Meeting the Individual Needs of Each Attender

We strive to meet the needs of every retreat attender so that they have a positive and spiritually nurturing experience with us.  Let us know how we can work towards this goal. 

Medical Needs

A carefully selected staffer is assigned as the “retreat nurse” and is in charge of holding and reminding attenders to take any medications needed. Attenders can self-dose with permission. For safety reasons, we must know who is taking what. 

All records and information on the health and consent form are confidential. We are able to accommodate many individual needs around rest or sleep, provide support with social skills or processing delays, and give extra attention or TLC stemming from family and/or personal challenges. Tending to each young person’s tender and beautiful body, heart, and spirit is the essence of our work and ministry. Don’t hesitate to contact Kara Price with any concerns or questions.

Dietary Needs

pot of soup

Our retreat cooks prepare three meals a day plus mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. Our menus tend to be mostly vegetarian or low-meat, with a lot of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and less-processed foods. We can meet most health-related dietary needs, as long as we have some advance notice.

(Photo by Kevin Lee ©2019)