Permanent Board minutes | November 17, 2018

​​​​​​18-87: Opening Worship

Friends opened with a period of worship.

18-88: Welcome

Len Cadwallader, clerk of Hanover Friends, welcomed us to Kendal and Kendal Worship Group.

18-89: Roll Call

The recording clerk called the roll.

Present: Sarah Gant, Clerk; Hannah Zwirner Forsythe, Recording Clerk; Travis Belcher, Darcy Drayton, Martin Zwirner Forsythe, Chris Gant, Ben Guaraldi, Ian Harrington, Rebecca Leuchak, Ed Mair, Christopher McCandless, Jean McCandless, Gina Nortonsmith, Anna Raddochia, Carole Rein, Sara Smith, Will Taber, Bill Walkauskas, Tom Vargo, Mary Zwirner

Ex-Officio: Noah Merrill (Secretary), Bob Murray (Finance Clerk), Bruce Neumann (Rising Presiding Clerk), Shearman Taber (Treasurer), Fritz Weiss (Presiding Clerk)

Guests: Dulaney Bennett, Fran Brokaw, Len Cadwallader, Carol Forsythe, Gideon Guaraldi, Sara Hubner, Phebe McCosker, LouAnne McDonald, Katrina Randall, Scott Rhodewalt, Jackie Stillwell, Kathleen Wooten

Regrets: Kim Allen, Peter Bishop, Deana Chase (Development Co-Clerk), Betsy Kantt, Elizabeth Reuthe (Secretary’s Supervisor) Phil Stone, Elizabeth Szatkowski, Rosemary Zimmermann

18-90: Minutes

Minutes from our September meeting were approved during that meeting. Any final corrections should be submitted to the recording clerk.

18-91: Presiding Clerk’s Report

Fritz Weiss, Presiding Clerk, reflected on planning for Sessions 2019. Our theme is “to provoke one another to love”, from Margaret Fell’s “epistle to convinced but not yet crucified Friends”.

Colin Saxton has agreed to present the Bible Half Hours. Sessions Committee (SC) has accepted Lisa Graustein’s proposal for an interactive plenary. SC is evaluating the schedule for our week together to determine whether there are changes that might make our time together even more fruitful. That committee is also beginning its discernment on the location of Sessions; our contract at Castleton University expires after 2020 and they will look at other potential locations in addition to the possibility of remaining at Castleton. Fritz requested that any members of Permanent Board (PB) who are interested in helping with the discernment regarding future Sessions locations be in touch with SC. More information on plans for Sessions 2019 are available in the Clerk’s report which is appended.

18-92: Secretary’s Report

Noah Merrill, Yearly Meeting Secretary, reminded us that the burden of exhaustion and rage is not wrong. There is much to pay attention to and it is reasonable to feel spread thin.

Since our last meeting, and pursuant to his identified Areas of Focus, Noah has worked on supporting Development Committee work, beginning this year’s funding priorities process, developing religious education plans in the YM, supporting volunteer empowerment, and overseeing the preliminary stages of website redevelopment.

18-93: Communication with Faith and Practice

Ben Guaraldi updated Friends on communication with the Faith and Practice Revision Committee (F&PRC) about the Membership chapter following the presentation of that chapter at Sessions 2018. Ben’s written report on communications with F&PRC is appended. Ben and Rosemary Zimmermann had a discussion with F&PRC covering the following topics:

  1. Whether Faith and Practice is proscriptive or descriptive—and whether this is a useful dichotomy
  2. What form the Procedures section should take in the new Faith and Practice
  3. The process for adding new members to Faith and Practice Revision Committee
  4. Potential ways forward for approving controversial chapters of Faith & Practice, for example membership

This discussion resulted in two suggestions. Firstly, that Permanent Board would take responsibility for the writing of an organizational handbook that will supplement the procedural chapter in Faith & Practice allowing for easier updating. This organizational handbook would have a permanent place on the Yearly Meeting website. The second suggestion was that 4-6 new members be added to the committee simultaneously so that the committee might focus on orientation for a few months.

Ben will clarify the requests for Permanent Board’s (PB) work and bring an updated request to PB at its next meeting.

We were reminded that though the general practice of Faith & Practice being a descriptive document continues to be welcome, there are places and times when a more proscriptive document has power. Loving, accountable, authority has a place in our guiding document.

18-94: Treasurer’s Report

Shearman Taber, Yearly Meeting Treasurer, shared draft final numbers for Fiscal Year 2018. The numbers indicate a smaller deficit than had been budgeted. We must continue the work toward a balanced budget but our efforts to control expenses and increase donations from individuals are cause for celebration. Friends had time to ask questions and thanked the Treasurer for his diligent work. Final numbers for FY2018 will be in the Directory.

18-95: Funding Priorities Process

Noah Merrill, Yearly Meeting Secretary, presented Coordinating and Advisory’s (C&A) recommendations to Permanent Board (PB) as part of this year’s funding priorities process. The goal of the Funding Priorities Process is to continue discernment throughout the Yearly Meeting (YM), guide budget development, affirm what Friends are lifting up, and provide information and specificity for development. Noah reviewed the procedure for the priorities process and shared the suggestions heard throughout the YM for ways to spend our resources.

In reviewing suggestions, C&A recommends the following priorities:

  1. Learning, Practice, and Leadership
  2. Expanding childcare at Sessions
  3. Communications: Sharing the Story
  4. Increase Capacity for Financial Management

Friends were asked for questions, concerns, and feedback about these priorities. Notes were taken which will be forwarded to Finance Committee (FC).

