Permanent Board minutes | May 20, 2023

PB 23-15: Opening Worship

Friends opened with a period of worship.

PB 23-16: Clerk’s Welcome and Introduction

Leslie Manning, PB Clerk, invited a time for sharing prayers, joys and concerns for Friends.

PB 23-17: Noticing Practice

Polly Attwood, clerk of the Noticing Patterns of Oppression and Faithfulness work group (NPwg) reviewed the noticing practice and the opportunity it offers to become more aware of how we are with each other. She reminded PB that naming patterns of oppression and faithfulness is itself an act of faithfulness. It is also an experiment, and it can be messy and uncomfortable–but also life-giving. Following this review of the practice Melody Brazo and Polly Attwood read the advance document of NPwg reflections (appended) on PB’s February 11, 2023 slide presentation (appended) and PB responses during small group sharing about the noticing practice. 

Following reading of the “Reflections" document, the PB clerk introduced a 15-minute period of open worship sharing on the topic of NEYM’s noticing practice.

The recording clerk called the roll:

Bold = present in the room; underline = present on zoom

Leslie Manning, PB Clerk; Susan Davies, PB Recording Clerk; Tom Brenner; Martin Forsythe;  Christopher Gant; Beth Hansen; Ian Harrington; Newell Isbell Shinn; Meg Klepack, Frances Lightsom;  Ed Mair; Christopher McCandless; Jean McCandless; Anna Radocchia; John Reuthe;   Martha Schwope; Liesa Stamm; Eleanor Warnock; Diane Weinholtz; Donn Weinholtz; Kathleen Wooten; Mary Zwirner

Ex-Officio: Scot Drysdale (Finance Clerk); Rebecca Leuchak (Presiding Clerk), Noah Merrill (YM Secretary);  Elizabeth Reuthe (Secretary’s Supervisor); Bruce Neuman (Past YM Presiding Clerk)

Regrets: Willa Taber, Carole Rein, Bob Murray, Darcy Drayton, Bob O'Connor, Carolyne Lamar Jordan, Peter Bishop, Roger Vincent Jasaitas, Joyce Gibson, John Reuthe; Aaron Sakulich, Morgan Wilson, Kimberly Allen; Deana Chase

Visitors: Becky Jones, Carl Williams, David Coletta, Emily Savin, Fran Brokaw, Frederick Martin, Gail Melix, Jacqueline Stillwell, Jessica Eller, Kim West, Kurt Hansen, Jay O’Hara, Lisa Graustein, Maille Wooten, Marian Dalton, Melissa Foster, Melody Brazo, Mey Hasbrook, Nia Thomas, Polly Attwood, Robert Watt, Sarah Gant, Victoria B Ekk, William Marut, Kristina Keefe-Perry, Doug Peet, Honor Woodrow, LouAnne McDonald

PB 23-18: Minutes from the PB meeting of November 5, 2022

Minutes from the February 11, 2023, PB meeting were distributed in advance documents for review.  There were no questions or corrections.

  • Friends approved the February 11, 2023, minutes

PB 23-19: Presiding Clerk's Report

Rebecca Leuchak, YM Presiding Clerk, reported on her involvement in progress and activities related to initiatives of NEYM, as described in her appended report.

She reflected that though we do not fully know each other she trusts that that of God in each of us is our constant, expressing her sense that we can face any challenge from the rock of love.

PB 23-20: YM Secretary’s Report

Noah Merrill, YM Secretary, shared a quote from Douglas Steere: “You need to raise the nurture of community up to the level of a sacrament.” Noah reflected that in this practice we may be lifted into a fuller life of community in the Spirit, resulting in a spiritual community that we do not create, but we might receive, if our hearts are open, true, and humble.

