Permanent Board minutes | May 11, 2013

13-39 Intervisitation with Putney Meeting: Some members of Permanent Board began the day with an opportunity for intervisitation with Friends from Putney Monthly Meeting, part of our on-going endeavor to foster communication with Monthly Meetings. This event took place at the home of several members. Friends from Putney spoke of their experience of deep community and spiritual sharing, while PB members described their work and the joys of developing community with Friends from around New England. We heard a memorial minute for Glenice Hutchins.

13-40 Opening Worship: After relocating to the Meetinghouse, we settled into worship.

We heard memorial minutes for Proctor Houghton, Tim Nicholson, and Sandy Spencer.

13-41 Roll Call: The Recording Clerk called the roll:

Present: Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Sarah Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Jan Hoffman, John Humphries, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Allan Kohrman, Rebecca Leuchak, Christopher McCandless, Bruce Neumann, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Patricia Shotwell, Sara Smith, Carolyn Stone, Jane Van Landingham, Donn Weinholtz, Fritz Weiss, Carl Williams, Rosemary Zimmermann, Hannah Zwirner.

Regrets: Aimee Belanger, Eric Edwards, Galen Hamman, Mary Knowlton, Elias Sanchez-Eppler, Robert Murray, Suzanna Schell, Philip Stone.

Ex-officio: Edward Baker (Clerk of Personnel), Maria Lamberto (Clerk of Finance), Edward Mair (Treasurer), Noah Baker Merrill (Yearly Meeting Secretary), Jacqueline Stillwell (Presiding Clerk).

Visitors: Mary Frances Angelini (Fram, Archives Cttee), Nat Shed (Vass, Friends Camp), Delia Windwalker (Fram, Development Cttee.) Clarence Burley (Worc), Elisabeth Dearborn (Put), Cookie Forsythe (Put), Sheila Garrett (Dur), Roger Jasaitis (Put), Nancy Long (Put), Jim Nortz (Put), Susan Slowinski (Put), Kathleen Wooten (Law)

​​​​​​​13-42 Minutes: We considered the draft minutes from our March 16 Meeting. With a few minor edits, the minutes were approved. The clerk advised the gathered body that she and the recording clerk will prepare a minute for Sessions in regard to the establishment of the new supervisory position, with language appropriate for insertion in Faith and Practice.

​​​​​​​13-43 Memorial Minutes: In discussing which memorial minutes to forward to Sessions, we reflected on how these choices should be made. We heard both that F&P suggests forwarding minutes “in exceptional cases,” and that our recent practice has been to forward minutes for Friends who were active in the Yearly Meeting.

We were reminded that all Memorial Minutes read at PB become part of the permanent minutes. (see also Minute 13-57)

​​​​​​​14-44 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Noah began by pointing out that since Putney Meeting has given him the use of space in the Meetinghouse, “This is my office.” We heard that Noah is continuing his efforts to meet and get to know Friends, in a variety of settings including monthly meetings, committee meetings, and other gatherings. In his travels, he finds himself looking and listening for where there is new life, for where the growing edges are. And he hears questions like “What is the YM for?” And “What can the YM do to help us?” As the All-Maine gathering celebrated the 150th birthday of Rufus Jones, Noah was reminded that Rufus Jones thought BIG, and asked us, “Is this the time for us to think BIG?”

Regarding the Mid-year gathering, we heard that at the final accounting, there was a surplus of $35. Responses to the survey were generally positive, and recordings of the talks are available at the YM website. As pointed out at our last meeting, the concern remains about impact on staff time. The Communications Director alone spent more than 100 hrs, time which was not in his job description, and which kept him from working on other tasks, such as the new website which, in fact, has about 100 hours left of work before it is ready to launch.

We heard that due to an oversight a recommendation for Sessions Fees was not brought to the last Sessions Committee meeting. The Treasurer, Accounts Manager, and Yearly Meeting Secretary have recommended an increase of $25 per full-time adult attender for Sessions 2013. Also due to Finance Committee is a proposed budget for Sessions 2014.

Regarding the NEFH, Noah informed us that he had met with a CPA about closing the books and finalizing unemployment claims. Noah and Holly also met with an attorney who will assist us in resolving the State’s claim regarding unemployment insurance.

Regarding staff, we heard that he is close to hiring an Information Management Assistant. We also heard that Jodi Goodman, former Archivist who has been doing a limited amount of work for us, will soon terminate this arrangement, raising concerns about the ongoing management of our archives (see Minute 13-51).

The group considering a five-year financial plan will hold a first meeting in the near future.

​​​​​​​14-45 Presiding Clerk Report: Jackie Stillwell, reporting on Coordinating and Advisory Committee (C and A), echoed Noah as she declared that considering where the life is, is at the heart of their work. C and A met with members of the Faith and Practice Revision Committee to offer support for their work, specifically in terms of 1) documenting NEYM structural changes in recent years and 2) considering how they might present their progress and current sense of their work to Sessions this summer, including what text will be brought for consideration.

