
Legacy Grant Awards Fall 2021

The Legacy Gift Committee of New England Yearly Meeting announces the following fall 2021 grants from the NEYM Witness and Ministry Fund. 

Emmy Mathis, Friends Meeting at CambridgeTo release Emmy to follow her deep leading to address anti-racism through dismantling the internalization of oppressive systems that live inside our bodies and develop and implement a 18-month-long program “Embodying the Light; Embodying the Beloved Community.” Grant: $9,000.

Briana Halliwell, Vassalboro Friends MeetingTo release Briana to pursue Spirit’s Call to become a “sanctified instrument of the Divine Will” while she explores what it means to be an itinerant minister in these unprecedented times and to support her transition to a full-time life of ministry and minimalism on the road in a school bus she will convert with her partner so they can faithfully serve in direct action roles on the frontlines of eco- and social-justice movements throughout the country for at least one year. Grant: $9,000.

David ColettaFresh Pond Monthly Meeting: To release David to provide equipment, training, and equalization to Friends who are accompanying and supporting meetings and other organizations in New England Yearly Meeting in their experiments with hybrid worship. Grant: $6,437

This completes the fall application round. The next application deadline for grants from the Witness and Ministry Fund is March 18, 2022.  Applications and more information may be found here

If you have questions about any part of the Legacy grant program, please contact the co-clerks at [email protected].