Noah next brought, for the approval of PB, a Transfer of Funds Request, to ensure liquidity of YM assets through coming months leading up to, and beyond NEYM Sessions 2023:

  • Transfer of Funds Request Minute for approval:

    In order to ensure sufficient cash flow and liquidity in the Yearly Meeting’s bank

    accounts, the Permanent Board approves authorizing the Yearly Meeting Treasurer
    and/or  the Yearly Meeting Secretary to withdraw funds from the Quasi-Endowment, up to a limit of $20,000, and to transfer these funds to the operating bank accounts of the Yearly Meeting. Funds withdrawn would be considered undesignated.

Friends Approved

PB 23-20.1: Sabbatical and parental leave for the Friends Camp Director: Friends Camp Bank Resolution

Noah explained provisions for Anna Hopkins Buller’s sabbatical and maternity leave, requesting PB approval for the following three items:

  • PB 23-20.1.1: Beginning with the onset of the Friends Camp Director’s sabbatical, will PB authorize Evelyn Kirby (current FC Assistant Director) to be the second financial signatory, with Natalie Bornstein, the clerk of the Friends Camp committee, for Friends Camp financial management needs?

Friends Approved

  • PB 23-20.1.2: Beginning with the onset of the Friends Camp Director’s sabbatical, will Friends approve Daniel Raeder to serve as Acting Director of Friends Camp during 2023 Camp sessions?

Friends Approved

  • PB 23-20.1.3: During the fall and winter of 2023-2024, while Anna is on Sabbatical, will Friends approve Evelyn Kirby (current FC Assistant Director) to be FC Acting Director, until Anna’s return, currently planned for February?

Friends Approved

The PB clerk invited PB into a period for Noticings.

Six Friends, including one PB member, expressed distress and upset, in all cases referring to Minute PB 23-17 in these minutes. Concerns included a sense that important conflicts and differences of understanding surface, but they are then resubmerged by the press of agendas and/or avoidance, with little time or space to address them; distress was expressed from a Friend who felt that the NPwg “Reflections” document presented an inaccurate and hurtful depiction of a complex monthly meeting conflict of long ago. One Friend stated, “What I’m hearing is Permanent Board is angry at the Noticing Patterns working group.”  One Friend observed that in all the exchanges, PB had not actually responded to what had been offered as “noticed patterns” in the NPwg Reflection; another Friend expressed confusion, unease, and fear stemming from their perception of buried tensions, low transparency, and lack of plain speech.  

PB 23-21: Friends Camp Visioning Report, Phase 2 

Jessica Eller, Nia Thomas, and Newell Isbell Shinn of the Friends Camp (FC) Visioning Working Group presented slides summarizing the FC Visioning process. FC has a 2015 Good Governance document, approved by the YM, that includes recommendation for periodic review of the Life and governance of Friends Camp. The appended report on the visioning exercise will inform Phase III of the overall review process.

The PB clerk asked if Friends accept this report and affirm this phase of the FC governance review.

  • PB 23-21.1:  Friends affirmed the Phase II work and approved laying down the Phase II work group.
  • PB 23-21.2:  Friends further approved continuing the FC Review Process with the plan for a small executive group to bring a proposal for the Phase III scope of work, following Anna Hopkins Buller’s sabbatical.

Friends expressed gratitude and thanksgiving for this evidence of the vital ministry of Friends Camp, and the many ways in which Friends Camp continues to nurture and revitalize the Life of the YM.

PB 23-22: Proposed Budget FY 2024

Following clerk of Finance Committee, Scot Drysdale’s, opening summary and rationale for returning to PB with the same Finance Committee recommendation to suspend contributions to other Quaker organizations, many Friends expressed appreciation for the integrity shown by the Finance Committee clerk and members in helping PB to understand the seriousness and uncertainty of YM’s current financial situation. Though several Friends shared their regret over possible impacts to valued relationships, Friends voiced widespread trust in the integrity of discernment by Finance Committee.

