Permanent Board minutes | November 19, 2011

11-86 Opening Worship: We opened in waiting worship.

11-87 Roll Call: The recording clerk called the roll.

Present: Edward Baker, Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Debbie Block, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Sarah Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Jan Hoffman, John Humphries, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Mary Knowlton, Allan Kohrman, Dwight Lopes, Christopher McCandless, Robert Murray, Bruce Neumann, Sarah Sue Pennell, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Elias Sanchez-Eppler, Suzanna Schell, Patricia Shotwell, Carolyn Stone, Philip Stone, Jane Van Landingham, Donn Weinholtz, Fritz Weiss, Carl Williams, Rosemary Zimmermann

Regrets: Jennifer Baily (Personnel Committee, Clerk), Aimee Belanger, Eileen Cummings (Finance Committee, Clerk), Galen Hamann, Rebecca Leuchak, Donald Mick, Ruah Swennerfelt

Ex-Officio: Ed Mair (Treasurer), Jackie Stillwell (YM Presiding Clerk), Jonathan Vogel-Borne (YM Secretary)

11-88 Minutes of 8/6/2011 were approved with changes.

11-89 Minutes of 8/11/2011 were approved with changes.

11-90 Memorial Minutes: Friends heard memorial minutes celebrating the lives of Arthur Pennell (Cambridge) and Emily Sander (Cambridge). Friends approved forwarding these minutes to Sessions, asking that the Memorial Minutes Committee review and edit them, as necessary.

11-91 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Jonathan Vogel-Borne, YM Secretary, shared some reflections from the recent months’ activities:

Priorities process budget: The multi-step process for developing the budget has begun. A first step was the “Funding our Vision” gathering at Providence MM, which had a good turnout despite the unexpected snowstorm that day. Next month, Jonathan will begin putting together the chart showing priority levels for various items and matching them up against anticipated income. In response to input from last spring’s “Funding our Vision” gathering, Finance Committee has also prepared a more straightforward summary of income and expenses for wider distribution.

Staff updates: The new staff has become an incredible team. Frederick Martin, the new Accounts Manager, closed the books on FY2011 this week, discovering that our income was within $800 of meeting our expenses not counting the positive change in fair market value of our investments. Jodi Goodman, the new Archivist, has spent a little more time than she had planned becoming familiar with the collection after the computer crashed on her first day (the data is recoverable, but not computer). During the course of her explorations, she found a mahogany box at the back of a drawer and discovered that it contained an extremely rare book written by Roger Williams that had been given to Obadiah Brown. Jodi is a trained archivist, and the Archives & Historical Records Committee is thrilled to have her doing the work. Jeff Hipp, Communications Director/Office Manager, sent the fall issue of The New England Friend to printer on Thursday. There are about 50 Young Friends at a retreat in Portland this weekend, and the Junior Yearly Meeting retreat is at Westport. Youth Programs are booming. Beth Collea has been doing lots of visiting with local meetings, filling some of the need created by Jonathan’s shift to less pastoral travel.

Jonathan referred Friends to the staff work plan included in the advance documents and posted on the NEYM website, describing the many ways it is useful, including helping to review regular reports from staff.

Around YM: There are new pastors at Allen’s Neck and Smith Neck. Smithfield has a young adult Friend living in the parsonage at the meetinghouse, and they are inviting guests to speak during programmed worship on Sundays. Many MMs seem to be wrestling with the question: “Where are the kids?” This is an issue that needs more serious attention. On November 6, there was a preparation gathering of the NEYM representatives and other NEYM Friends planning to attend the Sixth World Conference of Friends in Kenya in April.

FUM General Board: Jonathan shared his perspective that there is a turning happening at FUM, with the new General Secretary Colin Saxton, along with an energetic group of women on the General Board – including Leslie Manning (Durham) – helping to shift the dynamics within the organization. Jonathan is still serving on the committee considering potential restructuring of the organization. The theme for this Triennium is “A great people to be gathered,” and Jonathan anticipates great possibilities for FUM to really come to life in the coming years.

