Permanent Board minutes | January 19, 2013

13-01 Opening Worship: We gathered for worship at Framingham Monthly Meeting. During our opening worship we heard that former PB clerk Edward Baker has thyroid cancer, and we sent our collective prayers to him and his family.

13-02 Welcome: we were greeted by John Robinson (clerk) and Susan Woodrow, both of Framingham Meeting, who welcomed us to their Meetinghouse.

13-03 Roll Call: The recording clerk called the roll:

Present: Holly Baldwin, Aimee Belanger, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Ben Guaraldi, Jan Hoffman, John Humphries, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Mary Knowlton, Allan Kohrman, Rebecca Leuchak, Christopher McCandless, Robert Murray, Bruce Neumann, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Suzanna Schell, Patricia Shotwell, Caroline Stone, Philip Stone, Jane Van Landingham, Donn Weinholtz, Fritz Weiss, Carl Williams, Rosemary Zimmermann, Hannah Zwirner

Regrets: Edward Baker (Clerk of Personnel), Eric Edwards, Sarah Gant, Galen Hamman, Elias Sanchez-Eppler, Sara Smith, Noah Baker Merrill (Yearly Meeting Secretary).

Ex-officio: Edward Mair (Treasurer), Jacqueline Stillwell (Presiding Clerk), Jonathan Vogel-Borne (Yearly Meeting Secretary), Maria Lamberto (Clerk of Finance).

Guests: Cynthia Ganung (Wellesley), Roland Stern (Wellesley), Honor Woodrow (Framingham), Kathleen Wooten (Lawrence), Judith Shea (New Haven), Dwight Lopes (New Haven)

13-05 Minutes: Friends reviewed the minutes from our November 17th meeting. The minutes were approved.

13-06 Legacy Discernment Committee: For the ad hoc committee, Suzanna Schell reported on progress since our November meeting (PB Minute 12-104). We heard that a revised letter inviting groups to consider how the Legacy Gift might be used, and Queries to assist in discernment, have been sent to clerks of all MM’s, QM’s, and YM committees, as well as YAF’s and Young Friends. Additional materials for the discernment process will be available soon at Nia Thomas has requested assistance in presenting the topic to Young Friends.

At our November meeting, the ad hoc committee communicated that more members would be useful, and we heard that Sarah Gant, Nellie Herman (Monadnock), and Eileen Cummings (Winthrop Center) have agreed to join the committee, which would welcome more assistance, particularly from the YAFs, from the Pooled Funds, and people willing to travel representing the work of the committee. We approved allowing the committee to accept new members, asking them to report at our next meeting.

We heard a letter that the YAFs had prepared at their annual mid-winter retreat, as a result of their discernment about the Legacy Gift. They encourage us to focus, not on the money, but on “the new life which is rising up in our Yearly Meeting, and allow the money to follow those channels.” Feeling challenged to faithful listening in all our work, and to deeper discernment as we move forward, we were reminded that if we are listening to God, we will be led in faith to what we are supposed to do. We noted the potential connections between new life, the Legacy Gift, and our consideraton of the YM structure; and that discernment must consider what is the work, or ministry, of the body.

The clerk called us into a period of worship so that we might have time to reflect and absorb what we had heard, and to feel for how the challenge may lead us.

​​​​​​​13-06 Student Loan Discernment: For the ad hoc Student Loan Discernment group, Allan Kohrman reported on that group’s conclusions. Their sense is that, due to vast increases in tuition and the wide availability of federal loans, the modest sums traditionally offered by this fund have limited usefulness, and note that the Student Loan Committee has not functioned for 3 years. The group recommends four proposals: 1) Stop creating new loans, 2) Donate the existing money ($56K) to scholarships for Quaker children at New England Quaker schools, 3) Ask the accounts manager to follow up with existing loans ($82K), distributing these funds to those same schools as they are received, and 4) Lay down the Student Loan Committee.

Friends observed that the issue is not lack of need, but that the need is much greater than the existing fund and administration can handle. We heard both that huge debt can have an enormous impact on the spirit and activity of recent graduates, and that the greater flexibility of repayment of these loans has been a comfort and assistance to Friends in the past.

We were also cautioned that we are not particularly good financial stewards, and that any increase in funds distributed would require an increase in administrative oversight, which should not fall on an already overworked staff. Even the proposal for terminating the loan program puts an extra burden on the Accounts Manager.