We heard that Sessions Committee is exploring new sites, recognizing that a move from the familiarity of Bryant requires many decisions. If a new site is chosen, much work will be required to configure the space to fit our needs. In counterpoint, one Friend pointed out that the relative opulence of Bryant sometimes feels counter to our testimonies.

In considering the success of last year’s Mid-year gathering, Jackie pointed out that it is clear that Friends are seeking spiritual nourishment and connection. The question of responsibility for organizing and oversight remains unresolved: how do we responsibly make it happen without burdening staff? This is a question which may need to be discerned by PB, but should certainly also be on the agenda for the Structural Review Committee.

​​​​​​​14-46 Clerk’s Nominating Committee: On behalf of Clerk’s Nominating Committee, Allan Kohrman offered the following names for the clerk’s table, for 2013-2014. Friends approved forwarding these names to Sessions.

Presiding Clerk: Jacqueline Stillwell

Recording Clerks: Will Taber, Karen Sanchez-Eppler Reading Clerks: Susan Davies, Andrew Grannell

14-47 Memorial Minutes: During our early afternoon worship, we heard memorial minutes for Hal Nomer and Eleanor Wilson.

​​​​​​​14-48 Treasurer’s Report: Ed Mair pointed out that although we appear headed for another deficit, we are in better shape than last year at this time.

Ed expressed his frustration with our continued deficit, given that modest contributions from all Friends with NEYM involvement would eliminate the current gap in funding.

​​​​​​​14-49 Development: On behalf of the Development Committee, Delia Windwalker reported that since their retreat with Michael Wajda, their primary focus has changed to fostering major donors. She encouraged us all to be fundraisers, pointing out that if we don’t ask for money, we don’t get money. If we believe in the work of the YM, we should be helping to support it.

The Development Committee requested an additional $1000 in excess of their FY2013 committee budget to support attendance at a fund-raising conference. Friends approved.

​​​​​​​14-50 Finance: Maria Lamberto, clerk of Finance Committee, reported on their desire to produce a balanced budget without knowing how much money will actually come in. Looking for input from Permanent Board on how to approach our financial condition, Finance presented us with two budgets. “Option A” is a bare-bones budget with no staff cuts, but barring immediate change in our income is likely to include a deficit of at least $48K. “Option B” is balanced, but includes 10% across the board cuts. Asked if he had imagined how such cuts might take place, Noah told us he has sketched out options including three levels of cuts, at $11K increments, and stated his judgment that there is no way to make cuts without dramatic reductions in what programs, staffing, and services we provide to the Yearly Meeting.

We considered whether to accept Finance’s recommendation to use the interest from the Legacy Gift as income. While there was some concern about reducing the potential of this gift, we heard that the fund has in fact increased in value, and we were reminded that the decision at last year’s session was to not use capital or interest for one year. This leaves us open to request permission from Sessions to use the interest in FY2014.

Noting that Monthly Meeting giving is down, Friends touched on approaching the MM’s for more support of the ministry of the YM. Currently, while the Development Committee is responsible for encouraging individual donors, Finance Committee is charged with nurturing the financial relationships with MM’s. Is this the right approach? Should we resuscitate conversations about a broader, more intentional approach to visiting MM’s to nurture our spiritual and financial relationships? One PB member noted that she has come to recognize her role, within her MM, as representative from PB, and makes regular reports on issues and decisions.

Sensing movement in the Development Committee’s efforts, and recognizing that work is beginning on a five-year approach to budgeting, Friends tentatively approved sending “Option A” budget (including use of Legacy interest) to Sessions, requesting a final review of this recommendation at our Aug. 3 meeting.

​​​​​​​14-51 Assistant Treasurer: Finance Committee also proposed Ben Guaraldi for Assistant Treasurer, as Sandy Moyer has resigned from this position. Friends approved.

​​​​​​​14-52 Travel minute: the clerk presented a travel minute for Margaret Benefiel. The minute, from Beacon Hill Meeting, forwarded to us by Salem Quarter, endorses an upcoming trip to Kenya. Friends approved the Clerk endorsing it on behalf of the YM.

​​​​​​​14-53 Archives: Looking for guidance from PB, Mary Frances Angelini, Clerk of the Archives Committee, reported on the state of the NEYM Archives. Currently housed at the Rhode Island Historical Society (RIHS), the Archives contain a great deal of material that has not yet been catalogued. We heard that the limited hours we have allotted for an Archivist are mostly spent filling requests for information and cataloguing incoming materials, leaving the older material unknown and unavailable.

