Permanent Board minutes | November 18, 2017

17-75: Worship

The meeting opened with a period of waiting worship.

17-76: Welcome

We received the welcome of Westerly Friends Meeting with gratitude. Edward Baker, past member and clerk of Permanent Board, had long hoped that Permanent Board might meet at his home meeting of Westerly. Although his recent death meant he was not among us today, as we gathered into worship together, we deeply felt his loving invitation to us.

17-77: Roll Call

The clerk called the roll.

Present: Sarah Gant (Clerk), Rosemary Zimmermann (Interim Recording Clerk); Travis Belcher, Deana Chase, Susan Davies, Jeremiah Dickinson, Darcy Drayton, Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Christopher Gant, Ian Harrington, Christopher McCandless, Jean McCandless, Gina Nortonsmith, Carole Rein, Sara Smith, Phil Stone, William Walkauskas, Donn Weinholtz, Mary Zwirner

Ex Officio: Noah Merrill (Secretary), Bob Murray (Finance Committee Clerk), Elizabeth Reuthe (Secretary Supervisor), Jackie Stillwell (Past Presiding Clerk), Shearman Taber (Treasurer), Fritz Weiss (Presiding Clerk)

Guests: Brian Drayton, Beth Hansen, Kurt Hansen, Tom Morton, Iris Morton, Kathleen Wooten

Regrets: Ben Guaraldi, Galen Hamann, Leanna Kantt, Rebecca Leuchak, Anna Radocchia, Becky Steele

Not Present: Kimberly Allen, Tom Jackson, Elizabeth Szatkowski

17-78: Presiding Clerk’s Report

The Presiding Clerk gave his verbal report; his written report is attached.

17-79: Coordinating and Advisory

The Presiding Clerk shared concerns he has heard about the role of C&A. A perception exists that C&A has overreached its scope and is beginning to function as an executive committee. He does not believe that this perception is accurate and believes it to be unhealthy. He asked for guidance from Permanent Board on the role of Coordinating and Advisory.

Friends broadly agreed that C&A has become both more visible and more active. C&A has certainly responded to pressure that Friends react more nimbly to a changing world. Perhaps this has led to the perception that C&A has become “executive.”

While some Friends do find the changing dynamics of C&A unsettling, others find them both welcome and necessary.

The Presiding Clerk welcomes continued feedback and discussion on this matter.

17-79.1: Moses Brown School Bylaws

Noting that Sessions has already approved this exact language as the charge for the “Committee on Nurturing Friends Education at Moses Brown School,” we heard proposed changes to Article 4.4 of the Moses Brown Bylaws as follows:

There shall be a Committee on Nurturing Friends Education at Moses Brown School. The purpose of this committee is to strengthen the Friends faith and practice of Moses Brown School. The work of this committee shall be concerned with nurturing the spiritual base of the school, fostering strong relationships between New England Yearly Meeting of Friends and Moses Brown School, helping the School explore and deepen its Quaker values and best practices in Friends Education, and such other matters as this committee and New England Yearly Meeting of Friends shall agree upon from time to time. The committee will consider concrete ways that it can support and share the developments in Friends education at Moses Brown School. The committee will support the school’s work to identify children of Quaker families and encourage them to apply.

The committee will support the school’s efforts to ensure that current Moses Brown families, faculty, and staff, who are drawn to the Quaker aspect of the school, are given opportunities to deepen their connections to Friends faith and practice. The committee will support the Head of School in stewarding the School’s membership renewal process for the Friends Council on Education.

This committee will work with the Providence Friends Meeting Liaison and the Friends Coordinator to steward the process for nominating Friends to this committee, for approval by the New England Yearly Meeting Permanent Board; and will take a lead role in creating and vetting a list of Friends for potential service on the Board, and presenting that pool of potential members to the New England Yearly Meeting Permanent Board and the Nominating Committee for approval in accordance with Article II, Section 4.

This committee shall be the joint responsibility of the Board and New England Yearly Meeting. The committee will maintain an equal number of members appointed by New England Yearly Meeting and the Board of Moses Brown School, respectively. There will be at least 12 regularly appointed members and two ex-officio members. At least six members will be nominated by this committee and appointed by the New England Yearly Meeting Permanent Board for staggered three-year terms not to exceed six consecutive years for any member, and one ex-officio position filled by either the Clerk of New England Yearly Meeting or the Clerk of the New England Yearly Meeting Permanent Board. At least six members will be appointed by the Board, no fewer of two of whom shall be current Board members, for staggered three-year terms not to exceed six consecutive years for any member, and will include the Head of School and the Director of Friends Education, with one ex-officio position filled by the Clerk of the Board. The Clerk of this committee shall be nominated by its members, working with the Providence Friends Meeting liaison and the Friends Coordinator, with the final approval by the New England Yearly Meeting Permanent Board. This committee shall meet at least five times per year.