11-92 Report on New England Friends Home: Jonathan Vogel-Borne reported on behalf of the Ad Hoc Friends Home Property Committee (see PB Minute 11-78). The Committee members are Edward Baker (clerk, Permanent Board and convener), Trish Hogan (Finance Committee), Jonathan Vogel-Borne (YM Sec), and Ed Mair (Treasurer), Zona Douthit (Lawyer, and from Providence Meeting), Travis Belcher (Former clerk of Finance Committee), Barry Corbin (Caretaker), Chris Doehlert (NEFH Treasurer), Betsy Kantt (NEFH Committee), and Jeanne McKnight (Legal Counsel).

The close of operations for the Friends Home on September 2, 2012, went fairly smoothly; however, closing costs have been higher than anticipated. The Committee has determined that the best way to proceed is to work with a commercial real estate broker, and so the YM will sign a brokerage agreement on Monday with Kevin Delaney of Coldwell Banker. The YM brings five prospective buyers interested in the property into the deal, and Jonathan shared information on those interested parties. These groups will have 30 days to put together a proposal in a special exclusionary arrangement before they will have to go through the broker. The broker shared his sense that the “highest and best use,” which would yield the highest purchase price, is elder services. The committee has also engaged the services of a professional commercial real estate appraiser. Once an offer has been made, the Committee will bring a recommendation to PB for approval.

Jonathan reported the Committee’s recommendation to liquidate the Hanson/Hill Fund ($26,862 in the Pooled Funds) to help with the ongoing expenses of the Home. Once the Friends Home is closed, there will be no clear purpose for this fund. We do not have much information about the history and source of this fund, established more than 70 years ago, but we know it was a restricted donation for the Friends Home.

Friends approved liquidating the Hanson/Hill Fund. The released funds will be used by the YM to cover the ongoing expenses of the Friends Home.

Friends recognized a continuing concern about the YM’s moral obligation to provide appropriate support to former employees whom we have laid off until they have found employment. We recognize that the YM is liable for unemployment compensation if our former staff cannot find jobs. Jonathan reported that we have heard of no one in that situation.

Friends also asked that we not forget the need for further consideration of how the YM might continue supporting a concern for the aging as we discern how to allocate the funds from the sale of the Friends Home property.

11-93 Laying Down the Friends Home Committee: At its meeting on 10 September 2011, the Friends Home Committee minuted a request that the Committee be laid down. Friends approved laying down this committee, noting that Chris Doehlert, the former Treasurer of the Friends Home Committee, is now serving as the Treasurer for the Ad Hoc Friends Home Property Committee.

11-94 Request from Amesbury Monthly Meeting: The Clerk reported on a request from Amesbury MM that ownership and possession of a number of historical items at the New England Friends Home related to John Greenleaf Whittier be transferred to Amesbury MM. The Meeting intends to have the items on display at the meetinghouse. It is believed that the Whittier items at the Friends Home were donated by members of Amesbury MM, where he had been a member.

Friends approved transferring these items to Amesbury MM.

11-95 Report from Personnel Committee: Karen Sanchez-Eppler reported for the Committee. She reviewed the relatively few proposed changes to the YM Secretary’s job description as detailed in the advance documents.

The discussion revealed differences between Friends who have a vision of the YM Secretary as a leader and a public voice for NEYM and those Friends who think of this position as working to nurture leadership and public witness of other Friends throughout the YM. The job description, as written, seems to highlight the latter without precluding the former. It was pointed out that a dramatic shift in the nature of the position would need greater discernment within the YM, and that our responsibility is to fill a position that was newly created three years ago.

Friends approved the changes in YM Secretary’s job description, as recommended by the Personnel Committee. Friends recommended that the Search Committee make it clear to applicants that roughly 20% of the job is planning, preparation and coordination of Sessions.

11-96 Report from Coordinating and Advisory Committee: YM Presiding Clerk Jackie Stillwell reported for the Coordinating and Advisory Committee.

YM Secretary Search Committee: Jackie noted that the description of the search process in the YM Personnel Manual had been distributed in advance. In preparing to recruit members of the Search Committee, the Coordinating and Advisory Committee (C&A) had developed a list of characteristics and criteria, including: theological diversity, some well-seasoned in YM and some newer to the YM, a former staff person, a former presiding clerk, people with organizational skills and experience with hiring processes, a member of the Personnel Committee. They made a long list of potential members and have invited people to fill seven positions. At this time, C&A recommends Bruce Neumann to serve as clerk of the Search Committee and Donn Weinholtz and Deana Chase to serve as committee members.

