
Each year our local meetings are asked to report statistics for the previous calendar year. These reports show membership numbers, age and gender distribution, and participation.

In 2019 we greatly simplified the request for statistics that we send to local meetings and changed some questions in order to obtain more pertinent information. The new report is intended to better reflect participation in local meetings.

This page presents the most recent statistical report for the meetings in New England Yearly Meeting. Please note that the statistics are from two years ago, since the most recent statistical reports are still being compiled. (For example, in 2023 we are compiling statistics for 2022, so the most recent completed report is for 2021.)

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way meetings gather; a "Z" in parentheses following the name of a meeting on the statistics report indicates they were meeting on Zoom or both in-person and on Zoom. The reported "average attendance at meeting for worship" may include only in-person attendance or include those who attended via Zoom.

You will also find in "Downloads" a membership record form for monthly meetings.

File Downloads

Meeting membership record form

Complete and file one of these forms for each member of your meeting.

2023 Yearly Meeting Statistics