Permanent Board minutes | September 28, 2013

13-91 Opening Worship: Friends from Permanent Board gathered in worship with NEYM Ministry and Counsel at Mt. Toby meeting. Following the M & C practice, during worship we heard concerns raised for individual Monthly Meetings.

13-92 Welcome: The clerk of permanent Board welcomed the gathered group to this joint meeting, an experiment in collaboration for the stewardship of NEYM. Through such joint meetings, we hope to stay better informed about the work each other is doing. Nina Weyl, clerk of Mt. Toby, also welcomed us.

13-93 Roll Call: The Recording clerk called the roll for Permanent Board, after which Ministry and Counsel members introduced themselves

Present: Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Justice Erikson, Ben Guaraldi, Galen Hamman, Jan Hoffman, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Leanna Kantt, Mary Knowlton, Christopher McCandless, Jean McCandless, Bruce Neumann, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Becky Steele, Philip Stone, Donn Weinholtz, Fritz Weiss, Rosemary Zimmermann, Hannah Zwirner.

Regrets: Aimee Belanger, Deana Chase, Sarah Gant, Allan Kohrman, Maria Lamberto (Clerk of Finance), Rebecca Leuchak, Rocky Malin, Elias Sanchez- Eppler, Patricia Shotwell, Carolyn Stone,

Ex-officio: Edward Baker (Clerk of Personnel), Noah Baker Merrill (Yearly Meeting Secretary), Jacqueline Stillwell (Presiding Clerk).

Visitors: Martin Blood-Forsyth (Beacon Hill), Michelle Brimage (Beacon Hill), Nancy Haines (Wellesley), C.J. Humphries (Hartford), Eric Wasileski (Mt. Toby)

13-94 Monthly Meeting Sharing: Following another usual M& C practice, we spent a few minutes in small groups, sharing reflections about our Monthly Meetings.

13-95 Nurturing Relationships with Monthly Meetings: The Permanent Board clerk introduced the subject of our taking on the shepherding of the relationships between the YM and the MM's. Recognizing that our financial crisis grows, in part, from a spiritual problem of insufficient awareness and understanding of the YM at the MM level, and that Finance Committee, traditionally charged with communicating with MM's about their contributions, is perhaps not well suited to the deeper charge of nurturing the relationship which will produce more robust donations, PB in August agreed to take on this responsibility. We are grateful for the presence of M&C at the outset of this consideration.

Jan Hoffman and Sarah Smith spoke to the report of the ad-hoc committee appointed at our August 8 meeting to shepherd communication between the YM and the MM’s. The group included Deana Chase (see attached report).This report lists three requirements of approaching this task:

  • Clarity on what we want to communicate
  • Communication in many different ways
  • The infrastructure to support these

These Friends are concerned that the YM structure is not transparent - many Friends find the relationships difficult to understand. They presented charts demonstrating two ways of looking at our structure, one with overlapping concentric circles, the other with separate circles connected by a multitude of lines. While the first emphasizes our essential relationships with each other and with God, the other shows at the same time the multitude ways we connect and the potential for confusion. We divided into small groups to respond to the question “How do these charts reflect your own understanding of NEYM?”

In considering this task, we were reminded to tell our stories, to share the life that we see and feel: share the life we see in MM's with the YM, share the life we see in the YM with MM's. We were reminded that in the Young Friends program we have a model which transcends boundaries, and brings in f(F)riends who are not based at a MM.

Returning to the question of how we approach this work, the clerk pointed out that we will need a group of Friends to bring a concrete plan to our November meeting, a plan which will include fundraising, but which will emphasize communication and relationship building. Friends reminded us not to focus only on the MM, but to also consider the Quarters, and perhaps the conferences to whichever we belong.

Sarah Smith and Deana Chase will continue this work, and Bruce Neumann will act as a liaison with the Structural Review Committee, which is also planning Intervisitation. We approved the clerk adding names to this group, possibly asking for help from Internal Nominating.

The clerk encouraged us to begin the work of communication while we wait for the program to take shape: visit meetings, introduce yourself as a member of PB, and see where the conversation leads. A number of Friends indicated they were willing to visit.

At this point, members of Ministry and Counsel adjourned for their own meeting.

13-96 Minutes: The minutes from our 8/3/13 and 8/8/13 meetings were approved with minor changes.

13-97 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Noah began his report by sharing a song which has emerged repeatedly in his travels in and outside the YM, and which expresses a prayer which underlies his work: "Take my hands, take my heart, make me an instrument." We heard that he regularly gets expressions of support from other areas of the Quaker world. We also heard that despite our challenges, compared with many other yearly meetings we are in a strong position in momentum, in energy, and in individuals sharing their gifts.

