Permanent Board minutes | August 2, 2014

14-47 Opening Worship: Permanent Board Friends gathered at Castleton College in anticipation of our Annual Sessions. We began our time together in worship. The clerk reminded us that, while we listen throughout the year, Sessions provides an opportunity listen more: Truth may come in!

14-48 Roll Call: The Recording Clerk called the roll:

Present: Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Justice Erikson, Sarah Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Galen Hamann, Jan Hoffman, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Leanna Kantt, Allan Kohrman, Rocky Malin, Christopher McCandless, Bruce Neumann, Elías Sánchez-Eppler, Karen Sánchez-Eppler, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Becky Steele, Carolyn Stone, Philip Stone, Donn Weinholtz, Fritz Weiss, Rosemary Zimmermann,

Regrets: Aimee Belanger, Mary Knowlton, Rebecca Leuchak, Jean McCandless, Elias Sánchez-Eppler, Patricia Shotwell, Hannah Zwirner.

Ex-officio: Muriel Farrar (Gonic, Clerk of Finance), Noah Baker Merrill (Putney, Yearly Meeting Secretary), Jacqueline Stillwell (Monadnock, Presiding Clerk).

Visitors: Martha Schwope (Wellesley)

14-49 Friends School of Portland: The clerk announced that, while the Board of Managers had declined to invest in Friends School of Portland, Portland MM has offered to loan the school the necessary funds, allowing construction to move forward.

14-50 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Noah shared that 657 have registered for annual sessions, more than last year or the year before. The total includes many who had not been to sessions before. Regarding the Pay-as-Led option this year, we understand that, as of today (Sat. Morning), income has exceeded our goal by more than $20k.

Noah reported that the database transition is on track to be complete by end of year, and that sessions registration occurred entirely via the new database. He expects the final cost to be close to original estimate.

Regarding the NEFH closing, Noah reported that the outstanding State unemployment claim has been reduced to approximately $29K. While there is some chance that further negotiations might reduce this further, we are likely to continue incurring legal fees, with no certain outcome or benefit. Noah recommends that we pay the fine, if we can be assured that the claim will be closed.

PB had previously approved using the Hanson/Hill Fund to assist with resolution of issues with NEFH. We understand that uncommitted monies in that fund and those remaining in the Friends Home account total $30K, and will cover this final charge, with little to no impact on our budget or reserves.

Friends approved both the initiative to resolve the claim, and use of these named funds, contingent on a guarantee that the payment will resolve the claim, and on receiving a written release from the DUA.

Friends voiced a concern about moving forward with the Legacy Gift recommendations, on the agenda for Sessions, without knowledge of the final outcome, recognizing that if further fines were incurred, claims might need to be made against the Legacy gift.

14-51 Presiding Clerk Report: Jackie Stillwell, for Coordinating and Advisory, spoke of rising questions this year about boundaries and authority, and about the mission or purpose of the Yearly Meeting. While C&A does not have the authority to resolve these questions, they will hold them, and work to find ways of clarifying the issues.

C&A has also been discussing the need for a priorities process with a longer vision than the current budget process, perhaps a 3–5 year plan.

Jackie also reported that M&C will bring a recommendation to Sessions to extend the FUM financial withholding policy for 5 years.

​​​​​​​14-52 Interim Publication of Faith and Practice: Jan Hoffman reported that the idea of an interim edition of Faith and Practice rose from a passing comment: "Wouldn't it be great if we had a print copy of the parts of Faith and Practice which have been approved?", together with an offer from Publications and Communications Committee to help in whatever way they could. A joint project emerged of printing spiral-bound copies of the new F&P. PubComm offered $2800 funding, and requests retroactive approval of the release of funds from the Faith and Practice board-designated fund to cover the remaining expenses, currently estimated to be $9147.34. They noted that proceeds from the sale of personal copies will go back into that fund. Friends approved.

Two copies will be made available for every monthly meeting and one for every worship group, as a gift from YM. The remainder will be available for purchase for individual use.

​​​​​​​14-53 Personnel Committee: For Personnel Committee, Karen Sánchez-Eppler recommended the continuing employment of Nat Shed as Friends Camp Director. The recommendation comes initially from the Friends Camp Committee, who commented on Nat's strong vision for long-term leadership and ability in outreach. The Friends Camp Committee expressed nothing but admiration and joy at his skills in nurturing campers and counselors. Personnel Committee voiced a slight concern about the process. Last year’s new Personnel Policy Manual required a new process which requires a more formal process of soliciting input, processing it as a committee and sharing with the Camp Director, in a process analogous to the evaluation of the YM Secretary. Karen hopes that we can be more faithful about process in the future.

Friends approved recommending Nat’s continuing employment to Sessions.