Friends approved sending these recommendations and notes to FC. These will be used to discern whether the budget is supporting our priorities. Development Committee may also use these priorities to focus their outreach. Further details are in Noah’s presentation which is appended.

18-96: Released Peaceworker Fund

Bob Murray, Clerk of Finance Committee, brought a proposal from Finance Committee to close the Released Peacemaker Fund. The proposal, with more details, is appended. Friends approved.

18-97: Announcements

Friends heard announcements before breaking for lunch.

18-98: Archives Committee

Carol Forsythe, Clerk of the Archives Committee, presented a proposal to fund the clean-up of the archives backlog at the Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) at UMASS Amherst. More details are in the appended proposal. This proposal would move up to $7500 from the operating reserves to the operating budget. Friends approved.

18-99: Working Group to Examine NEYM Clerking Structures and Practices

At Sessions Permanent Board (PB) was asked to perform a formal re-examination of the structures and practices of clerking in the Yearly Meeting. [YM Minute 2018-53] Bruce Neumann, rising Presiding Clerk, brought a charge and proposed topics of consideration for the working group for PB’s approval. Friends offered feedback and asked questions.

With a few suggestions, Friends approved the charge for the working group. Details are in the written proposal which is appended.

Bruce brought forward the names of three Friends who have agreed to serve on this working group: Martin Zwirner Forsythe, Nia Thomas, Ed Mair. One additional Friend is discerning possible participation. Friends approved these names.

18-100: Purposes, Procedures, and Composition for Earthcare Ministry Committee

Fritz Weiss, Presiding Clerk, presented the Purposes, Procedures, and Composition (PPC) document for Earthcare Ministry Committee (EMC). PPC for EMC are appended. This document comes to us as part of the triennial review of PPC for all of our committees. Fritz shared that the committee has wrestled together to present a document that aligns the work of EMC with the approved priorities of the Yearly Meeting (YM). Friends shared concerns about the specificity of some of procedures listed in the document. With edits Friends approved the PPC for EMC.

18-101: Challenging White Supremacy Working Group

Fran Brokaw, Clerk of the Challenging White Supremacy Working Group, updated Permanent Board on the working group’s discussions and upcoming events. These events include a gathering at Wellesley on January 5, 2019, education for monthly meetings, and a gathering of youth workers at the beginning of the summer. Fran’s report is appended.

18-102: Travel Minutes

Fritz Weiss, Presiding Clerk, brought to Permanent Board the names of Noah Merrill, a to be named additional companion of Noah’s, Benigno Sanchez-Eppler, Gina Nortonsmith, Maxine Schmidt, Andrea Marie Campbell Mirow, and Vivian Elizabeth Cordon, for travel to Cuba Yearly Meeting in February 2019. Following our practice of discernment Fritz will write a letter of introduction for these Friends. Permanent Board approved these people as representatives of the Yearly Meeting.

Friends received and approved a minute from Fresh Pond for Kathleen Wooten’s travel throughout the wider Quaker world. Kathleen’s travel minute is appended.

18-103: Minute of Appreciation

Len Cadwallader shared part of a letter written by Julian Grant who was Quaker in residence in Cuba for six months in 2016-17 as part of New England Yearly Meeting’s (NEYM) “Puente de Amigos” with Cuba Yearly Meeting (CYM). Julian shared with Friends back home in Hanover that:

“I have also felt the tremendous warmth and charm of the Havana Quakers as my group and I are waltzed from meal to meeting to handicraft workshop to another meal. These relationships have felt so far away and to feel them so close and deep is an unexpected and utterly wonderful surprise. There has been an abundance of laughter and hugs and sprawling conversations - it is wonderful to rediscover that you cherish others and are cherished by them.”

Friends expressed their deep appreciation for Len and Mary Ann Cadwallader’s long dedication to “Puente de Amigos” and the Yearly Meeting’s relationship with CYM.

18-104: Nominating Committee

Jackie Stillwell, clerk of Nominating Committee, presented names for approval to Yearly Meeting committees.

Kristna Evans: Legacy Gift, 2021

Kathy Olsen: Friends United Meeting, 2021

Scott Rhodewalt: Racial, Social, and Economic Justice, clerk, 2019

Bill Walkauskas: Faith in Action, 2020

Friends approved.

18-105: Internal Nominating Committee

Will Taber presented names for approval to internal Permanent Board committees.

Debbie Humphries: Clerks Table Nominating, 2019

LVM Shelton: Internal Nominating, 2021

LVM Shelton: YM Nominating, 2021

Friends approved.

18-106: Committee Name Change

Will Taber asked Permanent Board for approval of a name change for Clerk’s Nominating Committee, now to be Clerk’s Table Nominating Committee. This change addresses confusion about which positions the committee is responsible for. Friends approved.

18-107: Additional Nominations

Sarah Gant, Clerk, presented additional nominations for Permanent Board’s approval.

Friends Camp Nominating Committee:

Edie Keller (Vassalboro): Friends Camp, 2021

Bob O'Conner (“Maine Bob”) (Vassalboro): Friends Camp, 2021

Nurturing Friends Education at Moses Brown:

Austin Jaspers (Providence): Moses Brown Board, 2021

Friends approved.

18-108: Memorial Minutes

Throughout the day Friends heard memorial minutes for Edward Furnas Snyder, Lucinda Selchie, and Ramona Moore. These minutes will be forwarde to Sessions.

18-109: Closing Worship

Friends closed with a period of worship, grateful for the hard work of those among us and those not with us today.