
New England Friends join regional faith groups to call for marine monument

Stellwagon Bank reef

Photo: NOAA/Tane Casserley

On behalf of Friends in New England, Presiding Clerk Frederick Weiss and Secretary Noah Baker Merrill have signed this letter from Creation Justice Ministries asking for permanent protection of recently discovered canyons and seamounts near the New England coast.

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Secretary Sally Jewell

US Department of the Interior

1849 C Street NW

Washington, DC 20240

April 15, 2016

Dear President Obama and Secretary Jewell,

The first Genesis creation story begins with the vast chaotic waters, out of which all life emerged. Today, the ocean continues to inspire a great sense of mystery, awe, and promise. With modern subaquatic cameras, we are finally getting an inkling of what wonders God has created underwater. Up until very recently, most of us did not know that only 100 miles off the New England coastline, under the Atlantic Ocean, we have canyons as deep as the Grand Canyon and mounts nearly as high as the Rockies, which are highly biodiverse areas in the Atlantic.

As a matter of faithful stewardship of God’s gifts, we believe it is a moral imperative to shelter this underwater modern “Noah’s ark” from potential harm. The coral canyons and seamounts have rare cold-water corals more than a thousand years old. Scientists are continuing to identify new species in this area, which are proving to be some of God’s most exotic and wondrous creatures.

Likewise, these undersea treasures are integral to the historical heritage of tribes native to this region. Long before the advent of industrial activity in these waters, these tribes exercised wise stewardship of God’s ocean gifts. We owe it to future generations to maintain these God-given gifts with the same level of care these tribes have demonstrated over many centuries.

By caring for creation, we honor our Creator. God’s underwater creation merits our reverence. By designating these special areas as national monuments, we improve the chances our communities can get to know, love, and be good stewards of these beautiful, unique, and biodiverse areas. These special places deserve permanent protection so they can thrive for generations to come.

We ask that you use your authority under the Antiquities Act to designate New England’s Coral Canyons and Seamounts as the first marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean.

With hope,

Rev. Kent Siladi

Conference Minister, Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ

Hartford, CT

Sister Nancy Audette

Chairwoman, Mercy Ecology Ministry Board of Trustees, Sisters of Mercy Northeast

West Hartford, CT

Rev. Thomas Carr

Pastor, Second Baptist Suffield

Co-Founder, Inter-religious Eco-Justice Network of Connecticut Suffield, CT

Rev. Laura Everett

Executive Director, Massachusetts Council of Churches

Boston, MA

The Rev. Jim Antal

Conference Minister and President, Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ

Framingham, MA

The Rt. Rev. James Hazelwood, Bishop

New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Worcester, MA

The Rt. Rev. Bud Cederholm

Bishop Suffragan, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Boston, MA

Fritz Weiss, Presiding Clerk

Noah Baker Merrill, Secretary

New England Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers)

Worcester, MA

The Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Ph.D

Missioner for Creation Care, Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts

Massachusetts Conference, United Church of Christ

Rev. Robert Mark

Pastor, Church of the Covenant

Presbytery of Boston Coordinator, Presbyterian Church (USA) Eco-Stewards Program

Boston, MA

Cindy Kohlmann

Resource Presbyter, Presbyteries of Boston and Northern New England

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Marlborough, MA

Phoebe Morad

National Program Coordinator, Lutherans Restoring Creation

Boston, MA

The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane Bishop 

Episcopal Diocese of Maine

Portland, ME

The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfield

Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire

Concord, NH

Rev. Dr. Mary Westfall

Pastor, Community Church of Durham

Chair, Eco-Justice Committee, New Hampshire Council of Churches

Durham, NH

Rev. Dr. Don Anderson

Executive Director, Rhode Island State Council of Churches

Providence, RI

Barbara Scott

Chair, Board of Directors, Rhode Island State Council of Churches

Bristol, RI

The Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely, DD SOSc

Bishop, The Diocese of Rhode Island

Providence, RI

Rev. Barbara J. Libby

Interim Conference Minister, Rhode Island Conference of the United Church of Christ

Pawtucket, RI

Rev. Dr. Tom Wiles

Executive Minister, American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island

Exeter, RI

The Rev. Dr. Anita Louise Schell Rector, Emmanuel Church

President, Interfaith Power and Light of Rhode Island

Newport, RI

Carol DeAngelo, SC, MSW, MDiv

Director of Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation

Sisters of Charity of New York

Bronx, NY

The Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Ely

Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Vermont

Burlington, VT