Permanent Board minutes | May 9, 2015

15-24 Opening Worship: Permanent Board met in worship at Storrs Friends Meeting, accompanied by the birds and breezes of a lovely spring day.

15-25 Welcome: We were welcomed by Annamarie Andrews, clerk of Storrs Meeting, who relayed the Meeting’s prayers for us and our work.

15-26 Roll Call: The Recording Clerk called the roll:

Present: Virginia Bainbridge, Holly Baldwin, Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Jeremiah Dickinson, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Christopher Gant, Sarah Gant, Ian Harrington, Jan Hoffman, Nancy Isaacs, Sandy Isaacs, Allan Kohrman, Rebecca Leuchak, Jean McCandless, Bruce Neumann, Suzanna Schell, Sara Smith, Becky Steele, Carolyn Stone, Philip Stone, Bill Walkauskas, Donn Weinholtz, Fritz Weiss.

Regrets: Aimee Belanger, Jacqui Clark, Susan Davies, Justice Erikson, Ben Guaraldi, Galen Hamann, Leanna Kantt, Rocky Malin, Elias Sánchez-Eppler, Karen Sánchez-Eppler, Patricia Shotwell, Elizabeth Szatkowski, Rosemary Zimmermann.

Ex-officio: Noah Baker Merrill (Putney, Yearly Meeting Secretary), Robert Murray (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Personnel), Jacqueline Stillwell (Monadnock, Presiding Clerk). Shearman Taber (Beacon Hill, Clerk of Finance).

Visitors: Mary Frances Angelini (Framingham), Edward Baker (Westerly, YM Sec Supervisor), Clarence Burley (Worcester), Eileen Crosby (Mt. Toby), Cindy Fanning (Providence), Carol Forsyth (Putney), Janet Hough (Cobscook), Marilyn Manzella (Framingham), Frederick Martin (Monadnock), Christopher McCandless (Burlington), Kathleen Wooten (Amesbury).

15-27 Minutes: We considered the minutes from our Feb. 21 meeting. Changes were suggested. Friends approved the amended minutes.

15-28 Best Practices: Considering a very full agenda, the clerk asked us to take a few moments to consider best practices for PB Meetings. Thoughts included: be brief, be clear; listen; wait to be called on; speak clearly and distinctly; listen for what has been already said, if it’s close enough, refrain from speaking; if you speak often, consider whether you are led to speak, if you speak seldom, consider whether you are called to speak; invite worship in.

15-29 Presiding Clerk Report: Jackie spoke of her joy in preparing for this meeting, and in working with Holly. We were reminded that the theme for Sessions is “Living into Covenant Community,” an exploration of how we live more fully into our sacred bonds with God and with each other. Given that there is a big parade in Castleton on the Saturday afternoon Sessions begins, Friends will need to arrive in the morning, or late afternoon.

15-30 Yearly Meeting Secretary Report: Noah described a promising sign, that he has been hearing “we” more often, as opposed to “they,” when Friends refer to the Yearly Meeting. When he travels, one essential message he communicates is “You are not alone,” and he finds it encouraging that there seem to be more calls from MM’s for assistance of various sorts.

Noah reported that several situations have shown that a set of by-laws would be useful in NEYM’s interactions with the wider world. Faith and Practice is useful, but certain language common to non-profits is missing, which would help translate our spiritual practices into language where we can interact with the world. Such by-laws would likely be separate from F&P. Friends pointed out that we are incorporated in several states, and that there are a variety of regulations that may influence the language or format of by-laws.

Friends approved appointing a small group to work with Noah and General Counsel to explore the appropriateness of establishing by-laws or other additional governing documents for the Yearly Meeting. This work should include consideration of the ways we are incorporated in various states. Chris Gant, Ginny Bainbridge, and Edward Baker offered to help in this work.

15-31 YM Secretary Review: Edward Baker, Supervisor to the YM Secretary, told us that the annual appraisal process has begun. While the first phase is one of self evaluation, the second phase will include outside observations of Noah’s work. Edward welcomes input from Friends who interact with Noah. There is a form in the Personnel Policy Manual.