14-54 Finance Committee: Muriel Farrar reported that this year’s finance documents include graphic representations of funding and program use, including how staff costs are used in support of programs.

She spoke about their challenges this year in preparing a deficit budget. While the committee is comprised of both those with a mind for fiscal restraint and those who “live in faith,” all found it painful to withdraw funds from organizations we believe in.

She pointed to a lack of institutional memory, caused at least in part by three-year terms, as one aspect of their challenge.

​​​​​​​14-55 Development: Sara Smith, stepping into a new role as clerk of Development Committee as Nancy Haines departs, spoke of the committee’s gratitude to Nancy for all she has done. Sara presented some encouraging figures: individual giving in FY13 was $126K, well beyond the $97K goal, and we heard that so far we have reached 80% of this year’s goal, compared to 43% at this time last year.

A limited number of the new “rack card” will be available at Sessions, more will follow to MMs.

This fall, the committee is planning a retreat led by Jennie Isbell, a New England Friend with broad development experience.

14-56 Internal Nominating: Donn Weinholtz presented a few names for our consideration. Friends approved the following:

  • Carolyn Stone (Wellesley) Internal Nominating, class of 2016
  • Leslie Umans (Belfast) Yearly Meeting Nominating, class of 2017
  • Edward Baker (Westerly) YM Secretary Supervisor, class of 2016

​​​​​​​14-57 Good governance of Friends Camp: Jeremiah Dickinson, reminding us of the extensive governance manual presented at our May meeting (PM min 14-33), told us that that committee has chosen not to present the full document to sessions this year, as there is some work to be done yet, in terms of seasoning with Finance Committee and a legal review. Instead they will bring a revised Purpose and Procedure for the Friends Camp Committee, which includes a stipulation for a minimum of 2/3 Quaker membership, allowing for up to 1/3 of the seats to be held by non-Quakers. Jeremiah advised us that further changes to the document would need to be made after consulting with member(s) of the Finance Committee before final presentation to Sessions. Friends approved the intent of this P&P, allowing the committee to finish editing and bring their final version to Sessions.

​​​​​​​14-58 Purposes and Procedures: Following approval in May of most committees’ Purposes and Procedures we considered and approved one for Coordinating Advisory, where the change is just including language about the YM Secretary Supervisor. We considered and approved a revised P&P for the FWCC Committee. We gave provisional approval to a P&P for the new Legacy gift Committee, pending approval of the proposal at Sessions.

​​​​​​​14-59 Relationships with Monthly Meetings: Sara Smith spoke for the ad-hoc group considering how to foster better relationships between the PB/NEYM and Monthly Meetings. They hope to begin sending out visitors this fall, likely with a PB member paired with a Finance Committee member. Some staff support will be available to coordinate these visits. Noah Baker Merrill and Dulany Bennet (Hanover MM and Finance Committee) made a pilot visit to Concord MM. Sara (present by virtue of membership at Concord) was surprised to learn how many in her Meeting really did not understand what the YM is, and does. Broadly educating Friends about the work of the YM is at the heart of this work.

The ad-hoc group has prepared materials to help visitors planning such visits. PB members interested and willing to participate should contact Sara, or Bruce Neumann.

​​​​​​​14-60 Financial Stability: Ben Guaraldi spoke for the Working Group on financial stability. They will be reporting to Sessions, reminding folks of where we were last year, and speaking about their process through the year.

While they proposed three statements about their continuing work and priorites, we struggled to find unity on their message and usefulness.

Recognizing the underlying task of assuring the wider body that longer term thinking is going on, we approved the following minute:

Permanent Board recommends that we consider our finances not just in one year increments, but in a longer view. We endorse the Financial Sustainability Working Group’s efforts towards accountability and their commitment to long term planning.

​​​​​​​14-61 Legacy Discernment Committee. Suzanna Schell reported that this group will present its final recommendations to Business Meeting this week. If approved, Nominating Committee will work on a slate of names for the proposed Legacy Gift Committee.

​​​​​​​14-62 Structural Review: Bruce Neumann reported that the committee met 6 times this year, visited Monthly Meetings and many Committees at Committee Day, and did an on-line survey looking at Friends’ understanding of, and relationship to, the Yearly Meeting. Through listening and discussion, they find themselves in a fertile place to begin the next phase of their work.

They are planning a working weekend in September, at which they hope to sketch out a new structure which will address many of the shortcomings they have seen. They intend to take this draft structure to Quarterly Meetings, Committee Meetings and any other body who will listen, in the interest of getting feedback. They expect to bring a revised proposal to Sessions 2015.

​​​​​​​14-63 Closing Worship: We closed in worship, content to be gathered and anticipating God’s work among us in the coming days.

Holly Baldwin, Clerk

​​​​​​​Bruce Neumann, Recording Clerk