Invitation to the Virtual Plenary
Virtual Plenary Videos
At our Annual Sessions in August 2019, Lisa Graustein (Beacon Hill, MA, Friends Meeting) facilitated a plenary (whole group) session designed to help Friends understand some of our recent minutes around justice and how we step more fully into them.
In preparation, Lisa invited New England Friends into an experiment with a "virtual plenary." These videos explore some of the minutes we have approved in past years, how they are moving among us, and spiritual practices we can try out as part of our shared work living into the minutes.
Additional resources are listed in the documents available for download, below.
Doctrine of Discovery—The Minute
Doctrine of Discovery—Patterns
Doctrine of Discovery—Spiritual Practices
Challenging White Supremacy—The Minute
Challenging White Supremacy—Patterns
Challenging White Supremacy—Spiritual Practices
Climate Change—The Minutes
Climate Change—Patterns
Climate Change—Spiritual Practices
Poor People's Campaign—Minute & Practices