Israel-Palestine: Resources for Engagement
A small group of Friends has been appointed to shepherd and support Friends responding to Yearly Meeting minute 2017-46 and the request made in Yearly Meeting minute 2019-36 for monthly and quarterly meetings to consider whether they have lived into minute 2017-46. To be connected with the Israel-Palestine Resource Group, please send an email. As meetings share back how they are engaging with this work, we will share what we have heard here so that it can serve as a source of inspiration and fruitful connection.
Scroll down the page for documents available for download.
How to Have Successful Conversations about Palestine/Israel
Alex McDonald (When They Speak Israel: A Guide to Clarity in Conversations About Israel) joins us from Houston to discuss how to become more comfortable and capable of having productive conversations with Israel supporters who ask “Do you believe Israel has a right to exist? Are you fearful of being accused of anti-Semitism?” Bring experiences and fears to the discussion and learn ways to gain strength and confidence while connecting with the other side, build relationships with your conversation partners and potentially create space for learning. Presentation, Q&A, and a practice session. Recorded August 6, 2024, at Castleton, VT.
FCNL’s Work Toward Just Peace in Israel-Palestine
FCNL’s General Secretary Bridget Moix and Hassan El-Tayyab, legislative director for Middle East policy, visited Israel and Palestine in January 2024. In this presentation they share their experiences and discuss FCNL's work.
A Conversation with Steve Chase
We continue to learn about the current situation and history of Palestine and Israel, through the experiences of people who know and love the people and place. On November 12, 2023, Steve Chase (formerly of Putney, VT, Friends Meeting) presented his reflections and observations from his summer trip to Israel and Palestine. Steve is the author of the Pendle Hill Pamphlet, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions? A Quaker Zionist Rethinks Palestinian Rights. The visit was a FUM “living letters” trip led by Max and Jane Carter. Max and Jane are both members of North Carolina Fellowship of Friends.
A conversation with Max Carter
Max Carter of North Carolina Fellowship of Friends has traveled in the region for more than 40 years. In this presentation he brings his wisdom, insights, and views to us.
Message from Jean Zaru
Friend Jean Zaru is a Palestinian from Ramallah Friends Meeting. In 2019, she sent this video message to Annual Sessions.
QuakerSpeak video
Jewish, Palestinian, and Quaker voices come together to explore the question "Why do Quakers care about Israel Palestine?"
Palestine/Israel: Strategies for a Just Peace
A recording of the January 14, 2022, program featuring Leila Farsakh, editor, Rethinking Palestine Statehood, and Jeff Halper, Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine
Messages from New England Friends

Skip Schiel (Friends Meeting at Cambridge) has made many trips to Palestine and Israel and shares his experiences in two videos.
Chris Jorgenson (Cambridge, MA, Friends Meeting) traveled twice to the region, most recently in early 2020 to volunteer at the Ramallah Friends School.
Carole Rein (North Shore, MA, Friends Meeting) explored the region in 2018 and has spoken about her experiences to numerous Quaker meetings in New England.
File Downloads
Minutes 2017-46 and 2019-36 (excerpt)
Carole Rein (North Shore, MA, Friends Meeting) shares her experience of traveling to Israel and Palestine.
A minute of support for the "No Way to Treat a Child" campaign
The Isaacs-Rawitscher Memorial Fund awards grants in mid-September, December, March, and June.
Skip Schiel (a member of the working group), reviews this collection of essays.