Recognizing that nurturing the life of the spirit may yet include some form of financial support for education, we agreed to lay down the ad hoc Student Loan Discernment Group, but to defer decisions on their recommendations. We approved establishing an ad hoc Student Aid Re-visioning Committee, consisting of Hannah Zwirner, Aimee Belanger, and Rebecca Leuchak, and approved the following charge:

Acknowledging that the current model of student loans is no longer viable, but recognizing that there is life in the concern for how we provide financial support to YM members in need, we ask this ad hoc committee to consider how the Yearly Meeting might support students of any age, who might need financial aid for educational pursuits.

Ultimately we would need to consider ways to fund and administer a new program, but we ask this group to begin by reaching for an understanding of whether there is an emerging ministry of the YM to address these needs, and for ideas of how these ideas might be met.

​​​​​​​14-07 Presiding Clerk Report: Jackie Stillwell reported that Sessions Committee met in December, and that work on the March 23 Mid-Year Gathering is progressing with enthusiasm. A poster has been prepared, and on-line registration is now available for this one-day event. Jeff Hipp and Dorothy Grannell, and Jean McCandless are carrying the heart of this work.

Coordinating and Advisory Committee (C&A) gathered at Woolman Hill for a one day retreat, to consider the transition of Yearly Meeting Secretaries. C&A has also begun a dialogue about the need for long-term financial planning. They hope that C&A and PB together can envision a longer-range plan that will ensure the financial stability of the YM.

C&A also spent time considering the charge (see attachment to PB November 17 minutes) for the Structural Review Committee. They are concerned that the charge is too broad, and recommend that the ad hoc Committee review the charge themselves and bring back recommendations for prioritizing the work. Reflection on past endeavors suggests that the committee’s eventual recommendations will be most effective if their work has included on-going engagement with as much of the YM as is possible. One Friend offered the Faith and Practice Revision Committee model, of bringing segments of their work and conclusions forward as they become clear.

​​​​​​​14-08 Structural Review Committee: The Clerk reported on progress with the composition of the committee. Committed Friends include those who volunteered at Sessions, some whose names were raised at our November meeting, and others whose names were discerned by C&A. Several individuals are still considering.

Reminding us that we do not need to approve these names, since PB gave authority to name the committee to C&A, the Clerk named the current composition of the committee as follows:

Anna Barnett (Portland)

David Cadbury (Midcoast)

Lisa Graustein (Beacon Hill)

Christopher Haines (Fresh Pond)

Cliff Harrison (Cambridge)

Janet Hough (Cobscook)

Debbie Humphries (Hartford)

Christopher McCandless (Burlington)

Bruce Neumann (Fresh Pond)

Alana Parkes (Beacon Hill)

Jay Smith (Concord)

Jackie Stillwell (Monadnock)

Honor Woodrow (Framingham)

13-09 Treasurer’s Report: Ed Mair reports that while we are slightly ahead in individual donations this year, he remains deeply concerned about the combination of last year’s deficit and this year’s challenge budget. While we have reserves to cover several years of such deficits, the situation calls for more active planning to prevent the eventuality of depleting the reserves. Ed voiced what he recognizes as a rare opinion, that the Legacy Gift could be used to support the general budget. We discussed the need for monthly meetings to increase their contributions, hearing that finance committee has been reluctant to publicize a recommended per member contribution ($115). One Friend recalled, that at the outset of hiring youth programs staff, MM’s rose to the challenge of raising contributions to support the staff. Perhaps we need to communicate more with MM’s as to what their contributions support. In the context of several Friends’ questions about interpreting the financial reports, we were reminded that, in having some financial oversight, we have a responsibility to learn to understand them.

​​​​​​​13-10 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Noting the Noah Baker Merrill is away, filling a previously scheduled engagement, Jonathan Vogel-Borne rose to speak about Quaker affairs in New England and beyond. We heard a very brief report about his and Minga’s trip to Israel and Palestine, and that they are both eager to speak to groups about their experience.

Beth Collea (NEYM Religious Education Coordinator) and Margaret Cooley (Ministry and Counsel clerk) attended the initial consultation of FGC’s new initiative on supporting new meetings.

Jonathan has observed an increasing level of interchange between NEYM and New York Yearly Meeting, a joint consultation exploring eldership being the latest example.

Our mid-year gathering will include conversations prompted by FWCC’s theme of “Let the Living Waters flow.”

Regarding the New England Friends Home, we heard that a cash settlement was offered to resolve a dispute with the caretaker, and that bureaucracy at the Department of Employment has prolonged resolution of their claim that we still owe a large sum. We may need to hire a lawyer to help resolve this.

