Photography & Recording Policies for 2024 Annual Sessions

Yearly Meeting has established policies for photography and recording for virtual events as well as in-person events.

Policy on Recording and Photography During Online Sessions Events

Online events offer distinct challenges in terms of balancing creative expression and the expectations of all involved. In order to respect the privacy of all who are attending, please refrain from recording or taking screen captures (“screenshots”) during Sessions events without prior request or permission. In no situation should images or video of children be taken or shared without express parental consent. The plenary programs and Bible Half Hours are being recorded by the Yearly Meeting; we hope to publish recordings the day following the events.

If you have questions about this policy, please contact Yearly Meeting Secretary Noah Merrill.

Photography and Recording at New England Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions

You are welcome—and very much encouraged—to photograph or record events at Sessions, as long as it doesn’t distract from or interfere with the conduct of worship and business, and as long as there is no safety risk.

In general, please do not take photos or video from the auditorium stage or front of the space, which may be disruptive, unless you have specific permission from the presiding clerk.

Be aware that while all registrants have been asked about their photography and video permissions, not all attenders have given permission. If in doubt, please ask for permission from adults—verbal permission from adults is likely fine unless your photos are likely to receive widespread or professional distribution.

We have learned to take an especially careful approach to images of children. In general, please be aware of the sensitivity of taking close-up photographs and videos of children without parental permission. If you do capture images that contain children, the YM staff can check whether those children’s parents have given permission. The established practice of the Yearly Meeting is to double-check, whenever possible, with parents before distribution or formal publication of a photo or video containing a close-up of a particular child. even when prior written permission has been given.

Please do not post images of children to social media or online without explicit permission from those featured and their parents. The youth programs at Sessions have designated photographers, and for safety reasons the youth programs spaces are considered off‑limits except by arrangement with the youth staff. If you’d like to connect with the youth staff regarding a specific proposed project or request, please contact Yearly Meeting Secretary Noah Merrill.

The Youth Programs maintain their own agreements or policies on media (including social media). Participants and staff in those programs are expected to abide by their program’s agreements. Contact the program coordinators with any questions.

In our initial announcements and welcome at Sessions, we plan to acknowledge Friends who are photographers. We will ask those who might be especially hesitant to have their photos taken to put red dots on their name tags to indicate this, so that photographers will have another way of being aware without inquiring in every case.