
Legacy Gift Grant Awards for Fall 2018

The Legacy Gift Committee of New England Yearly Meeting is pleased to announce the NEYM Future Fund grants for fall 2018.

Christine Green, Amesbury Meeting: to develop digital initiatives to reach and inspire “pre‐Quakers” on social media and the AFM website—those who may inquire or attend Amesbury Friends Meeting or event (or find a local meeting). The focus will be on creating content that authentically portrays Quaker ways, with an emphasis on community and appealing to younger people. A significant amount of the content will not be meeting‐specific and available for use by other meetings. Grant: $6,200

Lisa Graustein, Beacon Hill Meeting: for technical support in offering “Racial Justice and the Beloved Community,” an online racial justice course for Friends. Participants will build the practical and spiritual skills for identifying, interrupting, and transforming racism within themselves, the Quaker spaces, and wider communities. Grant: $278

China Monthly Meeting: to preserve the birthplace and childhood home of Rufus M. Jones by assessing and starting on needed repairs. The goal is to open the Rufus M. Jones house to visitors to learn about the life and work of Rufus M. Jones, and provide meeting space for Quaker groups and educational programs. This project is in partnership with the South China Public Library. Grant: $8,000

New Bedford Meeting: to replace the rain gutters on the Meeting’s 196-year-old building. This project will mark the onset of more comprehensive building assessment and renovations, and signifies the Meeting’s responsibility for the care and maintenance of the building for current and future use in alignment with Quaker principles and values. Grant: $10,000

New England Yearly Meeting, “At the Well,” with New York Yearly Meeting and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting: for a weekend-long gathering for Friends in public ministry who identify as women (cisgender and trans), trans men, genderqueer, non-binary, and all gender expansive identities. At the Well aspires to witness to the particularity of callings laid upon participants’ hearts by providing a venue for Spirit to knit together a blessed community of connection, support, mentoring, restoration, and passion. Grant: $2,600

Lori Martin, New Haven Meeting: for her new food recovery non-profit, Haven’s Harvest. The mission of Haven’s Harvest is to recover excess food and redirect it to places where people gather and to elevate excess food as a community resource. Grant: $9,500

Carole Rein, North Shore Meeting: To attend “Beyond Diversity 101” and participate in the online course “Racial Justice and the Beloved Community,” as part of continued learning and increasing awareness of issues in challenging white supremacy, in order to share with their Meeting and within Yearly Meeting. Grant: $750

Maggie Nelson, Portland Meeting: to work with Friends across New England to create a ​collection of artwork that expresses Quaker experience, guided by the advices and queries from NEYM’s Faith and Practice. She will lead a series of workshops for Friends of all ages to explore art as a practice of faith, as well as coordinate an open call for submissions from Quaker artists. The collection will be available for exhibition, publication, and sharing throughout the Quaker community. Grant: $3,500

Storrs Meeting: to install new heat pump heating technology, attic insulation, and an insulation envelope around the old part of their meetinghouse in order to reduce heat loss, conserve energy, and reduce their carbon footprint with the goal of meeting the NEYM challenge of a 10% CO2 reduction of 2018 levels by 2019. Grant: $10,000

Hal Weaver, The BlackQuaker Project, Wellesley Meeting: to translate and publish in Spanish, Vol. I of the Black Fire trilogy, Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights. The BlackQuaker Project, is an ongoing ministry working to celebrate the lives and contributions of Quakers of Color worldwide, as well as to document and to address their concerns. Grant: $3,000

Woolman Hill: for the Nurturing Faithfulness Associates program and to support inclusion of Young Adult Friends in the 2019-2020 Nurturing Faithfulness program. This program is intended to nurture the spiritual vitality of New England meetings, provide ongoing support for faithfulness, and encourage ministry and witness by Friends in New England and beyond. The nine-month program includes three weekend residencies at Woolman Hill Retreat Center, readings, online discussions and webinars, and the formation of local Faithfulness Groups. Program Associates will receive training and support to bring day-long and weekend programs related to Nurturing Faithfulness to monthly meetings. Grant: $10,000

Worcester Meeting: to bring to Worcester an evening with Debbie Irving, author of Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race, as the culmination of eight months working with the 2017 Quaker Minute on Racism. Grant: $3,000

Application Deadlines:

Our next deadline is March 1, 2019. We will be accepting applications for both the NEYM Future Fund and the NEYM Witness and Ministry Fund. For guidelines and application information please click here.

Time Sensitive Requests:

Beginning in January 2019 and continuing through September 30, 2019, the Legacy Gift Committee will consider funding requests for time-sensitive projects that take place outside of regular deadlines (March 1 and October 1). The Committee will consider time-sensitive applications on a rolling basis, with a minimum of a month’s notice.

This process is intended to enable timely support for participation in or provision of trainings, conferences or other time-sensitive events or projects that fit Legacy funding criteria (including support, oversight and reporting). The maximum grant is $1,000.

Applicants should follow the Legacy guidelines and application procedures.

If you have questions about any part of the Legacy grant program, please contact the co-clerks at [email protected].