YM staff – Jonathan notes that we do not yet have a new Archivist, and that the Archives Committee is exploring moving the archives, possibly to Amherst. We still need an administrative assistant.

Jonathan noted that he is enjoying the transfer of responsibility, and encouraged us to welcome Noah into his new role.

Priorities Budget: we were presented the first draft of this year’s Priorities Budget. Acknowledging the possibility of little or no increase in income in FY’14, Jonathan and Noah have prepared several options which include cuts to staff hours, increasing employee contributions to healthcare, and downsizing the Worcester office. Other, more optimistic levels include COLA and expected, modest salary increases. Jonathan and Noah are not recommending the cuts, but thought that it was important that we understand that these cuts are potential consequences of our financial situation. While Finance Committee will have their first discussion about this on Feb. 9, Personnel Committee has voiced their opposition to any cuts, including the possibility of drawing down reserves.

Hearing concerns about our financial health, but also concerns about not panicking, we united for the time being with the Personnel Committee, understanding that the Priorities budget will come back after more discernment.

13-11 YM Secretary Appreciation: Noting that Jonathan Vogel-Borne has had “a wide and personal reach,” Holly Baldwin presented Jonathan with a booklet she had prepared, containing personal reflections from a number of Friends. We spent time in worship sharing, hearing reminiscences about our time with Jonathan. We closed with the reminder that while he is leaving the position of YM Secretary, he will still be a part of NEYM.​​​​​​​

13-12 Personnel Committee: For Personnel Committee, Judith Shea presented the following recommendation for Supervision of the Yearly Meeting Secretary, prepared in cooperation with C&A:

The NEYM Secretary will be supervised by a qualified Friend appointed by Permanent Board through its Internal Nominating Committee process for a renewable three-year term. We expect the Supervisor to the Yearly Meeting Secretary will have significant experience and a level of skill as a supervisor to leadership, as well as strong connections to the Yearly Meeting. The Supervisor will serve as a full member of both C&A and the Personnel Committees and will thereby serve as a liaison between these two committees. The Supervisor will be responsible for leading the annual evaluation process of the Yearly Meeting Secretary, which will continue to be the ultimate responsibility of C&A, as outlined in the changes to Yearly Meeting organizational structures approved by Sessions 2009 (2009 NEYM Minute 43).

Friends approved the recommendation. Internal Nominating Committee will seek such a person to present for approval in March, but we are comfortable with a Supervisor beginning to serve as soon as they are able. The Presiding Clerk will continue as the YM Secretary’s supervisor in the interim. The Supervisor could be a current member of either C&A or Personnel or it could be a new appointment.

​​​​​​​13-13 Report on Travel to Cuba: Ben Guaraldi and Honor Woodrow presented an epistle from Cuban Young Friends, expressing their joy at the presence of NEYM YAFs. We also heard a letter from the YAFs describing their experience in Cuba. We heard that for some, the trip was a milestone in their spiritual development, experiencing Cuban forms of worship, and developing “a growing comfort with the unknown and mysterious aspects that come along with trying to live a led life.” We heard that some Friends from Cuba will attend our Mid-year gathering.

​​​​​​​13-14 Travel Minute: We heard a revised Travel Minute for Kathleen Wooten, who has been led to travel with a concern for fostering community and deeper relationships among Friends. Friends approved the minute.

13-15 Internal Nominating: For Internal Nominating Committee, Donn Weinholz presented the following names. Friends approved these nominations.

  • Clerk’s Nominating Committee: Allan Korhrman (Wellesley), Class of 2016
  • Internal Nominating: Patsy Shotwell (Wellesley), Class of 2016​​​​​​​
  • Personnel Committee, Rebecca Leuchak (Providence), Class of 2016
  • Yearly Meeting Nominating: Sarah Sue Pennell (Cambridge), Class of 2014

​​​​​​​13-16 Intervisitation: Noting that Friends had been unable to arrange a gathering with our host Meeting (PB minute 12-113), the clerk recognized that this process may require a different approach than expected, and asked for volunteers to shepherd the process with Smithfield Meeting, site of our next meeting.

​​​​​​​13-17 Closing Worship: Reminded that “Glorious things will come to pass,” we closed in worship, purposing to meet again on 16 March, 2013 at Smithfield Monthly Meeting.

Holly Baldwin, Clerk

Bruce Neumann, Recording Clerk