Uniting Quaker congregations across the six New England states

Sessions Visioning Materials Available

Is your meeting or quarter participating in the effort to re-envision our annual Sessions? Background materials for participants are now posted.

We Help You

Find support, connections, and resources to help your home congregation thrive.

Discover Quaker spiritual and leadership development programs for youth across New England, and support for ministry with youth locally.

Build relationships with Quakers locally and globally, and find ways to share your gifts.


Resources for working with children and youth in your local meeting and community, including health and safety


Support for those called to ministry

Upcoming Events

Opportunities to gather, connect, learn, and deepen your faith

Deerfield, MA
a canvas with multicolored handprints in all directions

Who We Are

  • Over 5,000 people living our faith in the Quaker tradition across the six New England states
  • More than 90 local Quaker congregations where the practice of this faith is encouraged
  • An organization providing programs and services to liberate ministry and strengthen the Quaker movement

Find out more here.

Sunrise from behind trees, through mist

What We Believe

At the core of the Quaker faith is our trust that all people can have direct, inward experience of divine love, healing and guidance. We have learned that through responding to this guidance, we can be changed—even transformed—coming to live lives reflecting the Light and Love of God. This is the hope, the invitation and the promise that gathers us as the people called "Friends."

Find out more here.

Support Our Work

Consider a secure financial contribution to support the life and ministry of New England Quakers