
Letters Home: Marian Baker in East Africa

Story author
Marian Baker

Marian Baker is once again traveling in the ministry in East Africa. We are posting here her weekly (depending on internet access!) reports.

Message One: October 16–20, 2022

Greetings to you all from Kakamega. Enclosed is my message about safe arrival after long journey to western Kenya. 

Just wanted you all to know I am in western Kenya. 

Finally got my old Kenyan cell phone up and working—it took 3 days, as they required reregistration of the phone that had not been used for months, especially when I wanted to keep the old number that I and others can remember. 

Message Two: October 20–28, 2022

Message Three: October 29–November 7

In western Kenya, we are grateful for periodic rains. In Nairobi, it was bone dry, and in places like Samburu and Turkana, they have not had rain for years. Global climate change is affecting many people here, and the seasons have become unreliable. 
Greetings from a part of Kenya that is very green after some recent rains. The highlight of this past week was the Workshop for Quaker Women who travel in intercultural ministry held at FTC. It was such a helpful workshop that the women present decided to form a Whats Ap group to support each other throughout the year, as well as each send in money monthly, so they can afford to pay most of the costs ofmeeting again next year.  The group is called QW TEAM. (Quaker Women Travelling in East Africa Ministry).

This week I will travel to Nairobi to meet with a group of Friends who are wanting to help on the Africa Quaker Archives project. Thanks for all your messages and support. ~Marian 

Message Five: November 15–22

Message Six: Uganda and Thanksgiving

Message Seven: Tanzania, December 1–12, 2022

Message Eight: Uganda, December 13–21, 2022

I hope you all will have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Due to the timing of the African Friends Pastors Conference in Mombasa, around one thousand Friends here will be traveling on Christmas and New Year's. 

Message Nine: Mombasa and New Years, December 22–January 2, 2023

Happy New Year to all. I realize that some of you began this new year dealing with the loss of dear ones or with those dealing with Covid and other illnesses.  I pray that this new year will be more peaceful in this troubled world. 

Here is my report of recent ministry.  Thanks for all your messages, prayers, and support. 

This coming week I will be going to Samburu with two other women. Pray for safe journeys and that we will be faithful in doing what God wants us to do there. 

In gratitude, 


Message 10: Samburu and home, January 3–9, 2023