15-32 Archives Committee: Mary Frances Angelini, clerk of the Archives Committee reported on the consideration of moving our NEYM archives to a new location (see PB Minutes 13-53 and 14-96). The committee sent a note to monthly meetings requesting input. The few that responded suggested that having the archives geographically nearby to New England Friends would be important. The committee also sent a Request for Proposal to eleven institutions that might be interested in housing our archives. Five of these responded with proposals. Several of these were eliminated due to their distance or limitations on access to documents. As they continued correspondence with, and did site visits at the remaining institutions, the Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) at UMASS Amherst emerged as the best option. In addition to good accessibility to documents, and a good digitization program, this archive is interested in an on- going relationship, not just our older historical documents. This library has a particular interest in the history and experience of social change, and feels that the Quaker movement in New England will be a good fit with existing collections. [see full proposal]

One important remaining question is whether the archives would be given through a deed of gift or a deed of loan. While deed of gift is the standard practice, UMASS is willing to consider a deed of loan. We understand that an important aspect of this is that if it is a deed of gift, SCUA assumes the duty of care and preservation.

Regarding concerns about what would happen to the NEYM archives if SCUA no longer wanted them as part of their collection, Noah pointed out that the agreement would include language that our documents would be returned if they were no longer able to keep them. We also understand that some documents may be returned during the incoming accession process.

Friends endorsed the Archives Committee’s recommendation that the NEYM archives be transferred to the Special Collections and University Archives at UMASS Amherst. We expect that this recommendation will come to Sessions from the Archives Committee.

Friends approved of the Archives Committee’s recommendation, pending Sessions approval, that Permanent Board would be authorized to work with counsel and the Archives committee to finalize the terms and conditions of the move.

Permanent Board Friends expressed the hope that the agreement with UMASS would include arrangements for the return of the collection if UMASS is unable to care for the collection at any point in the future.

We understand that the question of supporting an archivist, strongly encouraged by the committee, is an on-going concern.

We thanked Mary Frances, Carol Forsythe who drew on her professional experience to serve as Project Coordinator, and the rest of the Archives Committee for their good work on this endeavor.

15-33 Finance Committee: Shearman Taber, clerk of Finance Committee, asked for questions and comments about the draft budget which was part of the advance documents.

Several comments expressed reservations about using funds from the Legacy Gift. Other comments touched on the accreditation fee for Friends camp. Some feel this cost should be born by the Camp, others recognize that accreditation is our (NEYM’s) piece of accountability.

Replying to a question about a 4% increase in expected MM contributions, Shearman agreed that it is ambitious, but pointed out that it is necessary for financial stability. We recognize that more can be done in communicating with MM’s about the value of NEYM (Note that the PB initiative for relationship building will contribute to this), and about expectations for amount and timing of contributions.

While one Friend encouraged forming a committee to consider staff cuts, another reminded us that staff are real people doing important work among us.

The clerk of Long-Range Financial Planning Committee reminded us that a clear vision would help us in aligning our priorities.

Having voiced some concerns which will be considered in future Finance Committee deliberations, Friends found themselves in essential unity with the budget recommendations. The clerk voiced our collective sense that this is “exciting and scary, as we take bold steps into the future: trying to change our ways but not being able to change fast enough.” We thanked the Finance Committee for its hard work and deliberation.

15-34 Memorial Minute: During a period of worship we heard a memorial minute for Anna Coit. We approved forwarding the minute to Sessions.

15-35 Memorial Minutes Preparation: The clerk asked for volunteers to shepherd preparation of memorial minutes for sessions. Since all minutes will be printed in their entirety, this committee does not need to do extensive editing, but will need to check YM references and approvals. Allan Kohrman and Patsy Shotwell (in absentia) volunteered.

