
Sessions Visioning Conversation for Parents

dialogue with other Quaker parents of children and teens
March 4, 2025
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


Recent years have brought many changes, both internal and external, to the context and circumstances surrounding NEYM Annual Sessions. These include increasing costs, diminished capacity to pay on the part of many Friends and families, reduced and shifting patterns of attendance, increased demand for supportive services and capacities, reductions in volunteer availability, and growing awareness of the need to focus and prioritize limited attention and resources.

In light of all of these changes, the Yearly Meeting’s model of programming, logistics, services, and funding for the event of Annual Sessions is in need of review and reimagining. 

As part of a months-long process of listening across the Yearly Meeting for insights regarding this challenge, we especially want to hear from Quaker parents of infants, children, and teens, regardless of whether you have participated in NEYM Sessions before.

Join us on Zoom for a 90-minute conversation facilitated by Ministry and Counsel clerk Carl Williams. 

As able, participants are asked to review the materials posted on the Sessions Visioning page in advance of the conversation (but please come even if you aren't able to prepare in this way). This conversation is meant to supplement (not replace) conversations happening within local meetings and quarters.