JYM Program for 2024 Sessions

Welcome, rising kindergarten through rising sixth-grade children and families! 

We happily anticipate meeting and greeting each of you at Sessions! We are honored to minister to the children in this program and have worked hard to prepare for our time together. Our goal is to create a safe, joyful and loving community and an enriching environment for each child and staff member. We will be exploring what it means to be in community through various activities and projects. We’ll celebrate with singing, art and crafts, storytelling, nature walks, games, worship, discussions, group projects, Quaker process and by having lots of fun together! Parents/guardians are invited to visit our JYM community during the week.


Our home base is the Glenbrook Gym in Castleton Hall, one of the larger dorms across from the dining commons. Specific meeting room locations and details will be available in the “JYM Program.”

Important Details

  • JYM Children aged K-5 need to be signed in and out of each program time by a parent, sponsor, guardian, or other specifically designated Friend. Children entering 6th grade can sign themselves out after a parent or guardian gives permission to them and the staff. Please respect the opening and closing times of our program so that our staff can also get to meals, staff meetings, to their own children, or to take a nap (as they get tired, too)!
  • We ask all parents and assigned pick-up and drop-off persons to leave phones on (but silenced) while their children are in program so that we can reach you if necessary.
  • Snacks are provided both mornings and afternoons. 
  • We will be spending as much time as possible outside. A raincoat (or something suitable) will be very helpful on rainy days. If you would like your child to wear sunscreen during outside times, please apply it before program. 

Covid Safety/Sick Children

The NEYM staff and other Friends planning Sessions are taking everyone’s health and safety very seriously. We are asking everyone who attends to comply with this year’s plan. The JYM staff may discern additional measures as well. For example, a child who shows symptoms of Covid (or other illness) will not be able to attend until they are symptom-free for 24 hours and have completed an antigen test.

Please look through the Covid Plan. Do not hesitate to ask us questions, or share your concerns. You are also always welcome to contact Ginny Kristl our Covid Coordinator at [email protected]. Straddling a line that does all we can to ensure children’s health and safety while also providing a safe, joyful, and loving experience for them and you is our mission!

Families are Welcome to Say Hello

Parents, grandparents, and sponsors are welcome to come to the beginning or end of our program time to introduce themselves and see our program spaces on Saturday or Sunday. Families are especially welcome to join us for vespers.

Be in touch

Your questions or concerns are important. Help us know how to best support your child in having a joyful week with us!

Kenzie Burpee, [email protected] or cell phone 774-217-0623

Meet Kenzie Burpee, Our JYM Sessions Coordinator

Kenzie in front of a fence and streetlight

I’m Kenzie, the returning JYM coordinator for Yearly Meeting Sessions. I feel so led to do this work and to help make this year a time for rejoicing and togetherness. I've been coming to Sessions my whole life! I grew up in JYM and began junior staffing JYM Retreats when I was in 8th grade. I’m looking forward to continuing working with NEYM this year

What to Expect at JYM Sessions

JYM mornings are content-rich. Everyone gathers for singing, worship, “Bible 10 Minutes,” and announcements. Children and staff then transition to their individual grade groups for more intimate opportunities to play, work on special projects, interact with visitors, and build or renew warm friendships with other Quaker children and loving adult staff.

Our afternoons offer a variety of quiet and active options across grade groups, providing opportunities for creativity, relaxation, fun, and more small group connections. Kindergarten through third-graders do spend time in their own group during the afternoons. Rest time is built into the afternoon for everyone, allowing time to recharge for the rest of the day. Some families choose to do other things together for some or all of the afternoon blocks of time. Our afternoon programming has evolved over the years, but our staff’s intention is always to provide loving presence and engagement for the children in our care who are with us.

JYM Schedule

Below is a tentative schedule. Copies will be available at registration, and the Info Desk, and at JYM. 

File Downloads

JYM 2024 Tentative Schedule