances Angelini, clerk of the Archives Committee, spoke about their work exploring the possibility of moving the NEYM archives (PB Minute 13-53). She reported that for a variety of reasons work has not progressed as expected until the recent appointment of Carol Forsythe as Project Coordinator. At this point they have had exploratory contact with several institutions, and have prepared a “Request for Proposal” to send out to archives that might be interested in holding our archives. They are also recommending sending an explanation of the process to monthly meetings, allowing for expression of concerns before moving too far along this path. Mary Frances also expressed the Archive’s Committee’s hope that the YM will be able to appoint an Archivist at such point as a final decision about a transfer is made. The archivist will be essential to ensuring that on-going MM and YM records are entered in the archives. Friends approved this way forward.

​​​​​​​14-97 The Bloudy Tenent: Noah spoke about his and the Archives Committee’s recommendation to sell NEYM’s copy of Roger Williams’ The Bloudy Tenent”. They have approached experts and learned that it is quite a rare first-edition copy, yet since Roger Williams was not a Quaker it is not significant to our own history. Some Friends expressed hope that prceeds from the auction or sale of the book might support either an archivist, or digitization of the archives. Friends approved authorizing Noah and the Archives Committee to pursue auction or sale of this rare book.

14-98 Yearly Meeting Nominating: Christopher McCandless for YM Nominating provided a corrected list of Permanent Board members (attached). They expect to be discerning possible members for Youth Ministries Committee, Youth Education Committee, and Legacy Gift Committee at their next meeting.

14-99 Closing worship: We closed in worship, purposing to meet again on November 15. Holly Baldwin, Clerk

Bruce Neumann, Recording Clerk