JHYM Program for 2024 Sessions

What is JHYM?

Junior High Yearly Meeting (JHYM) is a place where everyone is intentionally part of the community. The community is built by and for young people going into the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades in September. We will explore themes of spirituality, friendship, activism, and intentional communities.

JHYM is just the name we use to describe this ever-evolving intentional community of middle schoolers full of depth, and silliness, and crafts, and snacks and deep conversations!

We are supported by an incredible group of staffers, our current lineup, each of whom love to be in community with middle schoolers: Buddy Baker-Smith, Dave Baxter, Emily Edwards, Chris Fitze, Merritt Bussiere-Nichols, and Brennon Schiffman. 

What do you do?

During our time together we will nurture the Light in ourselves and in each other within our joyful, inclusive, and loving community. We will sing, laugh, play games, talk and listen, worship, create art, go to a state park lake, stargaze, snack, and hang out. 

Who is leading JHYM this year?

Long-time staffer and JHYM alumna Emily Edwards is serving as JHYM Sessions Coordinator this year. 

What to Expect

You can be sure there will be fun, singing, small group conversations, games and activities, art projects, time to see old friends and time to make new ones. The center of JHYM is building a safe, joy-filled and loving spiritual community for all who come.

Where will we be?

Our space is on the first floor of Hoff Hall. It is the dorm right next to the Pavilion; use the door closest to the Pavilion.

What's the schedule like?

The JHYM program is broken into 4 blocks each day; although the times may differ, the blocks are (roughly): morning, 8:30 to 11:45; afternoon, 1:30 to 5:00; evening 6:45 to 9:00; and late night 9:00 to 10:00. 

Our mornings start with a quick game or song through which we will settle into worship. Often, but not always, someone has a short prepared message to share out of the silence. This is a lovely, often grace-filled beginning to our days. The rest of the morning tends to be a mix of games, small groups, snacks, singing, or time with visitors.

After a break for lunch and free time, we come back together for afternoon activities and time to just hangout. This is sort of like "workshops" time at retreats, where individual staff lead small groups ranging from playing pool to art projects to (if the pool is open) going for a swim. Young people are free to choose what to do, move between activities, or join a conversation circle happening. And we almost always go to a state park!

Evenings are time for small groups, a centering or meditative activity, singing, and our 8th Grade Circle. One evening we'll be at Coffee House, another the drum circle, or doing fun activities nearby with other young people and adults.

From 9 to 10:00 p.m. we offer a pool party just for Junior High. This is optional, so if you need some quiet time or an early-to-bed night, you can do that. 

You can see the daily schedule here or on the attachment below.

What about COVID?

The NEYM staff and other Friends planning Sessions are taking everyone’s health and safety very seriously. We are asking everyone who attends to comply with this year’s plan. The JHYM Community may discern additional measures as well.

What happens when I'm not in program?

There are a lot of things to do! You'll want to get to the dining hall for delicious meals, maybe go to the swimming pool when it's open, check out the bookstores (youth and adult), perform at Coffee House, sing with groups of people circled up under trees, play games, take a nap (this is highly recommended). There are a number of events on the schedule this year that are for everyone. One thing that's different from retreats is that, outside of JHYM program times, parents and sponsors are responsible for youth.

Is there an Orientation Meeting?

YES! (Thanks for asking!) It is very important that all JH’ers and at least one parent or sponsor attend one of the mandatory orientation meetings on Saturday in our group space. We keep these meetings to 20 minutes every year—don't be late! Please join us on Saturday from 11:00-11:20 a.m. OR 8:30-8:50 p.m. in the JHYM space in Hoff Hall. Please be in touch with me to arrange an alternative time to go over the simple, but very important information that I share at that meeting if neither of these time slots work for you. 

If you have questions or concerns before NEYM, please be in touch. Email Emily Edwards, JHYM coordinator ([email protected]) or Kara Price,  Children and Families Ministries Coordinator ([email protected]). We hope you have a wonderful summer until we see each other at Castleton. Until then, remember that you are beautiful and loved! 

Meet Emily Edwards

A black-and-whie image of a smiling woman holding a cat

Emily Edwards grew up in Falmouth, MA, attended the West Falmouth Preparative Meeting, and participated in youth programs from Junior Yearly Meeting through Young Friends. She attended Haverford College and majored in Fine Arts with a concentration in oil painting. She has been staffing mostly JHYM since 1999, with a few years staffing Young Friends. Currently, Emily lives in Manchester, NH, and will start her 16th year of teaching art at Merrimack High. She also coaches soccer, and is the new JV girls soccer coach for Merrimack. She is working on her MFA in mixed media and likes to garden and play with her cats, Noodle and Freddie Mercury, in her free time.

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