
Message from Gretchen: Children, You Wow Me

Story author
Gretchen Baker-Smith
A young girl with blond hair flexes her arms, which have rolls of duct tape on them

Photo by Kevin Lee, ©2019

This week’s note is to the JYM’ers**

(and the child within all of you).

Dear Hearts,

Along with the first responders, the essential workers, the teachers, and the parents, I want to give a huge cheer of love and thanks to YOU. You wow me! Much of your daily life has been turned upside down, but you are still learning, growing, and finding ways to have fun, be good friends, and make sense of your world. You are doing your best to Walk in the Light even though the path is so different. Those of you who came to the retreat last weekend were shining stars: kind, thoughtful, silly, creative, and—though tired of being on Zoom—so present.

This time has been hard. There really is a lot to be worried, sad, and confused about and so much to miss. Like singing. (When it’s safe to be back together, let’s sing until we lose our voices, okay?) Playing JYM Ball. Having sleepovers. Giving and receiving hugs. Holding hands. Playing sardines. Seeing your friends.

And yet, even though it’s so hard, you are doing what you can with what you’ve got to work with. You’re learning how to read people’s eyes, and to express more through your own. You’re daring to share talents and teach each other things like how to dance to jazz, draw a pyramid, whip up chocolate mug cakes, make God’s Eyes, juggle, do magic tricks, cut paper snowflakes—all on Zoom.  Last weekend one of you led a drawing meditation and the rest of you sank into it with your whole being (that was a major wow). In two weeks another of you is going to teach us how to make stop-motion videos. Glory be, you are amazing!

You are Zoom Professionals. You know how to confuse me by renaming yourselves to all be Gretchen or Dave or a different character from Harry Potter every hour. You use chat and emojis for joking, and you can pretend your screen is frozen or you’re listening when it’s not and you’re not. (Sshhh, but I am glad you are still mischievous!) You use whiteboards, advanced audio settings, tropical background screens (or a photo of your big orange cat) like you work for Google.

Most important, you’ve learned to make and be good friends while physically separated. It feels weird and a little scary, but you’re doing it. Can you remember when you thought you couldn’t?

I know it’s been a long time, and we still can’t see the finish line. We’re going to have to be even more creative, more loving, more determined. We have to keep laughing. And listing all of the things we’re grateful for.

The JYM (and JHYM***) staff and I so love you, as do way more Quakers in NEYM than you can imagine. Thank you for being beautiful, unique shining lights in our world! Keep going. We are with you.

Much Love,


**JYM: Junior Yearly Meeting

***JHYM: Junior High Yearly Meeting