Given this concern, together with the fact that Jodi Goodman will be terminating her limited hours, the Archive Committee has begun to consider whether a better solution would be to donate the Archives to an institution which would be in a position to care for and catalogue our archives.

Acknowledging that the archives have at times been quite useful, Friends recognized that we are not being responsible about our care of these historical documents. If the documents go to an institution where they are close to the heart, they may become more available than they are now, particularly if some are digitized. Friends approved of the Archives committee exploring options for moving the archives, including the possibility of relinquishing ownership. We expect to hear a more specific recommendation at some point in the future. We understand that the YM Secretary and the clerk of Archives will have oversight of the Archives in the absence of an Archivist, and care of the Archives in the interim.

One Friend recalled that some of the archives may be on loan from Monthly Meetings, a situation which would need to be clarified and resolved before any transfer. Another Friend pointed out that even if the archives are transferred, we will likely continue to have need for an archivist to oversee the on-going transfer of documents. And another Friend offered the idea that we might use the un-spent Archivist salary to support legal fees during such a transfer. Friends approved use of unspent portions of the Archivist’s salary to support this exploration

​​​​​​​14-54 Governance of Friends Camp: Carolyn Stone, for the Ad-hoc Committee on the Good Governance of Friends Camp, reported that their Committee has expanded to include herself, Mary Knowlton, Jeremiah Dickinson, Phil Stone, Nat Shed, Laura Street, Andrew Grannell, Dee Kelsy, and James Grumbach. While there are other recommendations in the offing, Carolyn brought to our attention the Ad-hoc committee’s recommendation that the Camp proceed with applying for accreditation from the American Camp Association (ACA).

Nat Shed, Camp Director, outlined the process, whereby work on his part will begin in the fall (after camp), followed by a site visit from the ACA in the spring and, assuming approval, accreditation in the fall of 2014.

The Clerk of Finance informed us that the $2200 accreditation fee is in the “Option A” budget. Friends inquired as to whether this is a one-time budget request. Nat explained that it is an annual fee, and voiced the hope that the YM would be able to support the Camp this way in an on-going fashion. The clerk of PB suggested that this was a good question for the discernment of the Good Governance committee.

Friends approved the Camp moving forward with accreditation, and with inclusion of the necessary funds in the 2014 budget.

​​​​​​​14-55 Legacy Discernment Committee: From the Legacy Discernment Committee we heard that they met on March 30 and agreed to extend the deadline for input from April 1 to May 15, to allow for more responses. They will meet again on June 9 to review the responses they have received, and consider next steps. So far they have heard from Monthly Meetings, Quarterly Meetings, Yearly Meeting Committees, Staff, Young Friends and YAF’s.

​​​​​​​14-56 NEFH Memorial Minute: Galen Hamann reports that she would like some additional support in this project. Kathleen Wooten has sent a few inquiries, looking for input. Ed Mair will contribute also. The clerk is concerned that, while there is some interest, there may not be enough to keep this moving forward.

​​​​​​​14-57 Student Aid Revisioning: Hannah Zwirner reported that further conversations have yielded an intent to do more research: the ad-hoc committee will contact PB members, loan holders and MM clerks, seeking their thoughts and impressions on the usefulness and practicality of student aid.

​​​​​​​14-58 Structural Review: Bruce Neumann gave an abridged version of a report from the Structural Review Committee (see attached). Janet Hough has agreed to clerk this committee. The group met on March 30 to begin the process of understanding the scope of their work and considering how to approach it. At their next meeting, on June 15, they will continue the process of uncovering assumptions and preconceptions, along with searching for a common understanding of the spiritual underpinnings of the YM. A third meeting has been appointed in July.

​​​​​​​14-59 Memorial Minutes: Lacking more time to reconsider the criteria for forwarding Memorial Minutes, the Clerk suggests that we continue with the current practice of forwarding minutes as led, primarily for Friends with a history of YM activity.

Alan Kohrman and Patsy Shotwell, coordinating with the Presiding Clerk, will act as the editing committee. These Friends may add detail or shorten the minute as is appropriate. In the case of minutes which are heavily edited for reading during Business sessions, the full text will appear in the Memorial Minute booklet. These Friends, possibly with the addition of others, will also bring a review of the process back for our consideration in November. Friends approved forwarding the following Memorial Minutes:

Glenice Hutchins, Proctor Houghton, Tim Nicholson, Hal Nomer, Eleanor Wilson

​​​​​​​14-60 Closing Worship: Acknowledging that we had heard a lot and been challenged a lot, the clerk encouraged us to look for the life in our Yearly Meeting, and to share this with Friends at home. We closed in worship, purposing to meet again, God willing, on Aug. 3 at Bryant University, at the outset of our annual Sessions.

Holly Baldwin, Clerk

Bruce Neumann, Recording Clerk