15-36 Long-term Financial Planning: With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Chris Gant presented an update on the work of the Long-Range Financial Planning Committee. Recognizing that a number of other groups have considered the state and the needs of the Yearly meeting, the LRFPC chose not to do new research, but to study the conclusions of these other groups. They also recognized that they could not work on a long-term plan without understanding the values and vision underlying NEYM. At our February meeting, we amended their charge to include considering the vision of the YM.

The committee has distilled five core areas of concern: Spiritual development, Outreach, Leadership, Accountability, and Relationship and communication. (Note that the first letters create the acronym SOLAR). These concepts are themes, behaviors, and habits: if we change our habits, we will change the way we are.

They hope that we, as a gathered people, can: prioritize what we are doing; demonstrate effectiveness, clear vision and clarity of purpose; and improve communication. Can we attract more people to the Society Friends, not for the monetary input, but because we believe we have something to offer? Hoping to make a similar presentation at Sessions, the LRFPC was interested in feedback and support for the core concepts.

Some Friends struggled to see how specific concerns fit in the five points, such as where does Youth Programs, a vital integral part of the YM, appear? How will improved sharing and coordination with MM happen? Others confessed that while in essential sympathy with the concepts, the presentation did not have its desired effect.

We approved the following minute: We support the continuing work of LTFP as they explore the vision and purpose of the Yearly Meeting. We understand that these are not proposals, but part of an on-going search for how we are led to greater faithfulness as a Yearly Meeting.

15-37 Yearly Meeting Nominating: Christopher McCandless, for Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee, presented names for our consideration:

  • Moses Brown School Board
    • Michael Hirtle (Providence), class of 2018
    • Dawn Tripp (Allen’s Neck), class of 2018
    • Peter Crysdale (Durham), class of 2018
    • Don McNemar (Cambridge), class of class of 2018
    • Elizabeth Zimmerman (Providence), class of 2016
  • Puente de Amigos Committee
    • Deana Kinsky (Mattapoisett), class of 2017 Friends approved these names.

15-38 Clerk’s Nominating: For the Clerks Nominating Committee, Christopher McCandless also presented names for the clerks table, to begin service at the close of sessions 2015:

Presiding Clerk: Fritz Weiss (Hanover)

Recording Clerk: Rachel Walker Cogbill (Plainfield)

Recording Clerk: James Grace (Beacon Hill)

Reading Clerk: Katherine Fisher (Beacon Hill)

Reading Clerk: Andrew Grannell (Portland)

Friends approved forwarding these names to sessions.

15-39 Internal Nominating: Donn Weinholtz, on behalf of Internal Nominating Committee, presented three names for our consideration:

Permanent Board Recording Clerk: Rebecca Steele (Providence)

Personnel Committee: Neil Blanchard (Framingham)

Yearly Meeting Nominating: Connie Kincaid-Brown (Hanover)

Friends approved these nominations

15-40 Structural Review Committee: Christopher McCandless, a member of the Structural Review Committee, spoke on behalf of the clerk who was unable to attend. We understand that the committee has been struggling, both with personnel changes and with interpersonal challenges. The current clerk, Lisa Graustein, intends to resign as of August.

Christopher shared that while the committee is not ready to make any formal recommendations, there is movement towards recommending more gatherings (likely YM-wide mid-year gatherings), and a revised committee structure where committees with similar charge are grouped under an “umbrella” for increased communication and cooperation.

Several Friends expressed dismay that a committee under our oversight would be so “battered” that the clerk would suggest laying the committee down before concluding their work.

Noah acknowledged that PB may not have been clear enough about the charge and expectations for this committee and that Coordinating and Advisory Committee, which offered the names for this group, would be helped by greater clarity about its role and authority in supporting and guiding committees.

15-41 Development Committee: Sarah Smith announced a matching gift program “Live into Hope—Give in Faith.” Two Friends have offered $10,000, if NEYM friends are able to raise that amount in increased donations. For those giving already, any increase will be matched, for new donors, the amount will be matched at 150%. All members of Permanent Board were encouraged to ensure they are making a financial contribution meaningful to them.

