Policy on Addressing Dangerous or Disruptive Behavior at Sessions

At Sessions, we have a responsibility to ensure—to the best of our ability—a safe and respectful environment for all participants. Those whose behavior disrupts program activities and/or threatens or violates the physical and/or emotional wellbeing of others may be asked to leave. 


  1. Disruptive behavior should be reported in confidence to one of the following people: the Clerk of Sessions Planning, the Clerk of Ministry and Counsel, the Program Director, the Teen & Outreach Ministries Coordinator, the Children & Family Ministries Coordinator, the Yearly Meeting Secretary, the Sessions Pastoral Care Coordinator, or the Events Coordinator.
  2. The Clerk of Sessions Planning and the Yearly Meeting Secretary shall coordinate the implementation of this policy and shall be promptly advised of all incidents.
  3. The Yearly Meeting Secretary carries the final responsibility for safety and security at Sessions, and thus for decisions about addressing dangerous or disruptive behavior.
  4. If disruptive or dangerous behavior is reported, the Clerk of Sessions Planning and YM Secretary will determine appropriate actions, consulting with those involved or with relevant responsibilities as necessary.
    1. If the impact of the risk or disruption is easily mitigated during Sessions, the offending party will be warned, and a plan for addressing the issues and the needs of those impacted will be made.
    2. If the risk or disruption is not easily mitigated during Sessions (due to emotional or safety risk to others, intensive follow-up needed, legal issues, etc.), the offending party will be asked to leave the program activity and/or Sessions.
    3. Following Annual Sessions, responsible parties (the relevant program coordinator, Clerk of Sessions Planning, YM Secretary, etc.) will explore possible steps to restore trust and relationship, if appropriate, with those who have been asked to leave.

Protocol for asking participants to leave:

  • If the Yearly Meeting Secretary, in consultation with program coordinators or other responsible/involved parties as appropriate, decides that a participant’s behavior necessitates that they leave Annual Sessions, this will be communicated directly to the person being asked to leave.
  • The Yearly Meeting Secretary will communicate directly with the person being asked to leave, or if circumstances require will delegate an appropriate person to communicate with the person being asked to leave. An explanation of the decision will be given to the person being asked to leave, in writing if appropriate, with a clearly stipulated time frame by which they need to leave campus. The Yearly Meeting Secretary (or their delegate) is responsible for ensuring that the request to leave campus has been understood and honored.
  • If the person being asked to leave is a participant in the Sessions Youth Programs, an explanation of the decision will also be given to their parent and/or on-site sponsor. 
  • In implementing this policy, the Yearly Meeting Secretary in consultation with or delegation to others will, as able, seek appropriate and timely pastoral care support for all involved, including the person being asked to leave and any family or close friends at Sessions. 

[Revised June 2024]