New England Friends are blessed with a very dedicated and hard-working ongoing governance body in the Permanent Board. The Board exists to ensure attentive consideration and implementation of Yearly Meeting priorities, as discerned in annual Sessions. The members of Permanent Board have been nominated, and serve on behalf of all Yearly Meeting Friends, to implement the decisions and priorities of the Yearly Meeting, as directed by Sessions. Additionally, the Board is to thoughtfully season and decide issues of immediate concern throughout the year, and to be attentive to the spiritual health and functioning of the entire body of New England Friends between annual sessions. The current Board has 25 regular members and 8 ex-officio members from monthly meetings across New England.
Current priorities for the Board include:
- Strengthening the Yearly Meeting nominating process. As Jackie Stillwell transitions from clerking Nominating Committee to serving as Supervisor of the Yearly Meeting Secretary, Permanent Board is mindful of the many, many concerns held among New England Friends that are taken up by our committees, resource groups, working groups, and individuals. The Permanent Board is responsible for discerning readiness for approval of many of the nominations recommended by the Nominating Committee. The deep spiritual practices of discerning gifts and leadings is exemplified in the Nominating Committee as it fulfills a vital function in enabling Yearly Meeting’s collective, faithful response to our stated concerns.
- Attention to Development and mission-focused funds. Like many religious institutions, we have faced financial challenges following the COVID pandemic, and changing national and regional economic realities. Yearly Meeting has had a modest Development program for years but it’s now time for a focus on ensuring our financial stability to ensure that Friends ministry, faith, and practice will continue to serve the world.
- Attention to the condition of the quarterly meetings. The quarters serve vital functions in lifting up and supporting ministry and discerning clearness for travel in the ministry; in holding a concern for, and expressing the spiritual condition of constituent monthly meetings in State of Society reports, and pastoral care of meetings; in recognizing beloved Friends who have died, by collectively hearing memorial minutes; and in oversight and assisting the Yearly Meeting staff to resolve disposition of properties of laid down monthly meetings, among many other responsibilities and activities. This year Permanent Board is inquiring about the condition of the quarterly meetings by hosting a series of conversations among quarterly meeting leaders, to lift up and celebrate what is Life-giving, to hear concerns and reflect on solutions, and to share helpful information.
- Oversight and guidance of planning for Sessions 2025, and visioning for Sessions 2026 and beyond. Amidst the many challenges presented by the economy, demographics, and geography, Noah Merrill, Nia Thomas, and Elizabeth Hacala—three of our exceptional and dedicated staff—have shepherded a thoughtful, forward-looking collaborative planning process to move towards a sustainable vision for Sessions into the future.
- Oversight of concerns minuted by Annual Sessions. Permanent Board, in consultation with the Coordinating and Advisory (C&A) committee, has the responsibility and the privilege to approve and/or build upon recommendations from C&A, staff, and committee clerks concerning many concerns sent to the Board from Sessions every year. In this capacity, the Board acts as the Yearly Meeting when it is not in Session. Some of these concerns are:
- Nurturing a culture of disciplined and respectful spiritual discernment and inquiry within Permanent Board, staff, and among those volunteering their service on committees and working groups of NEYM
- Oversight of administration of the Legacy Gift fund and approval of disbursement of the Bodine-Rustin Funds
- Stewarding right relationship, under the care of the Right Relationship Resource Group, including moving forward on the report on Yearly Meeting involvement in Indigenous boarding schools, outreach to Oklahoma tribes, and shepherding a Yearly Meeting conversation on reparations
- Learning how to practice noticing patterns of oppression and faithfulness in our community and our society. Patterns of oppression marginalize some people while centering others, and noticing acts of faithfulness encourages us to keep trying to do better
- Being mindful of our long-term financial sustainability; receiving, advising, approving the Yearly Meeting budget and development recommendations from the Yearly Meeting Secretary, the Finance Committee, and the Treasurer for approval by Sessions
- Attention to and support for Friends Camp and Youth programs;
- Revisions and updates to Yearly Meeting staff personnel policies and financial policies
With a few rare exceptions, Permanent Board meetings are open to the NEYM spiritual community. If you would like to attend a meeting as a guest, or if you have any questions about the the work of Permanent Board please contact Susan Davies, Permanent Board clerk.