
Invitation to artists attending sessions in Castleton, Vermont

Story author
Skip Schiel

Once again, we now have the gorgeous space in the lobby of the Fine Arts Center for our exhibits. I’m coordinating the installation, consulting with our long time and gracious previous host, Nancy Marstaller. If you intend to exhibit please reply to me by July 31 with the number of pieces and total area in square feet you’ll need. Currently, we will limit the number of pieces to 5 small (up to 8 x 10 inches) and 3 large (up to 13 x 19). All art should be ready to hang or tack and with labels you provide. 3-D art may be acceptable, I’m not sure yet. Depending on the number of participants and the size of submitted art, to be fair to all we may need to limit submissions. We may have more flexibility once we see the entire range of submissions and know how to share the space with exhibitors other than artists. Late submissions may be possible but not guaranteed.

Sales need to be managed by the artists. Yearly Meeting derives no percentage. If you wish to sell your art, add a note to your exhibit with your contact information; e.g., "If interested in buying any of my art, please contact me at...".

This is not a juried exhibition. 

You can reach email me or call 617-441-7756 (landline) and once I leave home for Castleton around August 3 or 4 on my mobile, 617-230-6314. I look forward to hearing from you, meeting you if you do participate, and enjoying our collective art. We may even be able to organize an opening, or at least an informal meet-up.

You may be interested in the national Quaker artist group, The Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts. They organize regular exhibits, participate in Friends General Conference Gathering, and publish a newsletter. Here’s a link to a video of their show at FGC Gathering this summer.