Permanent Board minutes | August 1, 2015

15-49 Opening Worship: Permanent Board Friends met in worship at Castleton College in anticipation of 2015 Sessions.

15-50 Clerk: Acting clerk Edward Baker introduced himself and reminded us that Holly Baldwin was at a memorial service. Friends approved Edward acting as clerk for this meeting.

15-51 Roll Call: The recording clerk called the roll:

Present: Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Justice Erikson, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Christopher Gant, Sarah Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Galen Hamann, Ian Harrington, Jan Hoffman, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Leanna Kantt, Allan Kohrman, Rebecca Leuchak, Jean McCandless, Bruce Neumann, Elias Sánchez-Eppler, Karen Sánchez-Eppler, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Becky Steele, Carolyn Stone, Philip Stone, Elizabeth Szatkowski, Fritz Weiss, Rosemary Zimmermann.

Regrets: Virginia Bainbridge, Holly Baldwin, Aimee Belanger, Rocky Malin, Patricia Shotwell, Bill Walkauskas, Donn Weinholtz.

Ex-officio: Noah Baker Merrill (Putney, Yearly Meeting Secretary), Robert Murray (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Personnel), Jacqueline Stillwell (Monadnock, Presiding Clerk). Shearman Taber (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Finance).

Visitors: Edward Baker (Westerly, YM Sec Supervisor), Lisa Graustein (Beacon Hill), Emily Provance (15th St. Meeting, NYYM).

15-52 Minutes: We considered the minutes from our May 9 meeting. With a few changes, the minutes were approved.

15-53 Presiding Clerk Report: Jacqueline Stillwell shared her excitement about the coming week; she feels full of wonder and mystery to see what unfolds.

We heard that the Bloudy Tenent sold for $175k, of which NEYM will receive $128,800. C&A considered this windfall and offered the following minute:

We have sold the Bloudy Tenent, a rare old book discovered in our archives, and have received $128,800 from its sale. PB directs that this money be tracked separately until the future of our archives and future expenses related to the archives are clear.

Friends approved this recommendation.

Jackie spoke about a recommendation which will come to Sessions. The clerks of FUM, FGC, and FWCC committees got together to consider how NEYM's allotment for these groups should be divided. Current practice uses a formula created in 1982. The clerks agreed to recommend that the pool, approved each year in the budget, should be divided evenly.

In considering our time together, Jackie reflected that the agenda is usually focussed on the organization. She felt a yearning for the body to hear about our witness, about what individuals and groups are doing. In an effort to create balance, she invited two panels to share about their work. One will be on work around climate change, the other on creating Gospel Order.

15-54 YM Secretary: Noah reported that the NEYM Sessions Staff relocated to Castleton on Tuesday. We understand that, due to the parade and football game, Castleton staff will be helping to direct people. Registration hours have been adjusted and expanded to accommodate a variety of arrival times.

We heard about a few changes this year, including an attempt to make the Campus Center be a center of connection and fellowship, similar to the role the Unistructure played at Bryant. A gender inclusivity working group was gathered to consider how we might be more aware and welcoming of Friends who do not fit in the old binary gender model. They suggested allowing Friends to designate their preferred pronouns on their name tags, having gender-neutral bathrooms, and including gender awareness training for Anchor Group facilitators.

15-55 Structural Review: Lisa Graustein spoke for the Structural Review Committee which was charged with looking at committee and staff structure. She pointed out that while the size and diversity of the committee provided a wide range of experience and viewpoints, the geographical distance and the group dynamics of this particular group both proved to be challenges. The group came to three points of clarity if not unity, and would like to present the following points to Sessions for seasoning:

  • MM need more support. Some support is available but not widely known about, while the committee feels that other supports are not available. The committee proposes increasing resources for monthly meetings, which should include both communication and outreach.
  • Referring back to the Nominating Committee Minute which set this work in motion, the Structural Review Committee would like to see YM Nominating be able to focus on gifts and leadership. They suggest putting similar committees in three clusters: Administrative, Pastoral Care, and Witness. Lisa presented this idea at committee day, and was encouraged that many found it exciting. Increased communication between committees within a cluster would allow them to discuss what roles and responsibilities need to go on in perpetuity, which ones can be done by a working group, and which ones can be done by resource people, with a shorter commitment. The cluster structure could form working groups for specific issues.​​​​​​
  • Structural Review repeatedly heard that people want more time to get together to know each other, yet August Sessions are not possible for some, and for others, business is not an effective entry point. We need opportunities for gatherings whose focus would be worship, spiritual growth, and community building.

While the committee did not discuss their future to any consensus, Lisa personally recommends laying the committee down. Where they have done some good work in information gathering and imagining a new structure, she feels that the committee is dysfunctional. Perhaps we should appoint three working groups to carry on the work of the three issues.