Briefly touching on a variety of issues, Noah told us that Sessions Committee had met at Castleton College, site of 2014 YM Sessions. Friends remain excited about the new venue, and work is moving forward. Much of Noah's work in the coming months will be related to the close of our fiscal year, followed by year-end staff evaluations. We heard that lawyers are continuing to work on the resolution of the state's unemployment insurance claim regarding the Friends Home.

We heard that the NEYM copy of The Bloudy Tenent has indeed been moved to a safe deposit box. This is a valuable first-edition copy of a book by Roger Williams, which was discovered in the NEYM archives. Rocky Malin and the Archives Committee continue to explore the future of our archives.

A small group of volunteers, including Mark Baker, Suzanna Schell, and Jessica Hipp are working with Noah to explore improvements to our database. It is not clear yet whether this will mean upgrading functionality with our current software, or purchasing a new package.

In closing, Noah told us that he continues to visit and to listen around the YM, and to seek the right balance between the administrative and pastoral elements of his job.

13-98 Good Governance of Friends Camp: Jeremiah Dickinson summarized the Ad- hoc Committee’s preliminary report (see advance docs for 9/28/13), covering several basic areas:

  • While they are not clear on the exact nature, the group is recommending a more structured and explicit relationship with NEYM, which better defines our relationship without constraining the Camp Director.
  • The group is recommending greater integration of the Camp budget with the NEYM budget. A budget developed by the Camp committee, but presented within the NEYM budget as is done with Sessions, would provide greater oversight and transparency.
  • They are suggesting the development of a capital budget process to provide better long-term oversight and management of the Camp property.
  • In the areas of insurance and risk management, the ad-hoc committee notes that work has begun on integrating the Camp insurance with NEYM’s insurance. Also, per PB approval, the Camp has begun the process of accreditation of the American Camp Association.
  • Recognizing that the Camp Committee functions much as a board, the ad-hoc committee is recommending strengthening the Camp Committee by ensuring that necessary skills are represented on the Committee. Each member would serve on a subcommittee and have a written list of responsibilities. Areas of concern are suggested as Personnel, Buildings and Grounds, Finance and Development, Health and Safety, Program and Evaluation.

While Friends expressed concerns about consistently finding the skills necessary to run a business, we recognize that the Camp is fulfilling its mission of transforming lives. We understand that this group is not finished with its work, but endorse that ​​​​​​​the charge seems right, and that the committee is appropriately addressing the charge.

​​​​​​​13-99 Student Aid Revisioning: After listening as the charge was read, we heard from Hannah Zwirner, one member of this ad-hoc group which also includes Aimee Belanger and Rebecca Leuchak. We understand that after an enthusiastic start, the work has lost momentum. It continues to feel like important work, but these Friends would like some assistance. We heard a few of the ideas that had emerged, including that if you receive loan money from NEYM, you have a responsibility to the YM, perhaps some form of communication, a responsibility which would serve to maintain a feeling of connection and commitment. Perhaps Friends who receive loans could work some of it off, through helping at Sessions.

As the PB engaged with thinking about Student Aid, a number of Friends voiced the feeling that, because of the difficulties of administration and collection, we should move from loans to giving grants. One YAF observed that no amount is too small, and that the statement of support from a grant would be almost as important as the money.

Other Friends raised the concern about integrity for those who are not working at repaying their loans. We recognize that this is an issue to consider, but concern for current loan holders is not part of the charge for those re-visioning a student aid program.

Friends reaffirmed the charge from January 2013 (PB minute 13-06) and approved the following additions to the charge of the committee:

  • That Young Friends and Young Adult Friends be invited to provide substantial input into this process
  • That the committee strongly consider making a granting program rather than a loan program given the hard work of administering a loan program, the risks to integrity of the YM and the borrowers, that comes with such a program

Galen Hamman offered to participate with this ad-hoc committee, and Friends approved the committee co-opting others who are not on PB. Justice Erikson and Leanna Kantt will bring this discussion to the next Young Friends gathering. The YM Treasurer will bring updated information about the status of existing loans to our November meeting. We will consider additional steps regarding unpaid loans, and the pastoral care of borrowers, following the Treasurer’s report.

