
Marian Baker Continues Her Ministry in East Africa

Story author
Marian Baker
A photo of a man and a woman on a motorcyle; the man is driving, the woman is seated behind him and is waving.

Photo: Alfred Wasike

Marian Baker is once again traveling in the ministry in East Africa. We are posting here her weekly (depending on internet access!) reports.

October 9: Leaving Soon

An October 14th note from Marian:

Greetings. Just wanted you all to know that I reached Nairobi late last night. This morning, I woke up and wondered if I had fallen to sleep with a light on, only to realize that it was a morning of bright sunlight!

Got my phones and computer up and working and have started to let folks know I am here. Thanks for your prayers for safe journey. Due to Covid restrictions, I had 3 seats to myself on the flight over the Atlantic—luxury!

October 21: In Kenya

October 27: Kakamega 

November 4: FTC and Uganda

November 16: Archives, Baptisms, and Funerals

November 23: Uganda Progress and Kenyan Traditions

December 1: Thanksgiving; Kenya Visits

December 8: Kenya and Uganda

December 14: Final Days in East Africa and Return to the U.S.

Greetings of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.  I returned safely to my home in the woods of N.H. on Tuesday. It has taken longer than I expected to warm up the house and get this final message out to you all. 

I am already missing the warmth of East African Friends. 

Thanks to you all for your support, messages, and prayers, during this year's travels. I continue to pray for peace on earth, good will to all people. 

May we all find a way to let God's light shine through us. 

