Illness and COVID policy for our in-person events
Taking steps to reduce the risk of spreading illness is one way we take care of each other.
For all participants at in-person events:
- You need to be fever free (without medication) for 24 hours before attending an event
- If you have experienced vomiting or diarrhea due to communicable illness, you need to be symptom free for 48 hours before attending
- If you have new illness symptoms and known exposure to significant illnesses like flu, covid, strep, please stay home
- If you are experiencing unexplained extreme fatigue, please stay home
- If you have cough that has developed in the last five days, please mask at our events while indoors except when eating or sleeping
- If you have had a cold, please only come to our events if your symptoms are overall getting better and you are well enough to participate fully in the event activities
- If you are experiencing any Covid-like symptoms (even if mild) we highly encourage you to test before departing for our events. If the cost of home tests is a financial barrier to your participation, contact your retreat coordinator to be reimbursed for the tests used for our events. We will need a receipt or proof of purchase.
- We strongly encourage all participants to stay up-to-date on your Covid and flu vaccinations, following the guidance of your medical provider
- At this time, masking at our events is optional (except in the case of a new cough, as noted above), but always respected. If your child/teen plans to wear a mask at a retreat, contact the retreat coordinator so we can offer social support
- If we learn of multiple participants leaving our events due to the same communicable illness, we will let the group know (without sharing names) so they are aware of potential exposure and can monitor for symptoms
- If you or your child/teen are attending an overnight event and have a night cough, night terrors, sleepwalking, or other condition that may impact other participants’ ability to sleep in the same room, please contact the coordinator to explore if a sleep plan can be made to accommodate the needs of all participants
- As public health guidance and conditions change, we will update these protocols as appropriate
Updated January 2025.