The Permanent Board approved.

We then heard proposed changes to Article 4.3 of the Moses Brown Bylaws, as follows:

“There shall be a Nominating Committee of the Board. The members of the Nominating Committee, all of whom shall be current or former Board members and a majority of whom shall be Board members, shall be nominated by the Head of School, the Clerk of the Board, and the Friends Coordinator, and approved by the Board. At least two members of the Nominating Committee shall be Friends, one of whom shall also be a member of the Committee on Nurturing Friends Education. Additional members may be added in the same manner, at the discretion of the aforementioned panel. The size of the Nominating Committee shall not exceed 12 members.

At the annual meeting of the Board, or at such other time as may be required, the Nominating Committee shall present to the Board the nominations of the Board members, officers, members of committees and Clerks of the same. The Nominating Committee may nominate, and the Board may select, members of committees who are not members of the Board.”

The Permanent Board approved this change.

17-79.2: The pastor of Iglesia Evangélica Amigos de Worcester has died. This is a Friends Church associated with Evangelical Friends Church International (EFCI). The Secretary and Presiding Clerk reached out to that meeting to offer our condolences and prayers. The Clerk will continue the practice of reaching across the manmade divides in our faith.

17-80: Secretary’s Report

The Secretary gave his verbal report; his written report is attached. He noted that the Yearly Meeting is undergoing a time of change, and asked those present to reflect on their own relationship with change, specifically by examining where we are in the “Eight Stages of Change” chart from Leading Change in the Congregation, by Gilbert Rendle.

He shared with us a draft income/expense report that breaks down the flow of our money by “class,” or program. Many donors, potential donors, and decision-makers have requested that we present our budget reports in this way. The Secretary invites further feedback on the utility of this sort of report. The purpose of a financial presentation is to empower decision-makers to make sound decisions. How can we do this better? The Secretary welcomes feedback.

17-80.1: Rhode Island “Registered Agent”

The state of RI has asked NEYM to file annual documentation related to our tax exemption. To comply with this, we need to appoint a RI Friend to serve as a “Registered Agent” of NEYM.

By action of the Permanent Board of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, Rebecca Leuchak of Providence, Rhode Island is appointed as the Registered Agent of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends in the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

17-80.2: Childcare Policy Revisions

We heard proposed changes to the NEYM Childcare Policy; please see the attached proposal. The Board approved these changes, with one minor alteration; the second sentence of the third point under the heading “Childcare on Site for NEYM Sponsored Events” shall read “It is recommended that no fewer than two adults, or one adult and one teenaged assistant, be present at all times.”

17-81: Vassalboro Quarterly Meeting

After three years, Vassalboro Quarter recently completed the process of laying down Pondtown Meeting. Laying down a meeting is one of the responsibilities of a Quarter; no action is required by Permanent Board. We heard and accepted the report from Vassalboro Quarter.

Further, Vassalboro Quarter has minuted the discontinuance of North Fairfield Monthly Meeting. This change of status means that NEYM will now receive the property of NFMM, as per 1985 Faith and Practice pp. 220-221: “When a meeting is discontinued, the records, physical property, and investments belonging to that meeting vest in the Yearly Meeting, except when otherwise determined by deed or other legal obligation.”

Vassalboro asks that NEYM appoint three friends from VQ and one friend from PB who will steward the property; help find spiritual homes for previous members and attenders of NFMM; and ensure preservation of the meeting archives. These friends will be advised by NEYM General Counsel and will work in coordination with the Secretary. From Vassalboro Quarter, PB approves the names of Holly Widener, Diane Dicranian, and Janet Hough. PB additionally names both Phil Stone and Susan Davies to assist in this work.

17-82: Treasurer’s Report

We heard the report from the Treasurer, Shearman Taber.

Last year PB granted permission for the treasurer to withdraw up to $100,000 from the Quasi- Endowment. Such a withdrawal was not needed last year, but the Treasurer expects it may be needed this year as we continue to operate under a deficit budget. Permanent Board again grants this provisional authority to the Treasurer for FY-18.

We received this report with gratitude.

17-83: Memorial Minutes

We heard memorial minutes for Phyllis Fairweather Agard, John Albert Blanchard, and Paul Gardescu. Permanent Board received these minutes with gratitude; they are attached to the minutes.

17-84: Finance Committee Report

Internal Nominating of Finance Committee brings forward the name of Robert Murray as Clerk of Finance, and the name of Kathryn B. Olsen as Assistant Treasurer. The Board approved.

Finance Committee proposes that Permanent Board formally terminate the Peace Tax Fund and instruct the Treasurer and Finance Committee to implement this decision. There is no money in this fund and it has not been used for many years. The Board approved.