Finally, she pointed to a non-structural issue which the committee recognized early in their work, and call the "culture" of Quakerism in New England. We are not friendly, we are not always nice, or welcoming. We can change that. Changing the structure will change nothing unless we change culture. Lisa shared the analogy of deck chairs on the Titanic: changing the structure without addressing "culture" is as effective as rearranging deck chairs as the ship is going down.

Friends agreed that while laying the committee down may be the next step, we should wait until we hear what the body reflects after the Structural Review presentation. This fall, PB can discern how this work should be carried forward.

The clerk expressed thanks to Lisa and the committee on behalf of PB.

15-56 Long term financial planning: Chris Gant, clerk of LTFP, reflected that he feels like we are on the verge of something big.

He began with a brief review of their history (PB minutes 14-89, 14-113, 15-14, 15-15, 15-36), then spoke about the five themes they intend to present to Sessions:

  • Spiritual development
  • Outreach, including engaging with the world, witnessing, and welcoming those who come as a result.
  • Leadership: we yearn for leaders to help us accomplish the things we wish we were doing. How do we cultivate and develop leaders?
  • Accountability and integrity. Let's do what we say.
  • Relationship and communication. Friends want to meet, want to know what's going on with others. How do we share best practices? The YM organization is not good at letting meetings know what help is available.

Chris believes we can do a lot without spending money, by prioritizing differently.

The committee is looking for affirmation that they are going in the right direction, and that Friends agree with their sense that the purpose of the Yearly Meeting is not to build itself, but is to help MM be more effective at what they do.

The underlying theme is that we have a wonderful thing, let's be proud of it and share it.

One Friend reminded us of our (PB) role during sessions: we need to be knowledgeable and helpful, since we are more familiar than most with this work. He pointed to the potential for confusion, in the distinction between the mission and goals of the NEYM the organization, and of NEYM the "people."

15-57 Student Loan repurposing: Rebecca Leuchak spoke for the ad hoc committee which has been discerning the future of Student Loan funds. We were reminded that their proposal suggests using funds currently allocated to student loans, to provide grants for post-secondary education. The money would be spent down over several years, providing grants in a maximum amount of 2k. The grant program would be administered by a named subcommittee of PB.

One Friend on this ad-hoc committee pointed out that our previous decision to discontinue accrual of interest did not make it into the advance docs. This should be announced during the verbal report.

15-58 Legacy Gift: Regarding the Legacy Gift Committee which will administer the new grant programs, we were reminded that we had previously taken three ex officio members off the proposal for this committee, noting that they are already busy Friends. Further reflection suggests that it would be important for these Friends to be aware of and affiliated to this work, even if they are not required to attend.

Friends approved adding the YM secretary, Presiding Clerk, and YM Treasurer as ex-officio members of the Legacy Gift Committee.

15-59 Personnel: For the Personnel Committee, Bob Murray presented the names of Noah Baker Merrill for reappointment as Yearly Meeting Secretary, and Nat Shed for reappointment as Friends Camp Director. Friends approved bringing these names to Sessions for final approval.

Bob also presented several changes to the Personnel Policy Manual, noting that more significant changes are likely in the future.

  • A more detailed description of the search process for a new Friends Camp Director, and a procedure for appointing an interim director if needed.
  • A provision requiring that Personnel files be locked and accessible only by the YM Secretary.
  • A change putting the YM Secretary in charge of initiating discussions about salary range with YM personnel

Friends requested clarification about the timing of PB approval of an acting camp director. Bob will modify the language to make it clear that PB approval is not required before an acting director can begin their work.

Several Friends suggested that a former camper should be part of search committee. Bob reminded us that this concern can be added in later revisions. Friends approved the changes with adjustments.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​15-60 Budget Overrun Policy: For the Finance Committee, Shearman Taber presented a policy change regarding Budget Line item overruns (see attached report). The new policy is intended to avoid bringing small overruns to PB at the same time ensuring that PB will hear about any substantive changes. Friends approved the following, which will replace all previous overrun policies:

The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that expenses are kept within the limitations of the budget as approved by Sessions.

1. When expenses for a line item, as defined by Finance Committee policy, exceed the budget the Treasurer must notify the Clerk of the Finance Committee and get written approval prior to making any such payments.

2. The Finance Committee Clerk can on his or her authority authorize overruns up to 10% or $250, whichever is greater, of any budget line item. The Finance Committee Clerk will notify the members of Finance Committee of these overages in a timely manner.
3. Overruns in excess of that must be approved by Permanent Board. Such a minute shall be included with the approval documentation.
4. When the sum of the overruns reaches 3% of the total budgeted expenses the members of Permanent Board and Finance Committee must be notified and all further overruns must be approved by Permanent Board.
Written documentation of such approval shall be kept with the files for expenses related to that line. All requests and the approval or denial action taken to exceed a line item shall be communicated with the membership of the Finance Committee in a timely manner.
In support of the above the Finance Committee has adopted the following definition of budget line items.
2015-19/Finance Committee Policy Defining Line Items
In anticipation of Permanent Board's approval of the proposed policy on budget overages, Friends approved defining the following as line items for the purposes of the budget overrun policy.
5000 Staff - all lines from 5010 thru line 5050 plus line 5130 Contracted Services.

