Dear Friends Everywhere,
The Legacy Gift Committee of New England Yearly Meeting is pleased to announce the Future Fund grants for spring 2023. These are the first Future Fund grants awarded since the Fall of 2020. The Legacy Gift Committee is grateful to Salem Quarter for re-infusing the Future Fund while the Quarter is on Sabbatical.
Cathryn Oliva-Simmons (Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting): To support education of the Cambridge Friends School community, including parents, about Quaker values and how they impact education at the school. This is a multi-meeting request including a member of Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting (FPMM) and two members of Friends Meeting at Cambridge (FMC) who compose the Quaker Life and Outreach Committee for the CFS Board of Trustees. Future Fund Grant: $3,000.
Midcoast Friends Meeting: To rebuild the handicapped accessible ramp and the rotting porches that surround two sides of Midcoast’s Quaker Meetinghouse. This project will increase the accessibility of the meeting house so that Friends at Midcoast may continue and expand their spiritual gatherings and educational outreach. Future Fund Grant: $7,000.
Application Deadlines
The Legacy Gift Committee is pleased to announce a fall 2023 funding round for both the Witness & Ministry Fund and the recently refreshed and restarted Futures Fund. The deadline for applications for either fund is October 21, 2023.
Future Fund: Salem Quarter grant funds are being used to refresh and restart the Legacy Futures Fund while Salem Quarter is taking a sabbatical. Therefore, a preference will be given to applicants from the monthly meetings of Salem Quarter (as approved at 2022 Sessions).
Grants ranging from $500 to $10,000 will be awarded from these funds. Friends and meetings that have not yet received a Legacy Gift Fund grant are especially encouraged to apply. Application Forms and other information can be found here.
If you have questions about any part of the Legacy grant program, please contact the co-clerks at [email protected].
Yours in the Light,
Mary Link and Sue Rockwood, co-clerks
Yearly Meeting Legacy Gift Committee: Megan Christopher (Wellesley), Sarah Gant (Beacon Hill), Mary Link (Mt Toby), Lori Martin (New Haven), Karen Reixach (Keene), Sue Rockwood (Midcoast), Jennie Isbell-Shinn (Mt Toby); ex officio: Leslie Manning (Durham) NEYM Permanent Board clerk