The Finance Committee further proposes that Permanent Board approve changing the name of the “Faith and Practice Revision Fund” to the “Faith and Practice Printing Fund.” This name more accurately reflects the actual purpose of the fund. The Board approved.

17-84.1: Bank Authorization

Permanent Board designates Shearman Taber, NEYM treasurer; Kathryn B. Olsen, NEYM assistant treasurer; Sarah Gant, Permanent Board clerk; and Noah Merrill, Yearly Meeting secretary, as alternate signers, individually, of all bank and brokerage accounts of New England Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, except for those checks greater than $5,000, which shall require the signatures of two signers from the list above. The Board approved.

17-85: Development Committee

We heard a detailed verbal report from Chris Gant, clerk of the Development Committee. In brief, giving is up overall, and Development is working on extensive plans for further growth. Highlights include work on planned giving, improvements in the database, and more intentional donor outreach. The clerk of Development would welcome further questions and board engagement.

17-86: Fund for Sufferings

Suffering is an inevitable part of faithfulness. Recognizing this, concerned Friends have  brought forward draft revised guidelines for a Fund for Sufferings. This fund would be used to financially support Friends, or the families of Friends, who are suffering for the Truth.

The meeting united around the desirability of such a fund. The specific details in the draft revised guidelines, however, sparked a lively discussion. A response to suffering must be quick and efficient, but also wisely discerned. Friends struggled to find the right balance between these two needs.

The Secretary, Treasurer, PB clerk, and M&C clerk, in consultation with the Accounts Manager, will take the draft revised guidelines back for further discernment. They will bring a new draft to the Permanent Board meeting in February.

17-87: Ad hoc Challenging White Supremacy Working Group

The CWS-WG brought their committee’s renewed charge for the approval of Permanent Board. The Board approved this charge. We recognize that this is a very large charge and that we are only at the beginning steps of this work.

The CWS-WG has made a request for $300 equalization money for their upcoming retreat in January. The Board approved, trusting the Treasurer and the Secretary to find the appropriate source of these funds.

17-88: Ad hoc Reparations Working Group

The RWG presented us with their charge and their membership slate: Suzanna Schell (Beacon Hill), Charles Simpson (Burlington), Erica Adams (West Falmouth) and Leslie Manning (Durham). The Board approved.

The RWG asked that PB name a member of the board to their group. The Board named Darcy Drayton (Souhegan).

17-89: Puente de Amigos

Puente asks PB to approve travel minutes to Cuba for five friends. All of these friends have gone through discernment with Puente, and four of these friends have been previously approved by Permanent Board.

This request is not technically in good order; such endorsement—even for repeat travelers—should move from Puente to quarterly meetings, and be brought to PB by the quarters.

However, it is almost impossible for friends to adhere to this process given both how infrequently QMs meet and also the strict documentation required to obtain religious travel visas to Cuba. Changes to travel minute approval process are currently in discernment.

The Board approved Fritz Weiss, Leonard Cadwallader (Hanover MM); Roland Stern, Cynthia Ganung (Wellesley MM); and Diego Low (Framingham MM) to visit Cuba in February. These Friends will attend Cuba Yearly Meeting and visit with Havana Friends on the way. (February 10-19.). We authorized the clerk of PB to sign their travel minutes.

Puente asks board re-approval of Benigno Sanchez-Eppler’s (Northampton) existing travel minute. Benigno plans to travel to Cuba to teach at Cuba Yearly Meeting’s Peace Institute (January 2-17). During this time, Benigno will be giving a course on Barclay in Banes, Holguin, Puerto Padre, and Havana. The Board approved.

17-90: Internal Nominating Committee

We received the new slates from YM Nominating Committee and the Internal Nominating Committees of Finance Committee and of Permanent Board. The Board approved the following:

From Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee:

Scot Drysdale (Hanover): Finance Class of 2020

Eppchez (Northampton) RSEJ Class of 2020

Beth Morrill (Hartford: RSEJ Class of 2020

Scott Rhodewalt (Mt Toby): RSEJ Class of 2020

LVM Shelton (Plainfield): M&C Class of 2020

From Internal Nominating Committee, Finance Committee:

Robert "Bob" Murray (Beacon Hill): Clerk of Finance (2018, may re-up)

Kathy Olsen (Yarmouth Prep): Assistant Treasurer: 2018 (successive)

From Internal Nominating Committee, Permanent Board:

Travis Belcher (Monadnock): Clerks Nominating Committee: Class of 2021

James Golden (Hartford): Faith & Practice Revision Committee: Class 0f 2020

Leslie Manning (Durham): Clerks Nominating Committee: Class of 2021

Maggie Nelson (North Shore): Friends Camp Nominating: Class of 2020

17-91: Worship

The meeting closed with a period of waiting worship.