
Conscientious Objection: How can Quaker Meetings support our youth? A Conversation Circle

January 21, 2025
January 23, 2025
01/21 at 1:00 p.m.; 01/23 at 8:00 p.m.


Content is the same for each date—two sessions are scheduled per topic to facilitate international participation.

This conversation circle will explore conscientious objection for Quaker teens. Curt Torell, author of Conscientious Objection: Is this for You? will present the current state of U.S. Selective Service registration and how a CO claim can be made. Participants will engage in conversation, sharing their own experiences based on the queries below.  Curt will then share curriculum ideas from his soon-to-be released revision of, Conscientious Objection: Is This for You? Discerning, Deciding, Documenting, and Defending a CO Claim with Selective Service. The curriculum is published through Quaker House, a peace witness in Fayetteville, NC, where Curt has served on the board for a number of years. In the early 70’s, Curt worked at a draft center in Rochester, NY.


  • What does your meeting do to nurture the peace testimony in young people?
  • In what ways does your meeting address conscientious objection?
  • In what ways does your meeting support teens who are COs, and may not know it?
  • What has been your, or your meeting’s experience with conscientious objection and teens?

Register for Tuesday, January 21, at 1 p.m.

Register for Thursday, January 23, at 8 p.m.