The PB clerk stated that PB, at the request of the YM Finance Committee, has already agreed to the need for a small work group, under the care of PB as a body. This work group is to propose a process and criteria to guide YM’s decisions about contributions, with the goal to develop such guidance prior to the September 2023 PB meeting. Leslie Manning further reminded PB that invitations to serve on such a working group have been sent to many Friends. Only two have responded.  Those carrying a concern for this discernment should take note that it is customary for YM to create time at YM Sessions for listening and learning about our budgeting process.

Friends accepted the Finance Committee’s proposed budget recommendations, including the recommendation to suspend contributions to other Quaker organizations for the period of one year.

The PB clerk invited PB into a period for noticings.

In the period for noticings, a member of the NPwg expressed their hope that PB might see their Reflections as an invitation towards conversation and engagement about patterns. They regret that the content describing the work group’s perception of a pattern of harmful behavior, has not yet been engaged by PB.

A PB member wondered how PB might come to receive the noticings as impressions, and an invitation to reflect on them with curiosity, rather than reacting to noticings as statements of fact.

PB 23-23: The PB Clerk’s report

The PB Clerk’s report was submitted in Advance Documents, including updates to the following initiatives:

  • Israel-Palestine Resource Group
  • The Antiracism Consultation Group
  • Financial Contributions group
  • Need for additional members on the YM Nominating Committee
  • Purpose, Procedure and Composition review of Permanent Board
  • Update from Right Relationship Resource (report appended)
  • Update from Indigenous Boarding Schools Research Groups (report appended)

Friends offered no questions or discussion.

PB 23-23.1: Nomination to Right Relationship Resource Group (RRRG)

Leslie Manning, PB clerk reviewed the usual process for approval of nominations to committees, working, and resource groups of the YM. After receiving concerns deemed to have weight Leslie Manning, PB clerk and Jackie Stillwell, Nomination Committee clerk engaged in a period of listening and engagement, ultimately arriving at clearness to move forward, for PB approval, the nomination of Lisa Graustein to the Right Relationship Resource group.

The PB clerk then invited questions and comments from PB members before asking for approval of the nomination. Many Friends expressed concerns over both the public airing of the existence of a concern (as requested by Lisa Graustein), yet also a perceived lack of transparency about a path to resolution. Following an extended period of discussion, the PB clerk asked if Friends would approve Lisa Graustein to serve on the RRRG.

Friends approved

PB 23-23.2: Approval of recommendations for disbursement of Bodine Rustin Fund (disbursement recommendations from Bodine-Rustin Sub-Committee appended)

Does PB approve spending these funds as recommended in Advance Documents?

Friends approved

PB 23-23.3: Approval of Pentagon Spending Letter (letter attached)

The PB clerk stated that the YM Coordinating and Advisory Group has reviewed the FCNL letter about Pentagon spending and has recommended that we join other faith-based organizations in signing it.

Friends approved

PB 23-24 Approval of Travel Request from Puente de Amigos for Travel to Cuba (request letter appended)

  • Benigno Sanchez-Eppler - Friends approved
  • Em McManamy - Friends approved
  • Robert (Bob) Watt, Jr - Friends approved

PB 23-25:  Memorial Minutes

The PB clerk noted that Advance Documents for this PB meeting included memorial minutes for the following Friends:

Richard Bullock

Clarence Burley

Ian Dexter Chase

Emily Chasse

Jan Church

Paul Diamond

Penny Jackim

Teddy Milne

Kenneth Perkins

All the minutes are in PB Advance Documents and will be submitted for inclusion in the Sessions memorial minute booklet.

PB 23-26: Ministry Reports (reports appended)

The Permanent Board accepted reports from Debbie Humphries, Gerald Sazama, and Kathleen Wooten.

PB 23-27: The meeting closed following worship, at 3:00 pm

Next PB mtg, if specially called, will be July 15, 2023

Possibility of Saturday PB mtg August 5, at Sessions, at the request of the Presiding Clerk, for the sharing of information only.

Leslie Manning

Permanent Board clerk