​​​​​​​13-100 Structural Review Committee: Janet Hough reported on the work of the Structural Review Committee. In meetings this spring and summer, they spent time feeling their way into the charge and establishing a sense of themselves as a group. At Sessions they began a process of exploring Friends’ understanding of the Yearly Meeting, of their relationship with it, and of their vision for Quakers in New England, through a series of queries for discussion. Lisa Graustein met with Young Friends at Sessions for a program exploring the same questions. Structural Review is planning a program of intervisitation to continue exploring both Friends’ understandings of the YM, and where there is life and where Friends struggle. At their next meeting in November they will be considering their work and goals for the coming year.

As previously noted (minute 13-95), it will be useful to maintain communication with Permanent Board, both for scheduling intervisitation, and for sharing points of interest and concern.

While some concern was raised about the scope of what the committee has been asked to consider, Friends were comfortable with the charge, and with the committee’s ability to discern both priorities and timeline, through the process of their work.

The clerk of Faith and Practice Revision made a plea for PB to spend time considering PB’s role and authority, as that committee works on the chapter on YM organization.

​​​​​​​13-101 Treasurer’s Report: Ben Guaraldi began his report by listing three pieces of bad news: we have a deficit for our 2013 budget (as we had expected, and in fact budgeted); we are behind in MM giving; and we have exceeded the travel budget, beyond the increase we approved in August.

He followed this with three pieces of good news: individual giving is considerably beyond expectations (“Way out of Control!”); he is confident that PB will turn around MM giving; and despite the travel budget overage, we are under budget overall.

​​​​​​​13-102 Finance Committee: On behalf of Finance Committee, Jeremiah Dickinson followed up on an item from the Treasurer’s Report. In August (minute 13-65) PB had approved an increase in the travel budget of $6300. Recent claims suggest that the fiscal year total may be approximately $1000 more than that.

Acknowledging that there is no Finance Committee recommendation on this, since the committee has not met since this overage became apparent, PB was left to discern appropriate action. While concerns were raised about the extra expenditure, Friends felt that, having offered reimbursement, integrity requires us to follow through. We also heard that overall, YM expenses are lower than budgeted. Some Friends voiced concern that the Treasurer does not have authority to adjust the details of the budget, within its overall limits. Friends Approved giving the Treasurer authority to approve travel expenses up to $2000 over the previous limit, and requested Finance Committee to review the travel reimbursement policy: how it is written, and administered. We also ask them to review the portions of our overall finance policy which determine how adjustments are made and how overages are handled, with the goal of giving the Treasurer and the Yearly Meeting Secretary some flexibility to make adjustments between lines while staying in budget.

Jeremiah also informed us that the Finance Committee is exploring how the budget is presented, acknowledging that some Friends find the current format confusing. They expect to present next year’s budget in “Narrative” format. We heard that the Friends Home bank account has been closed, and that the money is being held in reserve until we are sure there will be no more expenses related to the home closure.

Jeremiah also reported that, per PB request, the committee had explored staff development funding beyond the current $2000, in order to provide professional coaching for the YM secretary. Given our deficit budget, and the timing of this request (after the budget had been approved), Finance Committee is uncomfortable with adding to our deficit. They recommend seeking funds through grants or other sources.

​​​​​​​13-103 Development: Nancy Haines, clerk of the Development Committee, thanked Friends for stepping up with individual contributions. At a Development Committee meeting in December, they will be discussing the character and message of printed materials made possible with the increase of their budget this year.

13-104 Internal Nominating: Donn Weinholtz presented the Internal Nominating report:

  • Personnel Committee: Karen Sanchez-Eppler (Northampton), Class of 2017
  • Personnel Committee: Fritz Weiss (Hanover), Class of 2017
  • Internal Nominating: Susan Davies (Vassalboro), Class of 2017
  • Yearly Meeting Nominating: Sarah Sue Pennel, (Cambridge), Class of 2017
  • Clerks’s Nominating: Benigno Sanchez-Eppler (Northampton), Class of 2017

13-105 Personnel Committee: For the Personnel Committee, Edward Baker spoke about the revised Personnel Policy Manual the Committee has been working on (see advance docs), noting that while the Personnel Committee makes recommendations, it is the Permanent Board which approves our policies.

We are assured that the new manual contains no significant policy changes, rather it is an update and reorganization; updating the understanding about office hours in light of current electronically facilitated norms, removing references to the NEFH, moving hiring procedures to appendices at the end. While the Committee had hoped that PB would approve the manual, some Friends voiced the desire to have more time to review it. We had earlier (minute 13-82) approved posting it at, and using it as a working draft.

​​​​​​​13-106 Closing Worship: Friends closed in worship purposing to meet again, God willing, on November 23 at Plainfield Monthly Meeting.

Holly Baldwin, clerk

​​​​​​​Bruce Neumann, recording clerk