
A letter from the Presiding Clerk

September 7, 2021

To Friends around New England:

Friends gathered during our business meetings at our annual sessions in August engaged deeply with a number of weighty concerns. Our time together was challenging, but blessed by much wisdom, insight, and grace.

The following actions which occurred at business sessions are of interest or have some significance for monthly meetings. Several points need further follow-up, but I wanted to get a first communication in your hands about some of the things we approved.

  • Most of you are aware that NEYM has a long-standing relationship with Cuba Yearly Meeting. Over recent months we have had some correspondence with Cuban Friends that reveals the significant challenges posed by the combination of embargo and COVID. Friends approved a minute, which you can read here, from the Puente de Amigos Committee encouraging the Biden administration to lift the blockade against Cuba and rescind executive actions which are harmful to the Cuban people. Individuals and monthly meetings are encouraged to consider how they might engage in lobbying for change for the wellbeing of our F/friends in Cuba. You may forward the minute to your congresspeople, copy the text and put it on your meeting letterhead, or use it as inspiration for other action.
  • The Yearly Meeting Secretary and the Presiding Clerk presented a denominational letter they had signed on our behalf, also encouraging the Biden administration to a series of actions to benefit the Cuban people. The letter can be found on the NEYM website here.
  • Letter of Apology: Friends approved the Letter of Apology to Native Americans, with some changes that had been suggested during open discernment. We recognize that, while significant, approval of the letter is not an end to this work, it is a step on the road. Friends approved the offer of several members of the Right Relationship Resource Group (RRRG) to shepherd how the letter is distributed and made public. Given recent news about boarding schools which leaves many Native people feeling tender about non-natives, and our (those of us who identify as white) tendency to center on our own needs and feelings, I ask that Friends not rush into delivering this letter to a local tribe. Please wait for a final copy, and some guidance from the RRRG, which includes individuals who are more well-versed than myself in native concerns.
  • Faith and Practice: Friends gave preliminary approval to a chapter on “Personal Spiritual Practices.” Friends are encouraged to use and engage with this text, which is available, along with other chapters which have received preliminary approval, on the NEYM website here. Final approval will occur when the whole of Faith and Practice is ready.
  • Earthcare Ministry: Friends approved forwarding a minute from the Earthcare Ministry Committee. The minute, which you can read here, recognizes the escalating crisis to our planet and encourages a number of actions, including getting involved in public policy and supporting those led to direct action.
  • On behalf of the Yearly Meeting, I was asked to write a letter to the General Board of Friends United Meeting (FUM), again asking them to consider and delete the discriminatory part of the personnel policy, and sharing our deep belief in how this policy is wrong. I will share the letter and any response we get at some later date. [Read the letter here.]
  • Bayard Rustin Fund: Friends approved a proposal from the FUM Committee to establish a fund which would receive money from individuals and monthly meetings. The money accumulated in this fund would be distributed annually to organizations working towards LGBTQIA+ justice and wellbeing. A small group of Friends will be appointed to discern which organization(s) will receive these funds. [Note that a few Friends observed that there is an existing fund with the same name at FGC. Permanent Board will consider whether to re-name this fund, which will not affect its approval or function]. More information will be forthcoming on how to submit to this fund.
  • Recognizing the pain that continues to be felt about our continuing relationship with FUM, and recognizing the enormous disparity of viewpoints about that relationship, not just around NEYM, but within many monthly meetings, Friends recognized the importance of a mechanism that would allow Friends  to divert the portion of their donations which would otherwise go to FUM as part of NEYM’s annual contribution to that organization.  Friends approved a new mechanism which does not withhold, but which directs those funds to the new Bayard Rustin Fund. Two additional points about this mechanism: the mechanism has no end date—it will “remain in effect until the Personnel Policy changes, or until Friends find a new way forward.” Also, the minute approved does not include establishment of a separate fund where those Friends who are interested can contribute to make up the difference in what is sent to FUM. Please note that any Friend who is so led may donate directly to FUM. Once the final language of the minute is approved by Permanent Board, I will send more information on how to engage with this mechanism
  • Collaboration with other Yearly Meetings: Friends approved a second proposal from the FUM committee, which asks our FUM Board Representatives to convene a meeting of open and affirming Yearly Meetings “for the purpose of mutual encouragement, support, strategy building, and development of a plan for wider intervisitation.” A few Friends, while supporting this initiative, pointed out that  conferring with like-minded Friends does not go far enough—we need to spend time with those with whom we disagree. Our work here is far from done—perhaps this consultation will result in a plan we can engage with.
  • No Way to Treat a Child: We were presented with two minutes from Quarterly Meetings asking the yearly meeting to endorse AFSC’s No Way to Treat a Child program, and US bill HR2407. We heard deep concerns about the AFSC program, and deep concerns about the wellbeing of children, not only in Palestine but in the US and around the world. We did not find unity to approve these minutes, but MM are welcome to consider whether or how they are led around these concerns. We were reminded of Minute 2017-46 (re-affirmed in 2019), which encourages Friends to individual and corporate action, including learning about the Israel-Palestine conflict and working towards the end of military aid to all involved parties. Please be aware that a working group under the oversight of Permanent Board has been formed to help Friends live into this work. Expect to hear from them this year.
  • Internalized Homophobia and Transphobia: A third proposal from the FUM Committee invites us “to examine the ways that homophobia and transphobia lives in the broader culture, in our meetings, and in us.” As much as cisgendered straight people like myself would like to deny it, I have heard enough comments revealing lingering homophobia that I am convinced that this is important work. In the company of seemingly more pressing concerns, this proposal did not receive enough attention during open discernment to approve it, but I mention this as it remains on my heart.

Bruce Neumann, Presiding Clerk