15-42 Board of Managers: The Board of Managers of Investments and Permanent Funds presented a request for approval of a proposed minute of purpose. This minute would provide a much needed authorization of their authority in the BOM’s relationship with various financial institutions. Friends approved the following minute:

The purpose of the Board of Managers of Investments and Permanent Funds as approved by New England Yearly Meeting in its annual Sessions is:

"The Board of Managers of Investments and Permanent Funds is responsible for the management and investment, consonant with Friends principles, of Yearly Meeting funds and funds entrusted to it by meetings, schools, and other Friends organizations for the purpose of maintaining a source of continuing income and growth of capital."

In order to accomplish that purpose New England Yearly Meeting authorizes the Board of Managers to open and close bank and brokerage accounts, appoint account signers and to establish agreements with Financial Advisers and others as they deem necessary.

15-43 Travel Minute: Friends approved the clerk endorsing a travel minute for Sheila Garrett.

15-44 The Future of the Student Loan Fund: for the group considering the future of Student Loan funds, Rebecca Leuchak presented a revised proposal (attached) based on input at our November meeting (PB Minute 14-104). The group is proposing to make the money in the Student loan Fund (currently about $80K) available as grants, in the amount of $2000 each, to any student working towards an educational qualification. Grants would be restricted to one per year, and would be available to NEYM members, children of NEYM members, and individuals who have been active at the MM, QM, or YM level, including retreat programs. In the case of non-members, a letter from the relevant meeting clerk, or from an NEYM staff person would be required. Those interested would submit an application, including a short essay, to a granting committee appointed by PB. While they recognize that there is an on-going need for educational funding, the group understands that we are neither good at administering loans or in a good position to fundraise for a permanent fund. Given the limited size of the pool and expected applications, we would expect to spend down this pool in a few years. The group is proposing up to two annual disbursements, with a total annual disbursement limited to $30K, to ensure the fund does not vanish too quickly.

Friends approved bringing the basic elements of this proposal to Sessions. Friends approved asking Internal Nominating committee to consider names for a granting committee, should the proposal be approved.

Friends approved discontinuing the accrual of interest on existing loans.

Friends approved recommending that NEYM sessions lay down the Student Loan Program and the Student Loan Committee.

We discussed the oversight of this program and agreed that we do not want to establish another on-going committee, and that the work of the granting committee will be under the oversight of PB.

We considered briefly whether to forgive loans for those who cannot be found. While there was some question about the impact of this on existing loan holders who are indeed paying down the loan, we also understand that there is some language in the loan agreement which may provide light on this.

15-45 FWCC: We considered a request from the NEYM committee for the Friends World Committee on Consultation (FWCC). FWCC is planning an International Representatives Meeting in Peru in January 2016, and has requested that NEYM name the delegates to that gathering. Friends approved appointing the following Friends: Rachel Guaraldi (Beacon Hill), Ben Guaraldi (Beacon Hill), Jacqueline Stillwell (Monadnock), and Noah Baker Merrill (Putney).

15-46 Public Statements: Ian Harrington, representing a PB working group considering a policy to guide the YM Secretary and the Presiding Clerk in making public statements, presented a draft minute. The minute, if approved at Sessions, would allow the YM Secretary and the Presiding Clerk to make public statements on behalf of NEYM, when time does not allow for such a statement to be approved at Sessions (attached). Friends approved forwarding this minute to Sessions.

15-47 Request from Belfast Meeting: We considered a request from Belfast Area Friends Meeting for financial support in erecting a sign. We note with pleasure that the need for the sign is evidence of growth and hope at this small meeting. Friends approved forwarding the request Ministry and Counsel, who have care of the Pittsfield Varney fund, whose resources are restricted for “evangelistic or church extension work.”

15-48 Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be at Castleton College, on August 1, 2015.

Holly Baldwin, Clerk

Bruce Neumann, Recording Clerk