Friends approved these recommendations. Friends approved authorizing C&A to appoint the other four people.

In response to a question about timing, Jackie said that a recommendation for hiring would ideally be presented at the May PB meeting, so that the name could be brought forward to Sessions. We anticipate that the new YM Secretary would begin sometime in Fall 2012.

Sessions planning: The theme for Sessions 2012 will be “Choose Integrity!” Aaron Fowler and Laura Dungan of Great Plains YM have been asked to consider leading the Bible Half Hours in words and song. The musician Joe Crookston has been asked to lead the Tuesday evening session. Community Plenaries are envisioned as two panels of people who would share from their own lives about their experience of integrity.

Mid-year gathering: An e-mail message from the YAF Climate Working Group (included in the advance documents) helped to weave together the emerging energy around the climate change transition, prompting Sessions Committee to invite the YAFs to work with the Committee on designing a mid-year gathering. Jay O’Hara and Rebecca Leuchak will co-clerk; Wellesley MM will host. The dates are March 31-April 1, 2012. Christopher McCandless, who will be coordinating hospitality, shared the vision of having Boston-area Friends provide hospitality for those from other areas, as a way to keep the cost affordable and to build community.

11-97 Treasurer’s report: Ed Mair, YM Treasurer, presented the FY2011 Year-End Financial Report. Income exceeded expenses by about $8,000 – including gains on investments. The ratio of MM contributions to individual contributions was roughly 3:1. Despite this healthy financial picture, Ed expressed some concern about cash flow, given the ongoing costs associated with selling the Friends Home. To cover the $52,500 transfer to Friends Home, the YM took $44,000 from reserves. In the first couple of months of the new fiscal year, income is down while expenses continue. If the Friends Home does not sell within a reasonable timeframe, we could face some challenges.

Ed noted that Friends Camp has not asked for a bridge loan this year.

11-98 Finance Committee Report: Jeremiah Dickinson reported for the Committee. He reported on the “Funding Our Vision” session held at Providence in October, which brought together twelve people, representing nine MMs. The session involved very positive sharing of information about the MMs, providing a clear understanding that our meetings are very diverse, economically. Some are small and barely getting by while others are challenged by the wealth they have.

11-99 Recommendations from Puente de Amigos Committee: Edward Baker reported on behalf of the Committee. The Committee recommends the following Friends for travel in the ministry as representatives of New England Yearly Meeting to Cuba Yearly Meeting (CYM): Nancy Beiter, Craig Jensen and Megan Jensen of Monadnock MM, all of whom have completed the Committee’s discernment process and received the approval of Monadnock MM. These Friends will join the five Friends previously approved (see PB Minute 11-81).

Friends approved these recommendations.

Providence MM has approved a travel minute for Elizabeth “Betsy” Cazden who will be traveling in the ministry among Cuban Friends during the winter of 2012 (see PB Minute 11-81). Friends approved endorsing this travel minute.

The Committee recommends that Kristna Evans (North Shore) be approved to travel to Cuba as an elder for Betsy, pending completion of the MM discernment process. Friends approved this recommendation.

​​​​​​​11-100 YM Nominating Committee Report: Christopher McCandless, co-Convener of YM Nominating Committee, reported the following recommendations:

  • William Penn House (NEYM Representative): Will Jennings (Beacon Hill), class of 2012
  • Friends Committee on National Legistlation (NEYM Representative to the General Committee): Susannah Thomas (Storrs), class of 2014
  • Committee for Nurturing Friends Education at Moses Brown School: Martha Pott (Wellesley), class of 2014
  • Finance: Muriel Farrar (Gonic), class of 2012
  • Racial Social and Economic Justice: David Anick (Cambridge), class of 2013
  • Earthcare Ministry: Hannah Monroe (Providence), class of 2014; Ben Warner (Cambridge), class of 2014
  • Correspondence: Anita Mendes (Concord), class of 2013
  • Friends World Committee on Consultation (Section of the Americas Representative): Noah Baker-Merrill (Putney), class of 2014; Mary Hopkins (Cambridge), class of 2014

Friends approved these recommendations.

