Star of Wonder, Star of Night,
Star of royal beauty bright.
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect light.
While singing outside around a glowing fire with Westport Friends last month, I realized that I was singing the third line of the chorus to We Three Kings differently from what was on my printed song sheet. Instead of Westward leading, I was singing Westport leading. I giggled. I don’t know how long I’ve been doing that—could have been years!
I’ve decided I rather like my new personal wording, though—because it’s true. Westport Friends are some of my guides that lead me towards the perfect Light. Whether they are inspiring, confounding, cheering, challenging, eldering, forgiving, or loving me, they are trying to help me remain on the path. I can so easily get lost—in myself, in my pride, in my To Do list, in the needs and injustices of the world, in my tunnel-vision experiences and understanding of the Divine.
The Society of Friends is not a misnomer. We need each other. None of us has the whole picture, but all of us have that of God within us. On any given day, I may be nudged along by a 3-year-old’s joy, a middle-schooler’s passion, a young adult’s intentionality, a parent or adult’s generosity or humility, or an elder’s long view and grace. Each of us adds to the richness and layers in the meaning-making, the Seeking, of this life.
The constellation in the sky that guides our way is dimmer these days with the losses caused by not being able to gather.
This is a long desert crossing, Dear Hearts, and many Friends, especially youth and parents, are so tired. We can’t just wait this pandemic out. On both a local meeting level and within the youth programs, we need to keep trying new ways to encourage and accompany each other along. We need to connect not just in worship and not just for business. We need to connect for joy, for hope, and for wonder—three gifts in short supply at this point.
After reducing my hours significantly in the month of December to let my heart and mind rest, I’m “back” and hope to find new and creative ways to nurture those gifts, particularly for our youth and families. You’ll find a few in this newsletter, and more in the next. (And yes, thanks, I gained some insights into what I need in order to keep going through this time, too.)
I am deeply grateful for all of the ways each of you light my way and our world. Reach out if I can be supportive or encouraging. I’m holding you in the Light, as I understand it, and wish you joy, hope and wonder in this new season.
With love,