The Legacy Gift Committee of New England Yearly Meeting is pleased to announce a NEYM Witness & Ministry grant under our time-sensitive application process. And we invite applications for our March 2023 grant cycle. Are you carrying a leading or ministry that would be nurtured by support? We want to hear from you.
A grant has been awarded to: Eva Whittaker to contribute toward the cost of her participation in the Beyond Diversity 101 program at Pendle Hill from January 22–26, 2023, so she may deepen her understanding of the generative, intertwined nature of spiritual life and social justice, be in community with others learning how to "de-structure systems of oppression and raise up liberation," and continue to nurture her gifts as a leader and facilitator in YAF spaces and Quaker community more broadly. Grant: $500.
Our next deadline is March 18, 2023, for both the Future Fund and the Witness & Ministry Fund. The Legacy Gift Committee is pleased to announce a Spring 2023 funding round for both the Witness & Ministry Fund and a newly refreshed and restarted Futures Fund. The deadline for applications for either fund is March 18, 2023.
The Witness & Ministry Fund has approximately $65,000 available.
Salem Quarter grant funds are being used to refresh and restart the Legacy Futures Fund while Salem Quarter is taking a sabbatical. Therefore, a preference will be given to applicants from the monthly meetings of Salem Quarter (as approved at 2022 Sessions). Approximately $12,000 will be available.
Grants ranging from $500 to $10,000 will be awarded from these funds. Friends and meetings that have not yet received a Legacy Gift Fund grant are especially encouraged to apply. Application forms and other information can be found here.
If you have questions about any part of the Legacy grant program, please contact the co-clerks at