​​​​​​​11-101 Clerks Nominating Committee Report: Allan Kohrman reported for the Committee, which has continued to work on a revision to its Purpose and Procedures (see PB Minute 11-45). Allan presented the following text for consideration:

Purpose: The Yearly Meeting Clerks Nominating Committee seeks to be mindful of the current spiritual needs of NEYM as they call forth the particular gifts of Friends in asking them to serve as Presiding, Recording and Reading Clerks.
Procedures: The Committee present recommendations for these positions to the Permanent Board. If accepted, the nominations are forwarded to NEYM Sessions for approval.
The Committee takes responsibility for discerning a support committee for the presiding clerk as part of the nominating process.

Friends approved the revised Purpose and Procedures.

The Committee recommended Judy Brophy as a third person to serve on Jackie Stillwell’s support committee (see PB Minute 11-80). Friends approved this recommendation.

​​​​​​​11-102 Internal Nominating Committee Report: Donn Weinholtz, Clerk of Internal Nominating Committee, reported the following recommendation:

  • PB Clerk: Holly Baldwin (Fresh Pond), to begin service following Annual Sessions 2012

Karen Sanchez-Eppler shared some reflections about the Committee’s discernment process and reported that Holly had sought the guidance of a clearness committee composed of seasoned Friends.

Friends approved this recommendation with gratitude for the Committee’s and Holly’s discernment and for Holly’s willingness to serve.

​​​​​​​11-103 Signage: One Friend raised a concern about creating an ad hoc group to consider the need for resources to help MMs acquire signs to identify their place of worship. Phil Stone volunteered to follow up on this idea, and Jonathan Vogel- Borne identified two YM funds that could possibly be used for this purpose.

11-04 YM Governance Structure: Jackie Stillwell, Presiding Clerk, raised the question of how to continue the conversation from earlier this year about possible changes to the YM governance structure (see PB Minute 11-41). She began the discussion by reviewing the four goals proposed in the ad hoc committee’s May report:

  • Increased clarity of roles so that Friends can better participate in the business of the Yearly Meeting. This would include a clear definition of the authority of the Permanent Board.
  • Increasing the ability of Monthly and Quarterly Meetings to participate in the communication and decision-making between Sessions as a body.
  • Reducing the numbers of Friends that must be nominated by the Nominating Committee and appointed by the Yearly Meeting to Yearly Meeting committees.
  • Providing opportunities to gather with little agenda to worship together both at Sessions and between Sessions.

She noted that these goals encompass both structure and process. Reflecting on a question that arose during the Sessions discussion group—“What are we trying to fix?” (see PB Minute 11-82)—she asked Friends to consider how we might share more broadly the concerns and goals put forward by the ad hoc committee in a way that can be readily understood by individuals and MMs and encourages participation in the YM throughout the year.

Several ideas arose during a lengthy discussion:

  • Creation of a YM organizational handbook that is available on the website would help to make the YM’s structure and processes more transparent and available. This has already been identified as a priority item for the work of the YM Secretary.
  • Inviting MMs to wrestle with some of the questions and concerns that have been raised about governance structure; specific questions or queries (e.g., would they like the opportunity to appoint a representative to PB), along with a reporting mechanism, would help to guide the discussions and facilitate communication back to PB.
  • Holly Baldwin and Susan Davies agreed to form an ad hoc group to continue thinking about engagement with MMs, and they invite other Friends to join them.
  • Friends suggested allotting time on the January agenda to consider the possibility of changing the name of Permanent Board.
  • The Clerk will write and send a summary of today’s meeting to all MM clerks as a way to initiate enhanced communication between PB and MMs.

11-105 Minute of Thanks: Friends expressed their appreciation to Hartford MM for hosting this meeting and were pleased to have the opportunity to see the newly installed lift and meetinghouse expansion.

11-06 Closing Worship: We closed in waiting worship, planning to meet again on Saturday, January 21, 2012, at 9:30 AM at Westport Monthly Meeting.

Edward Baker, Clerk

​​​​​​​John Humphries, Recording Clerk