
Legacy Gift Committee Announces Witness & Ministry Fund Grants

The Legacy Gift Committee of New England Yearly Meeting is pleased to announce the NEYM Witness & Ministry grants for winter 2022.

Mary Ellen Cohane (Mt. Toby Friends Meeting): To release Mary Ellen to help demystify economic structures so that Quaker activists and others can use that knowledge in the fight against systemic oppression of people and the earth. She is led to make this work available in the most accessible ways possible, such as via open access websites, a serial podcast, and Friends’ pamphlets. Grant: $7,000.

Andrew Grant (Mt. Toby Friends Meeting): To release Andrew to continue learning the history of the northeastern region with a concern for right relationship with the land and the people of the land, variously called Native Americans, American Indians, and Indigenous, but known by name in their local context and tribal affiliation. Grant: $10,000.

Marcelle Martin and New England Yearly Meeting’s Nurturing Faithfulness program: This grant is for recording interviews with Friends carrying important ministries related to Quaker responses to climate change and care of the Earth. From these interviews, short videos of the most important segments will be made available for wide distribution among Friends, and beyond, through the NEYM website and YouTube channel. Teaching videos created for offerings of the Nurturing Faithfulness program and shared widely among Friends have been viewed thousands of times. Grant: $1,200.