Policy on Public Statements

This minute was approved by the Yearly Meeting on August 5, 2015.

Minute 2015-57

Between Annual Sessions, when in the discernment of the presiding clerk and Yearly Meeting Secretary a public voice for the Yearly Meeting is urgent and appropriate, the presiding clerk and Yearly Meeting Secretary are expected to represent the Yearly Meeting’s historical testimony and minutes, along with the experience of the wider body of the Religious Society of Friends. We trust that they will exercise discernment and restraint in any exercise of this authority, mindful of their responsibility to preserve the integrity of Friends’ witness to the Light.

This could include, but would not be limited to, collaborating with other organizations in joint statements or actions; signing onto amicus curiae briefs; signing petitions and letters of concern as an organization; sending letters of concern to other yearly meetings affected by wars, terrorism and natural disasters; and making time-critical comments to public officials.

When time allows, the clerk and Yearly Meeting Secretary should seek approval from the Permanent Board. The clerk and Yearly Meeting Secretary should confer with each other and be in accord before taking action. If one or the other is not available to confer, the presiding clerk or Yearly Meeting Secretary should confer with the clerk of Ministry and Counsel and/or clerk of Permanent Board.

Statements made by the presiding clerk and Yearly Meeting Secretary should be anchored in our faith as Friends; articulate how the statement is linked to our testimonies, our Faith and Practice, and past minutes approved by the Yearly Meeting and the NEYM Permanent Board; and use the resources of the Yearly Meeting’s members known to share deeply the relevant concern. If necessary the presiding clerk may call a special meeting of Coordinating and Advisory Committee to aid in discernment. Care should be taken that statements made do not interfere with or interrupt ongoing discernment of the monthly and quarterly meetings.

Furthermore, these Friends may ask an individual member to speak for the Yearly Meeting in a specific instance in which the individual can draw on their expertise in the relevant area of concern.

Notification of any public action taken under this policy should be shared with each of the monthly and quarterly meetings at the same time as any statement is shared with the public. At the next meeting of the Permanent Board or Annual Sessions, the clerk and Yearly Meeting Secretary are expected to report on any such statements and actions they have taken in the interim between meetings of that body. At or in preparation for the Annual Sessions, all such statements and actions would also be shared with the whole body. Their actions and joint statements with other bodies should be archived in the NEYM records.