5110 Administration - all lines from 5110 thru 5190 minus line 5130 Contracted Services.

5200 Office - all lines 5210 thru 5295.

5300 Travel - all lines 5310 thru 5360.

6000 Programs - all lines 6105 thru 6129.

6140 Books - lines 6141 thru 6149.

6200 Benevolences - all lines 6310 thru 6590.

6600 Publications - all lines 6610 thru 6640.
The expenses of each yearly meeting committee represent its own line item. (They are combined in line 6130)

15-61 Grant Application Policy: Shearman also presented a revision to the grant application policy, which would replace the current policy originally approved in 1991. The change moves oversight of grant applications from the Finance Committee to the YM Secretary and raises the level which requires PB approval to 10k.

One member of the Legacy Gift Committee asked for clarification on whether this includes Legacy Gift applications. We understand that that is not the intent of the policy change, and that language will be added to the policy making clear that this is for application to "outside bodies" Friends approved the following policy:

All Yearly Meeting committees, working groups, or staff wishing to apply for a grant or grants from funding sources not part of the NEYM committee structure (to initiate new projects or programs, or to support the ongoing work of a Yearly Meeting committee or staff person) will consult with and gain the approval of the Yearly Meeting Secretary before submission. It is the Secretary’s responsibility to coordinate grant applications, include appropriate administrative costs, approve the final version of the proposals, and inform both the Clerk of Finance Committee and the Clerk of Permanent Board of pending submissions in a timely manner.
1. Committees, working groups, or staff seeking external support in excess of $10,000 or requiring allocation of additional funds from the Yearly Meeting must also receive approval from the Permanent Board prior to submission of the application. Permanent Board does not need to approve the application itself.

2. In the event that monthly or quarterly meetings wish to apply for grants to be administered by the yearly meeting, they should follow the process outlined above.

3. Any grant application that includes hiring or contracting additional personnel in addition requires the approval and written endorsement of the Clerk of the Personnel Committee.

15-62 Travel minute: The clerk presented a travel minute in support of Beth Gorton’s continued leading to intervisitation. Friends approved endorsing this minute.

15-63 Friends Camp search committee. The ad hoc committee charged with naming a search committee for a new Friends Camp Director brought the names of Edward Baker, Maggie Fogarty, Michael Griffin, David Marstaller, and Lise Wagner.

Friends voiced the wish that a recent former camper be involved. Friends approved this committee, and giving that committee authority to add new members. If needed, such additions would be reported to the next PB.

15-64 Tax and legal issues: Noah presented two issues for our consideration, one involving difficulties arising from the Friends Camp and the rest of NEYM using different payroll services while one NEYM employee is a resident of Maine. Noah requests authorization to transition to a single payroll provider, including CPA expenses which may require an overrun of contractual services. Friends approved proceeding with the initiative, understanding that an overrun will require specific approval at a later date. We also understand that some questions have arisen regarding multiple MM's using the NEYM Employer Identification Number (EIN). Noah requested authority to engage a CPA to help resolve these questions and allow us to give clear advice to MM about such issues. Friends approved.

15-65 Friends Camp mortgage elimination and tax exempt status: Noah reported on Nat Shed’s efforts to secure the tax-exempt status of the recently purchased waterfront property and cottage. Significant legal work was involved in bringing this about. We also heard from Nat that he understood that the payment of the legal fees would be from the YM’s operating funds due to a miscommunication between Nat and Noah.

We thank Friends Camp for doing the work of transitioning to tax exempt status, and for engaging legal services for this process. What remains is an accounting question: should the funds come from the $100k Legacy Gift grant, from the YM operating budget, from YM reserves, or from the Friends Camp budget?

While some Friends feel that, in general, legal expenses of the camp should be paid from the YM operating funds, others felt that in this case, expenses related to transitioning this property to tax exempt status should be covered by the $100k transfer from the Legacy Gift.

While the bill has been paid from the Camp’s accounts, we understand that no one wants an unbudgeted legal expense affecting their bottom line.

We look forward to the continuing discernment of the Friends Camp Committee on Good Governance for guidance on a better understanding of the legal and financial relationships of the Camp and NEYM as a whole.

We ask Ben Guaraldi and Elias Sanchez-Eppler to speak with Nat Shed this week in hopes of finding a resolution to this accounting question.

15-66 Closing Worship: We closed in worship, excited at the prospect of our coming days in Spiritual community, and purposing to meet again at the close of Sessions.

Edward Baker, Acting Clerk

​​​​​​​Bruce Neumann, Recording Clerk